- Where is ECN Stripped On The Network?
- Myles Lamb
- 2325727L
- Dr Colin Perkins
- This file contains the time log for your project. It will be submitted along with your final dissertation.
- This timelog should be filled out honestly, regularly (daily) and accurately. It is for your benefit.
- Follow the structure provided, grouping time by weeks. Quantise time to the half hour.
- 2 hours Reading hall of fame projects
- 1 hour Reading project guidance documents
- 1 hour Preliminary background reading (Is ECN usable with UDP, Revision on ECN)
- 1 hour Evaluation of packet sniffers / manglers (libpcap, Scapy)
- 1.5 hours git setup + population
- 1 hour meeting preparation, mindmap
- 0.5 hours Initial project meeting
- 2 hours Reading ECN RFC and is ECN usable with UDP
- 4 hours reading cited papers from "is ECN usable with UDP"
- 1.5 hours Agenda plan for meeting 8-10-2020 and preliminary timing plan for project
- 1.5 hours Meeting + preparation
- 4 hours Various readings + technology evaluation (PATHSpider, tracebox, Openssl, libressl, quic implementations) investigating ICMP probes suitability for differing transport layer technologies, Investigations on proposed expanded scope DSCP stripping on the network, ECT(0) or ECT(1)
- 1 hour Looking at packet interception with libpcap -> can strip most of the data we dont need before analysis
- 0.5 hours Draft basic requirements
- 1 hour Reading DSCP modification paper "Towards a Middlebox Policy Taxonomy:Path Impairments"
- 1 hour Reading Enabling Internet wide deployment of explicit congestion notification
- 0.5 hours Revision of network programming in C "UNIX® Network Programming Volume 1, Third Edition: The Sockets Networking API"
- 1 hour Reading "Measuring Interactions Between Transport Protocols and Middleboxes"
- 1.5 hours Work on prototype HTTP
- 1 hour Resolving issue with ECN enablement
- 0.5 hours Refine requirements towards user stories
- 1.5 hours writing tcp dump clone + refactor proto + ipv6 support
- 1 hour meeting with advisor + prep
- 5 hours threading tcp dump clone + writing component api, debugging ipv6 support
- 5 hours Threaded libnetfilter component
- 2 hours Debugging pcap context switch
- 1 hours writing in partial application of altering TOS bits of ipv4 header
- 3 hours Rough file parser and tweaks to alteration of TOS bits
- 1 hours Meeting with advisor + prep
- 2 hours Various refactorings, fixing memory leaks and invalid memory accesses
- 2 hours fixing synchronisation issue with jit packet modifier
- 1 hour implement proper ECN negotiation with jit packet modifier
- 0.5 hours refactoring output file structure
- 0.5 hours fixing ECT(0) bug
- 4 hours raw sockets traceroute implementation TCP
- 2 hours initial work on ntp client
- 0.5 hours Administriva reorganising
- 1 hour meeting with advisor + prep
- 4 hours debugging ntp/udp checksum issue
- 2 hours Work on ntp traceroute implementation
- 0.5 hours implement solution to ntp/udp checksum issue
- 4 hours working on iterative dns
- 1 hour Meeting with advisor + prep
- 2 hours Quic configuration on local machine
- 1 hour Analysis on how to perform iterative dns
- 2 hours Work on iterative dns
- 4 hours Work on iterative dns
- 2 hours Work on iterative DNS bug
- 1 hours Work refactoring DNS code
- 1 hour finish iterative dns
- 1hour refactoring connector.c
- 1.5 hours aws setup
- 1.5 hour tinkering with provisioning systems (terraform, vagrant)
- 1 hour work with image proviosiong (docker, vm images) -> docker images are not fun to work with
- 1.5 hours work on terraform and packer
- 2.5 hours Finish up work on packer
- 1.5 hours Work on jit packet modifications -> adapt to ipv6
- 1 hour Set up ntp dataset gatherer + adapt to ipv6
- 1 hour Brief work on methodology
- 0.5 hours Small ammendments to installer script
- 1 hour Advisor meeting + prep
- 3 hours Work on TCP DNS
- 1 hour Refactorings + initial test suite
- 3 hours Attempt to resolve bug with test suite
- 2 hours refactor file parser code
- 2 hours Attempt to resolve memory leaks with DNS
- 0.5 hours Solve issue with test suite + At to CI
- 1.5 hours Adapt ntp code to use IPv6
- 3 hours Attempt to adapt ntp tracert code to IPv6
- 1.5 hours Various refactorings
- 2 hours Refactorings in connector.c (protocol client code)
- 1.5 hours Attempt to resolve issue with IPv6 raw sockets
- 3 hours Work on experiemntal methodology
- 1 hour implement pktinfo to capture ipv6 src addrs
- 1 hour ipv4/ipv6 raw sockets impl
- 5 hours refactor/rewrite connector.c
- 1.5 hours Resolve issues with refactor (fix sendto port with rawsock)
- 1 hour integrate lsquic into installer image
- 1 hour make rawsock more robust / fix invalid memory accesses
- 1 hour resolve issue with AWS (tx boxes are only useful for burst loads)
- 1 hour Further research on terraform deploy script (jit vpc creation)
- 2 hours Resolve issues with IPv6 rawsock not sending
- 1.5 hours Minor refactorings
- 1 hour Reading lsquic documentation
- 3 hours Work on intial version of Quic connections
- 2 hour Begin to integrate lsquic into installer script for cloud machines
- 1 hour Advisor meeting + prep
- 2 hours Continue work with integrating quic
- 2 hours Debug issues with wireshark and quic
- 1.5 hours Install wireshark from source
- 1.5 hours Change repo to submodule style
- 2 hours Use lsquic tutorial to supplement connection code
- 2 hour Identify bug introduced in lsquic, revert to previous lsquic release
- 2 hours Begin work on integrating cron jobs onto amazon machine
- 4 hours Work on multi instance terraform
- 2 hours Integrate packer output with terraform input
- 4 hours Work on Quic tracert
- 1 hour Advisor meeting + prep
- 3 hours Work on ethics approval files
- 3 hours Refactor use of strcmp to jump tables + Various minor refactorings
- 2 hours Attempt to resolve bug with udp + tcp rawsockets
- 3.5 hours Solve bug with raw tracerts / switch compiler to clang
- 3 hours Refactor / tidy up tool output
- 3 hours Tidy up installer script for deploy
- 1.5 hours Resolve issues from preflight deploy
- 1 hours Tidy up delays -> make tool faster
- 2 hours Resolve timing issue that caused segfault with tool
- 3 hours Improve timing through use of nanosleep
- 3 hours Fix CI pipeline (Was left broken for a while)
- 1 hours Tweaks to ethics documentation
- 3 hours Make pcap component much faster with immediate mode
- 2 hours Begin to untether from specific ports
- 2 hours research pcap parsing libs
- 3 hours Begin work on data analysis component
- 2 hours Resolve issues with parsing quic files
- 2 hours Alter python polymorphism model to support file parsing model
- 2 hours Begin to implement strategies for calculating statistics
- 2 hours Fix latency issue with libpcap
- 2.5 hours Attempting to source participants from reddit + other user groups
- 1 hour Refactor/improve makefile
- 1 hour Advisor meeting + prep
- 2 hours Improve file handling under data analysis component
- 5 hours Re-implement terraform functionality properly, parameterise into terraform module
- 3 hours Un-tether network tool from using a singular port
- 2 hours Identify concurrency issue with network analysis tool, under small deplyoment
- 1.5 hours Continue trying to debug concurrency issue
- 1.5 hours Start work on, on path TCP support
- 1 hour Patch packer integration script after update
- 2 hours Begin collecting alexa top sites dataset
- 1 hour Clear up small installer bugs from pre-deploy
- 1 hour Update pre flight scripts
- 2 hours Various readability improvements in connector.c
- 0.5 hours Remove down DNS resolvers from dataset
- 1.5 hours More mork on fixing concurrency issues
- 1.5 hours Attempt another pre-flight
- 1 hour Track down researce leak, fd in connector.c
- 1 hour Tidy up memory management
- 0.5 hours Fix cron scheduling for deploy
- 1 hour Fix occasional crash with IPv6 lookup
- 1 hour Continue trying to fix concurrency issue with components
- 1 hour Various refactorings in connector.c
- 3 hours Fix additional memory leaks
- 2 hours Continue with TCP path probe
- 1 hours Contacting participants
- 3 hours Trial ARM support + debug signed char
- 2 hours Writing Raspberry Pi installer script
- 1.5 hours Contacting participants
- 2 hours Identify IPv6 bug + attempt to fix, raw IPv6 tracert not recognising host response
- 4 hours Finish on path tcp traceroute
- 3 hours Completely re-write concurrency model
- 1 hour Implement timed wait for TCP acks in no response from host
- 2.5 hours Work on formatting datasets for tool + various shell scripts
- 1 hour Contacting participants, getting consent forms
- 1.5 hours Patch CI again
- 1 hour Add automated installers for deployment
- 2 hours Contacting participants for consent forms
- 1 hour Advisor meeting + prep
- 2 hours Deploy for automated hosts (AWS)
- 4 hours Contacting participants
- 1.5 hours Check in with automated tools and participants
- 1 hour Deploy bugfix for IPv4 hosts and IPv6 dataset
- 1 hour Fix for manual install
- 1.5 hours Check in with automated tools and participants
- 1 hour Add kill step for stalled aws machines
- 1.5 hours Check in with automated tools and participants
- 1.5 hours Check in with automated tools and participants
- 1.5 hours Check in with automated tools and participants
- 1.5 hours Add strategy pattern from sniffing packets
- 1 hour Advisor meeting + prep
- 2 hours Add more statistic calculations, does host TCP reset
- 1 hour Nug fix for calculating what hop removed ECT codepoint
- 1.5 hours Cumulative density function for TCP removal
- 2 hours Debrief participants
- 2 hours Collect results from participants
- 2 hours Data pruning, removing unsuccessfull traces
- 1 hour Advisor meeting + prep
- 2 hours Collect data from AWS hosts
1 hour Advisor meeting + prep
2 hours Continue data analysis statistics
2 hours Begin checkpointed data analysis implementation
1 hour High level overview of data (check for interesting characteristics)
1 hour Investigate Participant-1 data
1 hour Call with participant one with followup questions
- 1 hour Advisor meeting + prep
- 3 hours Start writing basic dissertation structure
- 4 hours diss
- 2 hours Work on dissertation intro, and template some of background section
- 1 hour Advisor meeting + prep
- 1 hour implement guidance on dissert structure from advisor
- 2 hours Work on ICMP explanation in background
- 2 hours Work on dissertation design section
- 3 hours Work on dissertation background section
- 1 hour Redo system architecture diagram for dissertation
- 1 hour Advisor meeting + prep
- 5 hours Writing up experiemental methodology
- 1 hour Plan out results section
- 1 hour Generate plotted host samples on earth map
- 3 hours Work revising experimental methodology write up
- 1.5 hours Work on analysis section
- 3 hours Work on implementation section
- 1 hour Begun writing results section, TCP adoption
- 1 hour Add extra detail to methodology
- 1 hour Fix bug with TCP adoption
- 5 hours Finish TCP ECN adoption section, add in other measurements from studies
- 2 hours Small tweaks to background section
- 2 hours Parallelism refactor for data analysis tool -> run each instance in its own thread
- 0.5 hours Placeholder abstract
- 1 hour Advisor meeting + prep
- 3 hours Produce TCP bar charts for TCP strip data between hosts, write up surrounding content
- 1.5 hours Write up deployment notes in implementation section (packer and terraform programs)
- 1 hour Begin to write up quic section
- 2 hours Data analysis, checking statistical assumptions for IPv4 and IPv6 data (including background reading on stats)
- 1.5 Hours Flesh out implementation section, "ip version remarking", and other notable "behaviours"
- 1.5 hours Flesh out transport protocol dependant remarking section
- 1.5 hours implement new data analysis statistics for ECT marked ICMP responses
- 2 hours Revise implementation section discussion of network analysis tool
- 1 hours Work on aesthetics / introduce data visualization of hops,
- 1.5 hours Write up abnormal results from Participant-1
- 1.5 hours Graph on interface hop that Codepoint is removed + write up surrounding section
- 1.5 hours Graph on TCP UDP comparison + surrounding write up
- 1 hour Small changes in section on UDP, grammar related
- 2 hours Write up section on routers that mimick ToS
- 2 hours Finish up writing on routers tat mimic tos and include diagram methodology
- 2 hours Clarify in results sections what data is being used and where it came from, "selecting traces from x dataset"
- 3 hours Write up results on data from AS boundaries
- 3 Hours Tweak AS boundary calcualtions and write into dissertation
- 2 Hours Identify specific network interfaces that are clearing and write up
- 1 Hour As traversal graph
- 1 hour Fix latex tables with long column names
- 1 hour Summary for implementation section
- 2 hours Discover and write up specific markup behaviours
- 3 hours Add more detail to ECN under UDP section
1 hour Add detail to TCP UDP section
2 hours Do device matching between udp and tcp traces, and writing up results into dissertation
1 hour Write up conclusion
1 hour Improve graph of hops figure so that it appears much clearer
2 hours Begin redrafting first sections (abstract and intro)
1 hour Remove subheadings + improve prose structure
- 1 hour tidy up experimental method + removing extrenous comments
- 1.5 hours Add in why routers drop packets, flow better to ECN section
- 1.5 hours Improve flow of implementation section
- 1.5 hours more work on implementation section, fleshing out explnation of deployment infra
- 3 hours various small changes across sections to improve flow + less reliance on subheadings
- 1 hour Preparing appendices, ethics approval, consent forms and include within dissertation
- 1 hour Add volunteer information to implementation section
- 2 hours Work on per ect modification section in results
- 1 hour Code for per ect modifcation section.
- 1 hour Write up specific remarking behaviour
- 1 hour Code for specific remarking behaviour
- 2 hours Relate results to previous papers + fill in references from zotero
- 1 hour Track down RFCs to cite
- 1 hour Finish up with statistics for IPv4 and IPv6 (confidence intervals)
- 1 hour Proof read and grammar fixes
- 8.5 hours Spelling and grammar fixes
- 2 hours Additional spelling checking and
- 4 hours Finish up with tooling documentation
- 1 hour Restructure repository in preparation for submission
- 1 hour Small stylistic changes, making sure acronyms are first elaborated.
- 5 hours create slides, and implement video
- 2 hours Small last minute changes to directory structure for submission, last minute referencing