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Releases: neo4j/graphql

@neo4j/[email protected]

24 Jan 13:25
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This is an important patch release which ensures compatibility with the upcoming Neo4j 2025 release. Before you upgrade to Neo4j 2025, please ensure that you have applied this patch upgrade.

Patch Changes

@neo4j/[email protected]

24 Jan 13:14
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This is an important patch release which ensures compatibility with the upcoming Neo4j 2025 release. Before you upgrade to Neo4j 2025, please ensure that you have applied this patch upgrade.

Major Changes

  • #5936 d48ea32 Thanks @mjfwebb! - Changes the result projection where there are multiple relationships between two nodes.

    In the case of using the connection API then multiple relationships will still be represented, as there is the ability to select the relationship properties. In the non-connection API case, the duplicate results will only return distinct results.

  • #5931 5ce7d1d Thanks @darrellwarde! - DateTime and Time values are now converted from strings into temporal types in the generated Cypher instead of in server code using the driver. This could result in different values when the database is in a different timezone to the GraphQL server.

  • #5933 8bdcf6b Thanks @mjfwebb! - When performing a connect operation, new relationships are always created.

@neo4j/[email protected]

06 Jan 14:46
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Major Changes

Minor Changes

  • #5868 46ab2fa Thanks @angrykoala! - Add suport for generic update operators:

    mutation {
        updateMovies(update: { name: { set: "The Matrix" } }) {
            movies {
  • #5873 17911fc Thanks @MacondoExpress! - Introduce a new style for filtering relationships and connections.
    The quantifiers SOME | NONE | SINGLE | ALL are now available as a nested input object.


        movies(where: { genres: { some: { name: { equals: "some genre" } } } }) {


        movies(where: { genresConnection: { some: { node: { name: { equals: "some genre" } } } } }) {

Patch Changes

  • #5871 722c650 Thanks @angrykoala! - Deprecate individual mutations in favor of generic mutations

    • _SET
    • _POP
    • _PUSH
    • _ADD
    • _DIVIDE
  • #5882 7254acf Thanks @angrykoala! - Deprecates old aggregation filters for relationships in favor of more generic filters:


    query Movies {
        where: { actorsAggregate: { node: { lastRating_AVERAGE_GT: 6 } } }
      ) {


    query Movies {
        where: {
          actorsAggregate: { node: { lastRating: { average: { gt: 6 } } } }
      ) {
  • #5897 4f3b068 Thanks @MacondoExpress! - Deprecate relationship filtering using the non-generic version such as actors_SOME: { title_EQ: "The Matrix" } in favor of the generic input actors: { some: { title: { eq: "The Matrix" } } }.
    The setting excludeDeprecatedFields now contains the option relationshipFilters to remove these deprecated filters.

  • #5897 917482b Thanks @MacondoExpress! - Deprecate attribute filtering using the non-generic version such as title_EQ: "The Matrix" in favor of the generic input title: { eq: "The Matrix" }.
    The setting excludeDeprecatedFields now contains the option attributeFilters to remove these deprecated filters.

  • #5879 5c7ba22 Thanks @angrykoala! - Add generic filters for aggregations:

        posts(where: { likesAggregate: { node: { rating: { average: { eq: 3.2 } } } } }) {
  • #5882 7254acf Thanks @angrykoala! - Introduce the flag "aggregationFilters" to remove deprecated aggregation filters:

    const neoSchema = new Neo4jGraphQL({
        features: { excludeDeprecatedFields: { aggregationFilters: true } },

@neo4j/[email protected]

20 Dec 09:46
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Patch Changes

  • #5904 64d4da1 Thanks @a-alle! - Fix error message for wrong requireAuthentication argument on @authorization directive

  • #5906 80df6f3 Thanks @Masadow! - Fixed a bug that appears when filtering on interface relationships

@neo4j/[email protected]

20 Dec 09:29
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Patch Changes

  • #5890 f7358d0 Thanks @Masadow! - Fixed a bug that appears when filtering on interface relationships

  • #5901 06478b8 Thanks @a-alle! - Fix error message for wrong requireAuthentication argument on @authorization directive

@neo4j/[email protected]

20 Dec 09:29
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Patch Changes

@neo4j/[email protected]

20 Dec 15:06
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Major Changes

Patch Changes

  • #5837 721691a Thanks @MacondoExpress! - Changed how "@neo4j/introspector" generates list fields that now are generated as a list of non-nullable elements, as a list of nullable elements is not supported by Neo4j.

@neo4j/[email protected]

20 Dec 15:06
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Major Changes

  • #5899 7335d8f Thanks @darrellwarde! - Nested mutation operations now follow the relationship direction behaviour as defined in queryDirection

  • #5872 925ad8d Thanks @angrykoala! - Remove @private directive. This directive was intended to be used with the library @neo4j/graphql-ogm which is no longer supported.

  • #5895 6afcadd Thanks @angrykoala! - Fails schema generation if there are conflicting plural names in types. For example, the following schema will fail, due to ambiguous Techs plural

    type Tech @node(plural: "Techs") {
        name: String
    type Techs {
        value: String
  • #5755 9c75f92 Thanks @angrykoala! - Remove support for connectOrCreate operations

  • #5778 56022ba Thanks @darrellwarde! - The deprecated directed argument has been removed, and queryDirection now only accepts two possible values - DIRECTED (default) and UNDIRECTED.

    Additionally, the directedArgument setting of excludeDeprecatedFields has been removed as these deprecated fields have been removed.

  • #5819 ac1fa62 Thanks @angrykoala! - Single element relationships have been removed in favor of list relationships:


    type Movie {
        director: Person @relationship(type: "DIRECTED", direction: "IN")


    type Movie {
        director: [Person!]! @relationship(type: "DIRECTED", direction: "IN")

    This requires updating filters, clients and auth rules to use the list filter operations.

    Single element relationships cannot be reliably enforced, leading to a data inconsistent with the schema. If the GraphQL model requires 1-1 relationships (such as in federations) these can now be achieved with the @cypher directive instead:

    type Movie {
        director: Person
                statement: """
                RETURN p
                columnName: "p"
  • #5762 87e416b Thanks @darrellwarde! - There have been major changes to the way that full-text search operates.

    The directive now requires the specification of an index name, query name, and indexed fields.

    input FulltextInput {
        indexName: String!
        queryName: String!
        fields: [String]!
    Informs @neo4j/graphql that there should be a fulltext index in the database, allows users to search by the index in the generated schema.
    directive @fulltext(indexes: [FulltextInput]!) on OBJECT

    Here is an example of how this might be used:

    type Movie @node @fulltext(indexName: "movieTitleIndex", queryName: "moviesByTitle", fields: ["title"]) {
        title: String!

    Full-text search was previously available in two different locations.

    The following form has now been completely removed:

    # Removed
        movies(fulltext: { movieTitleIndex: { phrase: "The Matrix" } }) {

    The following form as a root-level query has been changed:

    # Old query
    query {
        moviesByTitle(phrase: "The Matrix") {
            movies {
    # New query
    query {
        moviesByTitle(phrase: "The Matrix") {
            edges {
                node {

    The new form is as a Relay connection, which allows for pagination using cursors and access to the pageInfo field.

  • #5820 d8d59f8 Thanks @MacondoExpress! - Change the way how @node behaves, @node is now required, and GraphQL Object types without the directive @node will no longer considered as a Neo4j Nodes representation.
    Queries and Mutations will be generated only for types with the @node directive.

  • #5801 95ce8bb Thanks @darrellwarde! - Implicit filtering fields have been removed, please use the explicit versions:

    # Old syntax
        movies(where: { title: "The Matrix" }) {
    # New syntax
        movies(where: { title_EQ: "The Matrix" }) {

    The implicitEqualFilters option of excludeDeprecatedFields has been removed.

  • #5755 9c75f92 Thanks @angrykoala! - Remove support for @unique directive

  • #5768 e338590 Thanks @angrykoala! - Remove overwrite field in connect operations

  • #5777 0ecfd71 Thanks @darrellwarde! - The deprecated options argument has been removed.

    Consider the following type definitions:

    type Movie {
        title: String!

    The migration is as below:

    # Old syntax
        movies(options: { first: 10, offset: 10, sort: [{ title: ASC }] }) {
    # New syntax
        movies(first: 10, offset: 10, sort: [{ title: ASC }]) {

    The deprecatedOptionsArgument of excludeDeprecatedFields has been removed as it is now a no-op.

  • #5802 99cb9aa Thanks @darrellwarde! - Implicit set operations have been removed. For example:

    # Old syntax
    mutation {
        updateMovies(where: { title_EQ: "Matrix" }, update: { title: "The Matrix" }) {
            movies {
    # New syntax
    mutation {
        updateMovies(where: { title_EQ: "Matrix" }, update: { title_SET: "The Matrix" }) {
            movies {

    The implicitSet argument of excludeDeprecatedFields has been removed.

  • #5789 1a07d40 Thanks @darrellwarde! - The Neo4j GraphQL Library and Introspector now required Node.js 22 or greater.

Patch Changes

  • #5837 721691a Thanks @MacondoExpress! - Added a validation rule to avoid defining fields as lists of nullable elements, as Neo4j does not support this.

@neo4j/[email protected]

16 Dec 14:26
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Patch Changes

@neo4j/[email protected]

16 Dec 14:25
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Patch Changes