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Speech-to-Text experiments

This repository contains experiments with different transcription services for Fonti4.0 project.
The required Python version is 3.8.x
For packages and virtual environment management the chosen tool is pipenv.


alt text

Local environment


  1. Download and install PyCharm IDE.
  2. Install pipenv. A guide is available here.
  3. Create a new PyCharm project from this GIT repository.
  4. If necessary run scripts in /scripts to install Google SDk and/or AWS CLI.
  5. Execute PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 pipenv sync --dev to initialize the virtual env and download the required packages.
  6. Reboot PyCharm to activate the new virtual environment.
  7. Create your /config/config.ini file from /config/config.ini.sample.
  8. Open a terminal inside PyCharm and run: python -m ipykernel install --user --name=fonti4.0 to install a custom kernel for Jupyter
  9. Run the notebook with jupyter notebook --MultiKernelManager.default_kernel_name=fonti4.0 ./notebooks/<ipynb_file> (substitute <ipynb_file> with the notebook that you want to run)

Install new Python packages

If you need a new package while developing, always use pipenv:

# Use [package_name]==[version] to install a specific package's version 
# If you don't specify any version Pipfile package requirement will be inserted with '*' (allow any version)
# Use -d option to install the package as dev-requirement
pipenv install <package>

This will update the Pipfile and Pipfile.lock files and share the requirements with the other developers and environments.

Canonical format

In order to use evaluation algorithms and thus obtain comparison metrics for the different transcription services, a translation in a canonical format of the latter's output is carried out, as you can guess from the diagram above.

Protocol Buffers

The structure for the canonical model was defined using Google's Protocol Buffers mechanism. All .proto files must be placed inside the folder /protocol-buffers and their respective compiled modules reside in the folder /modules/compiled.

Follow these steps if there is a need to change the canonical transcription model:

  1. Install Protobuf Compiler by running /scripts/
  2. Make any necessary changes to the target .proto file.
  3. Compile .proto files in /protocol-buffers folder by running /scripts/

Speech-to-Text services

As of now two are the services being tested: Google Speech-to-Text and AWS Transcribe.

Google Speech-to-Text

In order to perform the tests you need to have an active Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account with Cloud Speech-to-Text API enabled. For files larger than 10 MB it is necessary to have a bucket in Google Cloud Storage in which an automatic upload of these files will be carried out.


There are two ways you can authenticate as a service account to GCP (more details here):

  1. Run /scripts/ and follow the instructions (this will install Google Cloud SDK on your system).
  2. Set the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_FILE_PATH configuration to point to a JSON file containing the service account credentials (see next section for more details on service configuration options).

Warning: if you choose the second authentication method, make sure that the service account has the necessary permissions to access the Speech-to-Text and Cloud Storage services.


Configuration parameters for Google Speech-to-Text can be found in the [Google_STT] section of the main configuration file /config/config.ini. All the details for the configurations regarding the transcription request are available here, while other custom configurations have been introduced:

  • INPUT_BUCKET_NAME - Name of the bucket to which the local file will be uploaded if its size is greater than 10 MB. e.g. fonti40_cini.
  • INPUT_BLOB_PREFIX - Prefix of the bucket's blob where the local file will be uploaded. It can be used to indicate a path to a folder in the bucket. e.g. speeches/.

The local file will then be uploaded to the bucket at the given location while keeping its name, and the URI will be: gs://[INPUT_BUCKET_NAME]/[INPUT_BLOB_PREFIX][FILE_NAME]. e.g. gs://fonti40_cini/speeches/local_speech.wav.

  • LONG_RECOGNIZE_TIMEOUT - Timeout in seconds for a long transcription operation: after this time the request will be aborted. Default value is 3600.
  • PROJECT_ID - The project to which the GCS bucket is related to. Required.
  • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_FILE_PATH - Path to a JSON file containing a service account credentials. If set, it will be used by libraries' clients to authenticate to GCP.
  • TRANSCRIPTION_OUTPUT_PATH - Local path to which transcripts file will be saved.
  • CANONICAL_TRANSCRIPTION_OUTPUT_PATH - Local path to which canonical transcripts file will be saved.

AWS Transcribe

In order to perform the tests you need to have an active Amazon Web Services (AWS) account with a IAM user that has permissions to us AWS Transcribe and S3 services. AWS Transcribe requires the file to be in a storage bucket to transcribe it, so for local file transcription requests an automatic upload of these files will be carried out.

Warning: default IAM permission AmazonTranscribeFullAccess gives full access to transcribe service but read permission to all buckets that contain the string "transcribe" in the name. If the bucket that is set as output doesn't contain this string, be sure to manually assign permissions to that bucket for the user.


There are two ways you can authenticate as a user to AWS (more details here):

  1. Run /scripts/ and follow the instructions (this will install AWS CLI on your system).
  2. Set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY configurations to provide the user's credentials (see next section for more details on service configuration options).


Configuration parameters for AWS Transcribe can be found in the [AWS_Transcribe] section of the main configuration file /config/config.ini. All the details for the configurations regarding the transcription request are available here, while other custom configurations have been introduced:

  • INPUT_BUCKET_NAME - Name of the bucket to which the local file will be uploaded. e.g. fonti4.0.
  • INPUT_KEY_PREFIX - Prefix of the bucket's key where the local file will be uploaded. It can be used to indicate a path to a folder in the bucket. e.g. speeches/.

The local file will then be uploaded to the bucket at the given location while keeping its name, and the URI will be: s3://[INPUT_BUCKET_NAME]/[INPUT_KEY_PREFIX][FILE_NAME]. e.g. s3://fonti4.0/speeches/local_speech.wav.

  • TRANSCRIPTION_JOB_NAME_PREFIX - Prefix for the AWS transcription job's name. The name of the transcription job is obtained by appending this prefix to the file name: [TRANSCRIPTION_JOB_NAME_PREFIX]_[FILE_NAME].
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - AWS Access Key ID of the user to authenticate.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - AWS Secret Access Key of the user to authenticate.
  • TRANSCRIPTION_OUTPUT_PATH - Local path to which transcripts file will be saved.
  • CANONICAL_TRANSCRIPTION_OUTPUT_PATH - Local path to which canonical transcripts file will be saved.