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* @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\nimport { __extends } from 'tslib';\nimport { NgModule, Directive, TemplateRef, ComponentFactoryResolver, ViewContainerRef, EventEmitter, Output } from '@angular/core';\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n\n/**\n * Throws an exception when attempting to attach a null portal to a host.\n * \\@docs-private\n * @return {?}\n */\nfunction throwNullPortalError() {\n throw Error('Must provide a portal to attach');\n}\n/**\n * Throws an exception when attempting to attach a portal to a host that is already attached.\n * \\@docs-private\n * @return {?}\n */\nfunction throwPortalAlreadyAttachedError() {\n throw Error('Host already has a portal attached');\n}\n/**\n * Throws an exception when attempting to attach a portal to an already-disposed host.\n * \\@docs-private\n * @return {?}\n */\nfunction throwPortalOutletAlreadyDisposedError() {\n throw Error('This PortalOutlet has already been disposed');\n}\n/**\n * Throws an exception when attempting to attach an unknown portal type.\n * \\@docs-private\n * @return {?}\n */\nfunction throwUnknownPortalTypeError() {\n throw Error('Attempting to attach an unknown Portal type. BasePortalOutlet accepts either ' +\n 'a ComponentPortal or a TemplatePortal.');\n}\n/**\n * Throws an exception when attempting to attach a portal to a null host.\n * \\@docs-private\n * @return {?}\n */\nfunction throwNullPortalOutletError() {\n throw Error('Attempting to attach a portal to a null PortalOutlet');\n}\n/**\n * Throws an exception when attempting to detach a portal that is not attached.\n * \\@docs-private\n * @return {?}\n */\nfunction throwNoPortalAttachedError() {\n throw Error('Attempting to detach a portal that is not attached to a host');\n}\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n/**\n * A `Portal` is something that you want to render somewhere else.\n * It can be attach to / detached from a `PortalOutlet`.\n * @abstract\n * @template T\n */\nvar /**\n * A `Portal` is something that you want to render somewhere else.\n * It can be attach to / detached from a `PortalOutlet`.\n * @abstract\n * @template T\n */\nPortal = /** @class */ (function () {\n function Portal() {\n }\n /** Attach this portal to a host. */\n /**\n * Attach this portal to a host.\n * @param {?} host\n * @return {?}\n */\n Portal.prototype.attach = /**\n * Attach this portal to a host.\n * @param {?} host\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (host) {\n if (host == null) {\n throwNullPortalOutletError();\n }\n if (host.hasAttached()) {\n throwPortalAlreadyAttachedError();\n }\n this._attachedHost = host;\n return /** @type {?} */ (host.attach(this));\n };\n /** Detach this portal from its host */\n /**\n * Detach this portal from its host\n * @return {?}\n */\n Portal.prototype.detach = /**\n * Detach this portal from its host\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n var /** @type {?} */ host = this._attachedHost;\n if (host == null) {\n throwNoPortalAttachedError();\n }\n else {\n this._attachedHost = null;\n host.detach();\n }\n };\n Object.defineProperty(Portal.prototype, \"isAttached\", {\n /** Whether this portal is attached to a host. */\n get: /**\n * Whether this portal is attached to a host.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n return this._attachedHost != null;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n /**\n * Sets the PortalOutlet reference without performing `attach()`. This is used directly by\n * the PortalOutlet when it is performing an `attach()` or `detach()`.\n */\n /**\n * Sets the PortalOutlet reference without performing `attach()`. This is used directly by\n * the PortalOutlet when it is performing an `attach()` or `detach()`.\n * @param {?} host\n * @return {?}\n */\n Portal.prototype.setAttachedHost = /**\n * Sets the PortalOutlet reference without performing `attach()`. This is used directly by\n * the PortalOutlet when it is performing an `attach()` or `detach()`.\n * @param {?} host\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (host) {\n this._attachedHost = host;\n };\n return Portal;\n}());\n/**\n * A `ComponentPortal` is a portal that instantiates some Component upon attachment.\n * @template T\n */\nvar /**\n * A `ComponentPortal` is a portal that instantiates some Component upon attachment.\n * @template T\n */\nComponentPortal = /** @class */ (function (_super) {\n __extends(ComponentPortal, _super);\n function ComponentPortal(component, viewContainerRef, injector) {\n var _this = _super.call(this) || this;\n _this.component = component;\n _this.viewContainerRef = viewContainerRef;\n _this.injector = injector;\n return _this;\n }\n return ComponentPortal;\n}(Portal));\n/**\n * A `TemplatePortal` is a portal that represents some embedded template (TemplateRef).\n * @template C\n */\nvar /**\n * A `TemplatePortal` is a portal that represents some embedded template (TemplateRef).\n * @template C\n */\nTemplatePortal = /** @class */ (function (_super) {\n __extends(TemplatePortal, _super);\n function TemplatePortal(template, viewContainerRef, context) {\n var _this = _super.call(this) || this;\n _this.templateRef = template;\n _this.viewContainerRef = viewContainerRef;\n _this.context = context;\n return _this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(TemplatePortal.prototype, \"origin\", {\n get: /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n return this.templateRef.elementRef;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n /**\n * Attach the the portal to the provided `PortalOutlet`.\n * When a context is provided it will override the `context` property of the `TemplatePortal`\n * instance.\n */\n /**\n * Attach the the portal to the provided `PortalOutlet`.\n * When a context is provided it will override the `context` property of the `TemplatePortal`\n * instance.\n * @param {?} host\n * @param {?=} context\n * @return {?}\n */\n TemplatePortal.prototype.attach = /**\n * Attach the the portal to the provided `PortalOutlet`.\n * When a context is provided it will override the `context` property of the `TemplatePortal`\n * instance.\n * @param {?} host\n * @param {?=} context\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (host, context) {\n if (context === void 0) { context = this.context; }\n this.context = context;\n return _super.prototype.attach.call(this, host);\n };\n /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n TemplatePortal.prototype.detach = /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n this.context = undefined;\n return _super.prototype.detach.call(this);\n };\n return TemplatePortal;\n}(Portal));\n/**\n * Partial implementation of PortalOutlet that handles attaching\n * ComponentPortal and TemplatePortal.\n * @abstract\n */\nvar /**\n * Partial implementation of PortalOutlet that handles attaching\n * ComponentPortal and TemplatePortal.\n * @abstract\n */\nBasePortalOutlet = /** @class */ (function () {\n function BasePortalOutlet() {\n /**\n * Whether this host has already been permanently disposed.\n */\n this._isDisposed = false;\n }\n /** Whether this host has an attached portal. */\n /**\n * Whether this host has an attached portal.\n * @return {?}\n */\n BasePortalOutlet.prototype.hasAttached = /**\n * Whether this host has an attached portal.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n return !!this._attachedPortal;\n };\n /** Attaches a portal. */\n /**\n * Attaches a portal.\n * @param {?} portal\n * @return {?}\n */\n BasePortalOutlet.prototype.attach = /**\n * Attaches a portal.\n * @param {?} portal\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (portal) {\n if (!portal) {\n throwNullPortalError();\n }\n if (this.hasAttached()) {\n throwPortalAlreadyAttachedError();\n }\n if (this._isDisposed) {\n throwPortalOutletAlreadyDisposedError();\n }\n if (portal instanceof ComponentPortal) {\n this._attachedPortal = portal;\n return this.attachComponentPortal(portal);\n }\n else if (portal instanceof TemplatePortal) {\n this._attachedPortal = portal;\n return this.attachTemplatePortal(portal);\n }\n throwUnknownPortalTypeError();\n };\n /** Detaches a previously attached portal. */\n /**\n * Detaches a previously attached portal.\n * @return {?}\n */\n BasePortalOutlet.prototype.detach = /**\n * Detaches a previously attached portal.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n if (this._attachedPortal) {\n this._attachedPortal.setAttachedHost(null);\n this._attachedPortal = null;\n }\n this._invokeDisposeFn();\n };\n /** Permanently dispose of this portal host. */\n /**\n * Permanently dispose of this portal host.\n * @return {?}\n */\n BasePortalOutlet.prototype.dispose = /**\n * Permanently dispose of this portal host.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n if (this.hasAttached()) {\n this.detach();\n }\n this._invokeDisposeFn();\n this._isDisposed = true;\n };\n /** @docs-private */\n /**\n * \\@docs-private\n * @param {?} fn\n * @return {?}\n */\n BasePortalOutlet.prototype.setDisposeFn = /**\n * \\@docs-private\n * @param {?} fn\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (fn) {\n this._disposeFn = fn;\n };\n /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n BasePortalOutlet.prototype._invokeDisposeFn = /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n if (this._disposeFn) {\n this._disposeFn();\n this._disposeFn = null;\n }\n };\n return BasePortalOutlet;\n}());\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n/**\n * A PortalOutlet for attaching portals to an arbitrary DOM element outside of the Angular\n * application context.\n */\nvar /**\n * A PortalOutlet for attaching portals to an arbitrary DOM element outside of the Angular\n * application context.\n */\nDomPortalOutlet = /** @class */ (function (_super) {\n __extends(DomPortalOutlet, _super);\n function DomPortalOutlet(outletElement, _componentFactoryResolver, _appRef, _defaultInjector) {\n var _this = _super.call(this) || this;\n _this.outletElement = outletElement;\n _this._componentFactoryResolver = _componentFactoryResolver;\n _this._appRef = _appRef;\n _this._defaultInjector = _defaultInjector;\n return _this;\n }\n /**\n * Attach the given ComponentPortal to DOM element using the ComponentFactoryResolver.\n * @param portal Portal to be attached\n * @returns Reference to the created component.\n */\n /**\n * Attach the given ComponentPortal to DOM element using the ComponentFactoryResolver.\n * @template T\n * @param {?} portal Portal to be attached\n * @return {?} Reference to the created component.\n */\n DomPortalOutlet.prototype.attachComponentPortal = /**\n * Attach the given ComponentPortal to DOM element using the ComponentFactoryResolver.\n * @template T\n * @param {?} portal Portal to be attached\n * @return {?} Reference to the created component.\n */\n function (portal) {\n var _this = this;\n var /** @type {?} */ componentFactory = this._componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(portal.component);\n var /** @type {?} */ componentRef;\n // If the portal specifies a ViewContainerRef, we will use that as the attachment point\n // for the component (in terms of Angular's component tree, not rendering).\n // When the ViewContainerRef is missing, we use the factory to create the component directly\n // and then manually attach the view to the application.\n if (portal.viewContainerRef) {\n componentRef = portal.viewContainerRef.createComponent(componentFactory, portal.viewContainerRef.length, portal.injector || portal.viewContainerRef.parentInjector);\n this.setDisposeFn(function () { return componentRef.destroy(); });\n }\n else {\n componentRef = componentFactory.create(portal.injector || this._defaultInjector);\n this._appRef.attachView(componentRef.hostView);\n this.setDisposeFn(function () {\n _this._appRef.detachView(componentRef.hostView);\n componentRef.destroy();\n });\n }\n // At this point the component has been instantiated, so we move it to the location in the DOM\n // where we want it to be rendered.\n this.outletElement.appendChild(this._getComponentRootNode(componentRef));\n return componentRef;\n };\n /**\n * Attaches a template portal to the DOM as an embedded view.\n * @param portal Portal to be attached.\n * @returns Reference to the created embedded view.\n */\n /**\n * Attaches a template portal to the DOM as an embedded view.\n * @template C\n * @param {?} portal Portal to be attached.\n * @return {?} Reference to the created embedded view.\n */\n DomPortalOutlet.prototype.attachTemplatePortal = /**\n * Attaches a template portal to the DOM as an embedded view.\n * @template C\n * @param {?} portal Portal to be attached.\n * @return {?} Reference to the created embedded view.\n */\n function (portal) {\n var _this = this;\n var /** @type {?} */ viewContainer = portal.viewContainerRef;\n var /** @type {?} */ viewRef = viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(portal.templateRef, portal.context);\n viewRef.detectChanges();\n // The method `createEmbeddedView` will add the view as a child of the viewContainer.\n // But for the DomPortalOutlet the view can be added everywhere in the DOM\n // (e.g Overlay Container) To move the view to the specified host element. We just\n // re-append the existing root nodes.\n viewRef.rootNodes.forEach(function (rootNode) { return _this.outletElement.appendChild(rootNode); });\n this.setDisposeFn((function () {\n var /** @type {?} */ index = viewContainer.indexOf(viewRef);\n if (index !== -1) {\n viewContainer.remove(index);\n }\n }));\n // TODO(jelbourn): Return locals from view.\n return viewRef;\n };\n /**\n * Clears out a portal from the DOM.\n */\n /**\n * Clears out a portal from the DOM.\n * @return {?}\n */\n DomPortalOutlet.prototype.dispose = /**\n * Clears out a portal from the DOM.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);\n if (this.outletElement.parentNode != null) {\n this.outletElement.parentNode.removeChild(this.outletElement);\n }\n };\n /**\n * Gets the root HTMLElement for an instantiated component.\n * @param {?} componentRef\n * @return {?}\n */\n DomPortalOutlet.prototype._getComponentRootNode = /**\n * Gets the root HTMLElement for an instantiated component.\n * @param {?} componentRef\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (componentRef) {\n return /** @type {?} */ ((/** @type {?} */ (componentRef.hostView)).rootNodes[0]);\n };\n return DomPortalOutlet;\n}(BasePortalOutlet));\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n/**\n * Directive version of a `TemplatePortal`. Because the directive *is* a TemplatePortal,\n * the directive instance itself can be attached to a host, enabling declarative use of portals.\n */\nvar CdkPortal = /** @class */ (function (_super) {\n __extends(CdkPortal, _super);\n function CdkPortal(templateRef, viewContainerRef) {\n return _super.call(this, templateRef, viewContainerRef) || this;\n }\n CdkPortal.decorators = [\n { type: Directive, args: [{\n selector: '[cdk-portal], [cdkPortal], [portal]',\n exportAs: 'cdkPortal',\n },] },\n ];\n /** @nocollapse */\n CdkPortal.ctorParameters = function () { return [\n { type: TemplateRef, },\n { type: ViewContainerRef, },\n ]; };\n return CdkPortal;\n}(TemplatePortal));\n/**\n * Directive version of a PortalOutlet. Because the directive *is* a PortalOutlet, portals can be\n * directly attached to it, enabling declarative use.\n *\n * Usage:\n * `<ng-template [cdkPortalOutlet]=\"greeting\"></ng-template>`\n */\nvar CdkPortalOutlet = /** @class */ (function (_super) {\n __extends(CdkPortalOutlet, _super);\n function CdkPortalOutlet(_componentFactoryResolver, _viewContainerRef) {\n var _this = _super.call(this) || this;\n _this._componentFactoryResolver = _componentFactoryResolver;\n _this._viewContainerRef = _viewContainerRef;\n /**\n * Whether the portal component is initialized.\n */\n _this._isInitialized = false;\n _this.attached = new EventEmitter();\n return _this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(CdkPortalOutlet.prototype, \"portal\", {\n /** Portal associated with the Portal outlet. */\n get: /**\n * Portal associated with the Portal outlet.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n return this._attachedPortal;\n },\n set: /**\n * @param {?} portal\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (portal) {\n // Ignore the cases where the `portal` is set to a falsy value before the lifecycle hooks have\n // run. This handles the cases where the user might do something like `<div cdkPortalOutlet>`\n // and attach a portal programmatically in the parent component. When Angular does the first CD\n // round, it will fire the setter with empty string, causing the user's content to be cleared.\n if (this.hasAttached() && !portal && !this._isInitialized) {\n return;\n }\n if (this.hasAttached()) {\n _super.prototype.detach.call(this);\n }\n if (portal) {\n _super.prototype.attach.call(this, portal);\n }\n this._attachedPortal = portal;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(CdkPortalOutlet.prototype, \"attachedRef\", {\n /** Component or view reference that is attached to the portal. */\n get: /**\n * Component or view reference that is attached to the portal.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n return this._attachedRef;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n CdkPortalOutlet.prototype.ngOnInit = /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n this._isInitialized = true;\n };\n /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n CdkPortalOutlet.prototype.ngOnDestroy = /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);\n this._attachedPortal = null;\n this._attachedRef = null;\n };\n /**\n * Attach the given ComponentPortal to this PortalOutlet using the ComponentFactoryResolver.\n *\n * @param portal Portal to be attached to the portal outlet.\n * @returns Reference to the created component.\n */\n /**\n * Attach the given ComponentPortal to this PortalOutlet using the ComponentFactoryResolver.\n *\n * @template T\n * @param {?} portal Portal to be attached to the portal outlet.\n * @return {?} Reference to the created component.\n */\n CdkPortalOutlet.prototype.attachComponentPortal = /**\n * Attach the given ComponentPortal to this PortalOutlet using the ComponentFactoryResolver.\n *\n * @template T\n * @param {?} portal Portal to be attached to the portal outlet.\n * @return {?} Reference to the created component.\n */\n function (portal) {\n portal.setAttachedHost(this);\n // If the portal specifies an origin, use that as the logical location of the component\n // in the application tree. Otherwise use the location of this PortalOutlet.\n var /** @type {?} */ viewContainerRef = portal.viewContainerRef != null ?\n portal.viewContainerRef :\n this._viewContainerRef;\n var /** @type {?} */ componentFactory = this._componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(portal.component);\n var /** @type {?} */ ref = viewContainerRef.createComponent(componentFactory, viewContainerRef.length, portal.injector || viewContainerRef.parentInjector);\n _super.prototype.setDisposeFn.call(this, function () { return ref.destroy(); });\n this._attachedPortal = portal;\n this._attachedRef = ref;\n this.attached.emit(ref);\n return ref;\n };\n /**\n * Attach the given TemplatePortal to this PortlHost as an embedded View.\n * @param portal Portal to be attached.\n * @returns Reference to the created embedded view.\n */\n /**\n * Attach the given TemplatePortal to this PortlHost as an embedded View.\n * @template C\n * @param {?} portal Portal to be attached.\n * @return {?} Reference to the created embedded view.\n */\n CdkPortalOutlet.prototype.attachTemplatePortal = /**\n * Attach the given TemplatePortal to this PortlHost as an embedded View.\n * @template C\n * @param {?} portal Portal to be attached.\n * @return {?} Reference to the created embedded view.\n */\n function (portal) {\n var _this = this;\n portal.setAttachedHost(this);\n var /** @type {?} */ viewRef = this._viewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView(portal.templateRef, portal.context);\n _super.prototype.setDisposeFn.call(this, function () { return _this._viewContainerRef.clear(); });\n this._attachedPortal = portal;\n this._attachedRef = viewRef;\n this.attached.emit(viewRef);\n return viewRef;\n };\n CdkPortalOutlet.decorators = [\n { type: Directive, args: [{\n selector: '[cdkPortalOutlet], [cdkPortalHost], [portalHost]',\n exportAs: 'cdkPortalOutlet, cdkPortalHost',\n inputs: ['portal: cdkPortalOutlet']\n },] },\n ];\n /** @nocollapse */\n CdkPortalOutlet.ctorParameters = function () { return [\n { type: ComponentFactoryResolver, },\n { type: ViewContainerRef, },\n ]; };\n CdkPortalOutlet.propDecorators = {\n \"attached\": [{ type: Output, args: ['attached',] },],\n };\n return CdkPortalOutlet;\n}(BasePortalOutlet));\nvar PortalModule = /** @class */ (function () {\n function PortalModule() {\n }\n PortalModule.decorators = [\n { type: NgModule, args: [{\n exports: [CdkPortal, CdkPortalOutlet],\n declarations: [CdkPortal, CdkPortalOutlet],\n },] },\n ];\n return PortalModule;\n}());\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n\n/**\n * Custom injector to be used when providing custom\n * injection tokens to components inside a portal.\n * \\@docs-private\n */\nvar /**\n * Custom injector to be used when providing custom\n * injection tokens to components inside a portal.\n * \\@docs-private\n */\nPortalInjector = /** @class */ (function () {\n function PortalInjector(_parentInjector, _customTokens) {\n this._parentInjector = _parentInjector;\n this._customTokens = _customTokens;\n }\n /**\n * @param {?} token\n * @param {?=} notFoundValue\n * @return {?}\n */\n PortalInjector.prototype.get = /**\n * @param {?} token\n * @param {?=} notFoundValue\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (token, notFoundValue) {\n var /** @type {?} */ value = this._customTokens.get(token);\n if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {\n return value;\n }\n return this._parentInjector.get(token, notFoundValue);\n };\n return PortalInjector;\n}());\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n\nexport { DomPortalOutlet as DomPortalHost, CdkPortalOutlet as PortalHostDirective, CdkPortal as TemplatePortalDirective, BasePortalOutlet as BasePortalHost, Portal, ComponentPortal, TemplatePortal, BasePortalOutlet, DomPortalOutlet, CdkPortal, CdkPortalOutlet, PortalModule, PortalInjector };\n//# sourceMappingURL=portal.es5.js.map\n","/* tslint:disable component-selector */\nimport {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';\n\n/** Custom element wrapper for the material expansion panel with a title input. */\n@Component({\n selector: 'aio-expandable-section',\n templateUrl: 'expandable-section.component.html',\n})\nexport class ExpandableSectionComponent {\n @Input() title;\n}\n","import { NgModule, Type } from '@angular/core';\nimport { ExpandableSectionComponent } from './expandable-section.component';\nimport { WithCustomElementComponent } from '../element-registry';\nimport { MatExpansionModule } from '@angular/material';\n\n@NgModule({\n imports: [ MatExpansionModule ],\n declarations: [ ExpandableSectionComponent, ],\n entryComponents: [ ExpandableSectionComponent ]\n})\nexport class ExpandableSectionModule implements WithCustomElementComponent {\n customElementComponent: Type<any> = ExpandableSectionComponent;\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\nimport { Directive, Input, Output, EventEmitter, Optional, ChangeDetectorRef, NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { coerceBooleanProperty } from '@angular/cdk/coercion';\nimport { Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';\nimport { UniqueSelectionDispatcher } from '@angular/cdk/collections';\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n/**\n * Used to generate unique ID for each accordion.\n */\nvar /** @type {?} */ nextId = 0;\n/**\n * Directive whose purpose is to manage the expanded state of CdkAccordionItem children.\n */\nvar CdkAccordion = /** @class */ (function () {\n function CdkAccordion() {\n /**\n * Stream that emits true/false when openAll/closeAll is triggered.\n */\n this._openCloseAllActions = new Subject();\n /**\n * A readonly id value to use for unique selection coordination.\n */\n this.id = \"cdk-accordion-\" + nextId++;\n this._multi = false;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(CdkAccordion.prototype, \"multi\", {\n get: /**\n * Whether the accordion should allow multiple expanded accordion items simultaneously.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () { return this._multi; },\n set: /**\n * @param {?} multi\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (multi) { this._multi = coerceBooleanProperty(multi); },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n /** Opens all enabled accordion items in an accordion where multi is enabled. */\n /**\n * Opens all enabled accordion items in an accordion where multi is enabled.\n * @return {?}\n */\n CdkAccordion.prototype.openAll = /**\n * Opens all enabled accordion items in an accordion where multi is enabled.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n this._openCloseAll(true);\n };\n /** Closes all enabled accordion items in an accordion where multi is enabled. */\n /**\n * Closes all enabled accordion items in an accordion where multi is enabled.\n * @return {?}\n */\n CdkAccordion.prototype.closeAll = /**\n * Closes all enabled accordion items in an accordion where multi is enabled.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n this._openCloseAll(false);\n };\n /**\n * @param {?} expanded\n * @return {?}\n */\n CdkAccordion.prototype._openCloseAll = /**\n * @param {?} expanded\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (expanded) {\n if (this.multi) {\n this._openCloseAllActions.next(expanded);\n }\n };\n CdkAccordion.decorators = [\n { type: Directive, args: [{\n selector: 'cdk-accordion, [cdkAccordion]',\n exportAs: 'cdkAccordion',\n },] },\n ];\n /** @nocollapse */\n CdkAccordion.propDecorators = {\n \"multi\": [{ type: Input },],\n };\n return CdkAccordion;\n}());\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n/**\n * Used to generate unique ID for each accordion item.\n */\nvar /** @type {?} */ nextId$1 = 0;\n/**\n * An basic directive expected to be extended and decorated as a component. Sets up all\n * events and attributes needed to be managed by a CdkAccordion parent.\n */\nvar CdkAccordionItem = /** @class */ (function () {\n function CdkAccordionItem(accordion, _changeDetectorRef, _expansionDispatcher) {\n var _this = this;\n this.accordion = accordion;\n this._changeDetectorRef = _changeDetectorRef;\n this._expansionDispatcher = _expansionDispatcher;\n /**\n * Subscription to openAll/closeAll events.\n */\n this._openCloseAllSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;\n /**\n * Event emitted every time the AccordionItem is closed.\n */\n this.closed = new EventEmitter();\n /**\n * Event emitted every time the AccordionItem is opened.\n */\n this.opened = new EventEmitter();\n /**\n * Event emitted when the AccordionItem is destroyed.\n */\n this.destroyed = new EventEmitter();\n /**\n * Emits whenever the expanded state of the accordion changes.\n * Primarily used to facilitate two-way binding.\n * \\@docs-private\n */\n this.expandedChange = new EventEmitter();\n /**\n * The unique AccordionItem id.\n */\n this.id = \"cdk-accordion-child-\" + nextId$1++;\n this._expanded = false;\n this._disabled = false;\n /**\n * Unregister function for _expansionDispatcher.\n */\n this._removeUniqueSelectionListener = function () { };\n this._removeUniqueSelectionListener =\n _expansionDispatcher.listen(function (id, accordionId) {\n if (_this.accordion && !_this.accordion.multi &&\n _this.accordion.id === accordionId && _this.id !== id) {\n _this.expanded = false;\n }\n });\n // When an accordion item is hosted in an accordion, subscribe to open/close events.\n if (this.accordion) {\n this._openCloseAllSubscription = this._subscribeToOpenCloseAllActions();\n }\n }\n Object.defineProperty(CdkAccordionItem.prototype, \"expanded\", {\n get: /**\n * Whether the AccordionItem is expanded.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () { return this._expanded; },\n set: /**\n * @param {?} expanded\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (expanded) {\n expanded = coerceBooleanProperty(expanded);\n // Only emit events and update the internal value if the value changes.\n if (this._expanded !== expanded) {\n this._expanded = expanded;\n this.expandedChange.emit(expanded);\n if (expanded) {\n this.opened.emit();\n /**\n * In the unique selection dispatcher, the id parameter is the id of the CdkAccordionItem,\n * the name value is the id of the accordion.\n */\n var /** @type {?} */ accordionId = this.accordion ? this.accordion.id : this.id;\n this._expansionDispatcher.notify(this.id, accordionId);\n }\n else {\n this.closed.emit();\n }\n // Ensures that the animation will run when the value is set outside of an `@Input`.\n // This includes cases like the open, close and toggle methods.\n this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();\n }\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(CdkAccordionItem.prototype, \"disabled\", {\n get: /**\n * Whether the AccordionItem is disabled.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () { return this._disabled; },\n set: /**\n * @param {?} disabled\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (disabled) { this._disabled = coerceBooleanProperty(disabled); },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n /** Emits an event for the accordion item being destroyed. */\n /**\n * Emits an event for the accordion item being destroyed.\n * @return {?}\n */\n CdkAccordionItem.prototype.ngOnDestroy = /**\n * Emits an event for the accordion item being destroyed.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n this.opened.complete();\n this.closed.complete();\n this.destroyed.emit();\n this.destroyed.complete();\n this._removeUniqueSelectionListener();\n this._openCloseAllSubscription.unsubscribe();\n };\n /** Toggles the expanded state of the accordion item. */\n /**\n * Toggles the expanded state of the accordion item.\n * @return {?}\n */\n CdkAccordionItem.prototype.toggle = /**\n * Toggles the expanded state of the accordion item.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n if (!this.disabled) {\n this.expanded = !this.expanded;\n }\n };\n /** Sets the expanded state of the accordion item to false. */\n /**\n * Sets the expanded state of the accordion item to false.\n * @return {?}\n */\n CdkAccordionItem.prototype.close = /**\n * Sets the expanded state of the accordion item to false.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n if (!this.disabled) {\n this.expanded = false;\n }\n };\n /** Sets the expanded state of the accordion item to true. */\n /**\n * Sets the expanded state of the accordion item to true.\n * @return {?}\n */\n CdkAccordionItem.prototype.open = /**\n * Sets the expanded state of the accordion item to true.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n if (!this.disabled) {\n this.expanded = true;\n }\n };\n /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n CdkAccordionItem.prototype._subscribeToOpenCloseAllActions = /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n var _this = this;\n return this.accordion._openCloseAllActions.subscribe(function (expanded) {\n // Only change expanded state if item is enabled\n if (!_this.disabled) {\n _this.expanded = expanded;\n }\n });\n };\n CdkAccordionItem.decorators = [\n { type: Directive, args: [{\n selector: 'cdk-accordion-item, [cdkAccordionItem]',\n exportAs: 'cdkAccordionItem',\n },] },\n ];\n /** @nocollapse */\n CdkAccordionItem.ctorParameters = function () { return [\n { type: CdkAccordion, decorators: [{ type: Optional },] },\n { type: ChangeDetectorRef, },\n { type: UniqueSelectionDispatcher, },\n ]; };\n CdkAccordionItem.propDecorators = {\n \"closed\": [{ type: Output },],\n \"opened\": [{ type: Output },],\n \"destroyed\": [{ type: Output },],\n \"expandedChange\": [{ type: Output },],\n \"expanded\": [{ type: Input },],\n \"disabled\": [{ type: Input },],\n };\n return CdkAccordionItem;\n}());\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\nvar CdkAccordionModule = /** @class */ (function () {\n function CdkAccordionModule() {\n }\n CdkAccordionModule.decorators = [\n { type: NgModule, args: [{\n exports: [CdkAccordion, CdkAccordionItem],\n declarations: [CdkAccordion, CdkAccordionItem],\n },] },\n ];\n return CdkAccordionModule;\n}());\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n\nexport { CdkAccordionItem, CdkAccordion, CdkAccordionModule };\n//# sourceMappingURL=accordion.es5.js.map\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\nimport { __extends } from 'tslib';\nimport { Directive, Input, TemplateRef, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ContentChild, Optional, ViewContainerRef, ViewEncapsulation, ElementRef, Host, NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { coerceBooleanProperty } from '@angular/cdk/coercion';\nimport { CdkAccordion, CdkAccordionItem, CdkAccordionModule } from '@angular/cdk/accordion';\nimport { animate, animateChild, group, state, style, transition, trigger, query } from '@angular/animations';\nimport { UniqueSelectionDispatcher } from '@angular/cdk/collections';\nimport { TemplatePortal, PortalModule } from '@angular/cdk/portal';\nimport { Subject, merge, Subscription } from 'rxjs';\nimport { filter, startWith, take } from 'rxjs/operators';\nimport { FocusMonitor } from '@angular/cdk/a11y';\nimport { ENTER, SPACE } from '@angular/cdk/keycodes';\nimport { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n/**\n * Directive for a Material Design Accordion.\n */\nvar MatAccordion = /** @class */ (function (_super) {\n __extends(MatAccordion, _super);\n function MatAccordion() {\n var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n _this._hideToggle = false;\n /**\n * The display mode used for all expansion panels in the accordion. Currently two display\n * modes exist:\n * default - a gutter-like spacing is placed around any expanded panel, placing the expanded\n * panel at a different elevation from the reset of the accordion.\n * flat - no spacing is placed around expanded panels, showing all panels at the same\n * elevation.\n */\n _this.displayMode = 'default';\n return _this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(MatAccordion.prototype, \"hideToggle\", {\n get: /**\n * Whether the expansion indicator should be hidden.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () { return this._hideToggle; },\n set: /**\n * @param {?} show\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (show) { this._hideToggle = coerceBooleanProperty(show); },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n MatAccordion.decorators = [\n { type: Directive, args: [{\n selector: 'mat-accordion',\n exportAs: 'matAccordion',\n host: {\n class: 'mat-accordion'\n }\n },] },\n ];\n /** @nocollapse */\n MatAccordion.propDecorators = {\n \"hideToggle\": [{ type: Input },],\n \"displayMode\": [{ type: Input },],\n };\n return MatAccordion;\n}(CdkAccordion));\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n/**\n * Time and timing curve for expansion panel animations.\n */\nvar /** @type {?} */ EXPANSION_PANEL_ANIMATION_TIMING = '225ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,0.2,1)';\n/**\n * Animations used by the Material expansion panel.\n */\nvar /** @type {?} */ matExpansionAnimations = {\n /** Animation that rotates the indicator arrow. */\n indicatorRotate: trigger('indicatorRotate', [\n state('collapsed', style({ transform: 'rotate(0deg)' })),\n state('expanded', style({ transform: 'rotate(180deg)' })),\n transition('expanded <=> collapsed', animate(EXPANSION_PANEL_ANIMATION_TIMING)),\n ]),\n /** Animation that expands and collapses the panel header height. */\n expansionHeaderHeight: trigger('expansionHeight', [\n state('collapsed', style({\n height: '{{collapsedHeight}}',\n }), {\n params: { collapsedHeight: '48px' },\n }),\n state('expanded', style({\n height: '{{expandedHeight}}'\n }), {\n params: { expandedHeight: '64px' }\n }),\n transition('expanded <=> collapsed', group([\n query('@indicatorRotate', animateChild(), { optional: true }),\n animate(EXPANSION_PANEL_ANIMATION_TIMING),\n ])),\n ]),\n /** Animation that expands and collapses the panel content. */\n bodyExpansion: trigger('bodyExpansion', [\n state('collapsed', style({ height: '0px', visibility: 'hidden' })),\n state('expanded', style({ height: '*', visibility: 'visible' })),\n transition('expanded <=> collapsed', animate(EXPANSION_PANEL_ANIMATION_TIMING)),\n ])\n};\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n/**\n * Expansion panel content that will be rendered lazily\n * after the panel is opened for the first time.\n */\nvar MatExpansionPanelContent = /** @class */ (function () {\n function MatExpansionPanelContent(_template) {\n this._template = _template;\n }\n MatExpansionPanelContent.decorators = [\n { type: Directive, args: [{\n selector: 'ng-template[matExpansionPanelContent]'\n },] },\n ];\n /** @nocollapse */\n MatExpansionPanelContent.ctorParameters = function () { return [\n { type: TemplateRef, },\n ]; };\n return MatExpansionPanelContent;\n}());\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n/**\n * Counter for generating unique element ids.\n */\nvar /** @type {?} */ uniqueId = 0;\n/**\n * `<mat-expansion-panel>`\n *\n * This component can be used as a single element to show expandable content, or as one of\n * multiple children of an element with the MatAccordion directive attached.\n */\nvar MatExpansionPanel = /** @class */ (function (_super) {\n __extends(MatExpansionPanel, _super);\n function MatExpansionPanel(accordion, _changeDetectorRef, _uniqueSelectionDispatcher, _viewContainerRef) {\n var _this = _super.call(this, accordion, _changeDetectorRef, _uniqueSelectionDispatcher) || this;\n _this._viewContainerRef = _viewContainerRef;\n _this._hideToggle = false;\n /**\n * Stream that emits for changes in `\\@Input` properties.\n */\n _this._inputChanges = new Subject();\n /**\n * ID for the associated header element. Used for a11y labelling.\n */\n _this._headerId = \"mat-expansion-panel-header-\" + uniqueId++;\n _this.accordion = accordion;\n return _this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(MatExpansionPanel.prototype, \"hideToggle\", {\n get: /**\n * Whether the toggle indicator should be hidden.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () { return this._hideToggle; },\n set: /**\n * @param {?} value\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (value) {\n this._hideToggle = coerceBooleanProperty(value);\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n /** Whether the expansion indicator should be hidden. */\n /**\n * Whether the expansion indicator should be hidden.\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanel.prototype._getHideToggle = /**\n * Whether the expansion indicator should be hidden.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n if (this.accordion) {\n return this.accordion.hideToggle;\n }\n return this.hideToggle;\n };\n /** Determines whether the expansion panel should have spacing between it and its siblings. */\n /**\n * Determines whether the expansion panel should have spacing between it and its siblings.\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanel.prototype._hasSpacing = /**\n * Determines whether the expansion panel should have spacing between it and its siblings.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n if (this.accordion) {\n return (this.expanded ? this.accordion.displayMode : this._getExpandedState()) === 'default';\n }\n return false;\n };\n /** Gets the expanded state string. */\n /**\n * Gets the expanded state string.\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanel.prototype._getExpandedState = /**\n * Gets the expanded state string.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n return this.expanded ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed';\n };\n /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanel.prototype.ngAfterContentInit = /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n var _this = this;\n if (this._lazyContent) {\n // Render the content as soon as the panel becomes open.\n this.opened.pipe(startWith(/** @type {?} */ ((null))), filter(function () { return _this.expanded && !_this._portal; }), take(1)).subscribe(function () {\n _this._portal = new TemplatePortal(_this._lazyContent._template, _this._viewContainerRef);\n });\n }\n };\n /**\n * @param {?} changes\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanel.prototype.ngOnChanges = /**\n * @param {?} changes\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (changes) {\n this._inputChanges.next(changes);\n };\n /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanel.prototype.ngOnDestroy = /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n _super.prototype.ngOnDestroy.call(this);\n this._inputChanges.complete();\n };\n /**\n * @param {?} event\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanel.prototype._bodyAnimation = /**\n * @param {?} event\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (event) {\n var /** @type {?} */ classList = event.element.classList;\n var /** @type {?} */ cssClass = 'mat-expanded';\n var phaseName = event.phaseName, toState = event.toState;\n // Toggle the body's `overflow: hidden` class when closing starts or when expansion ends in\n // order to prevent the cases where switching too early would cause the animation to jump.\n // Note that we do it directly on the DOM element to avoid the slight delay that comes\n // with doing it via change detection.\n if (phaseName === 'done' && toState === 'expanded') {\n classList.add(cssClass);\n }\n else if (phaseName === 'start' && toState === 'collapsed') {\n classList.remove(cssClass);\n }\n };\n MatExpansionPanel.decorators = [\n { type: Component, args: [{styles: [\".mat-expansion-panel{transition:box-shadow 280ms cubic-bezier(.4,0,.2,1);box-sizing:content-box;display:block;margin:0;transition:margin 225ms cubic-bezier(.4,0,.2,1)}.mat-expansion-panel:not([class*=mat-elevation-z]){box-shadow:0 3px 1px -2px rgba(0,0,0,.2),0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.14),0 1px 5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.12)}.mat-expansion-panel-content{overflow:hidden}.mat-expansion-panel-content.mat-expanded{overflow:visible}.mat-expansion-panel-body{padding:0 24px 16px}.mat-expansion-panel-spacing{margin:16px 0}.mat-accordion>.mat-expansion-panel-spacing:first-child,.mat-accordion>:first-child .mat-expansion-panel-spacing{margin-top:0}.mat-accordion>.mat-expansion-panel-spacing:last-child,.mat-accordion>:last-child .mat-expansion-panel-spacing{margin-bottom:0}.mat-action-row{border-top-style:solid;border-top-width:1px;display:flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:flex-end;padding:16px 8px 16px 24px}.mat-action-row button.mat-button{margin-left:8px}[dir=rtl] .mat-action-row button.mat-button{margin-left:0;margin-right:8px}\"],\n selector: 'mat-expansion-panel',\n exportAs: 'matExpansionPanel',\n template: \"<ng-content select=\\\"mat-expansion-panel-header\\\"></ng-content><div class=\\\"mat-expansion-panel-content\\\" role=\\\"region\\\" [@bodyExpansion]=\\\"_getExpandedState()\\\" (@bodyExpansion.done)=\\\"_bodyAnimation($event)\\\" (@bodyExpansion.start)=\\\"_bodyAnimation($event)\\\" [attr.aria-labelledby]=\\\"_headerId\\\" [id]=\\\"id\\\" #body><div class=\\\"mat-expansion-panel-body\\\"><ng-content></ng-content><ng-template [cdkPortalOutlet]=\\\"_portal\\\"></ng-template></div><ng-content select=\\\"mat-action-row\\\"></ng-content></div>\",\n encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,\n changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,\n inputs: ['disabled', 'expanded'],\n outputs: ['opened', 'closed', 'expandedChange'],\n animations: [matExpansionAnimations.bodyExpansion],\n host: {\n 'class': 'mat-expansion-panel',\n '[class.mat-expanded]': 'expanded',\n '[class.mat-expansion-panel-spacing]': '_hasSpacing()',\n }\n },] },\n ];\n /** @nocollapse */\n MatExpansionPanel.ctorParameters = function () { return [\n { type: MatAccordion, decorators: [{ type: Optional },] },\n { type: ChangeDetectorRef, },\n { type: UniqueSelectionDispatcher, },\n { type: ViewContainerRef, },\n ]; };\n MatExpansionPanel.propDecorators = {\n \"hideToggle\": [{ type: Input },],\n \"_lazyContent\": [{ type: ContentChild, args: [MatExpansionPanelContent,] },],\n };\n return MatExpansionPanel;\n}(CdkAccordionItem));\nvar MatExpansionPanelActionRow = /** @class */ (function () {\n function MatExpansionPanelActionRow() {\n }\n MatExpansionPanelActionRow.decorators = [\n { type: Directive, args: [{\n selector: 'mat-action-row',\n host: {\n class: 'mat-action-row'\n }\n },] },\n ];\n return MatExpansionPanelActionRow;\n}());\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n/**\n * `<mat-expansion-panel-header>`\n *\n * This component corresponds to the header element of an `<mat-expansion-panel>`.\n */\nvar MatExpansionPanelHeader = /** @class */ (function () {\n function MatExpansionPanelHeader(panel, _element, _focusMonitor, _changeDetectorRef) {\n var _this = this;\n this.panel = panel;\n this._element = _element;\n this._focusMonitor = _focusMonitor;\n this._changeDetectorRef = _changeDetectorRef;\n this._parentChangeSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;\n // Since the toggle state depends on an @Input on the panel, we\n // need to subscribe and trigger change detection manually.\n this._parentChangeSubscription = merge(panel.opened, panel.closed, panel._inputChanges.pipe(filter(function (changes) { return !!(changes[\"hideToggle\"] || changes[\"disabled\"]); })))\n .subscribe(function () { return _this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck(); });\n _focusMonitor.monitor(_element.nativeElement);\n }\n /** Toggles the expanded state of the panel. */\n /**\n * Toggles the expanded state of the panel.\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanelHeader.prototype._toggle = /**\n * Toggles the expanded state of the panel.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n this.panel.toggle();\n };\n /** Gets whether the panel is expanded. */\n /**\n * Gets whether the panel is expanded.\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanelHeader.prototype._isExpanded = /**\n * Gets whether the panel is expanded.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n return this.panel.expanded;\n };\n /** Gets the expanded state string of the panel. */\n /**\n * Gets the expanded state string of the panel.\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanelHeader.prototype._getExpandedState = /**\n * Gets the expanded state string of the panel.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n return this.panel._getExpandedState();\n };\n /** Gets the panel id. */\n /**\n * Gets the panel id.\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanelHeader.prototype._getPanelId = /**\n * Gets the panel id.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n return this.panel.id;\n };\n /** Gets whether the expand indicator should be shown. */\n /**\n * Gets whether the expand indicator should be shown.\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanelHeader.prototype._showToggle = /**\n * Gets whether the expand indicator should be shown.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n return !this.panel.hideToggle && !this.panel.disabled;\n };\n /** Handle keydown event calling to toggle() if appropriate. */\n /**\n * Handle keydown event calling to toggle() if appropriate.\n * @param {?} event\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanelHeader.prototype._keydown = /**\n * Handle keydown event calling to toggle() if appropriate.\n * @param {?} event\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (event) {\n switch (event.keyCode) {\n // Toggle for space and enter keys.\n case SPACE:\n case ENTER:\n event.preventDefault();\n this._toggle();\n break;\n default:\n return;\n }\n };\n /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n MatExpansionPanelHeader.prototype.ngOnDestroy = /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n this._parentChangeSubscription.unsubscribe();\n this._focusMonitor.stopMonitoring(this._element.nativeElement);\n };\n MatExpansionPanelHeader.decorators = [\n { type: Component, args: [{selector: 'mat-expansion-panel-header',\n styles: [\".mat-expansion-panel-header{display:flex;flex-direction:row;align-items:center;padding:0 24px}.mat-expansion-panel-header:focus,.mat-expansion-panel-header:hover{outline:0}.mat-expansion-panel-header.mat-expanded:focus,.mat-expansion-panel-header.mat-expanded:hover{background:inherit}.mat-expansion-panel-header:not([aria-disabled=true]){cursor:pointer}.mat-content{display:flex;flex:1;flex-direction:row;overflow:hidden}.mat-expansion-panel-header-description,.mat-expansion-panel-header-title{display:flex;flex-grow:1;margin-right:16px}[dir=rtl] .mat-expansion-panel-header-description,[dir=rtl] .mat-expansion-panel-header-title{margin-right:0;margin-left:16px}.mat-expansion-panel-header-description{flex-grow:2}.mat-expansion-indicator::after{border-style:solid;border-width:0 2px 2px 0;content:'';display:inline-block;padding:3px;transform:rotate(45deg);vertical-align:middle}\"],\n template: \"<span class=\\\"mat-content\\\"><ng-content select=\\\"mat-panel-title\\\"></ng-content><ng-content select=\\\"mat-panel-description\\\"></ng-content><ng-content></ng-content></span><span [@indicatorRotate]=\\\"_getExpandedState()\\\" *ngIf=\\\"_showToggle()\\\" class=\\\"mat-expansion-indicator\\\"></span>\",\n encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,\n changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,\n animations: [\n matExpansionAnimations.indicatorRotate,\n matExpansionAnimations.expansionHeaderHeight\n ],\n host: {\n 'class': 'mat-expansion-panel-header',\n 'role': 'button',\n '[attr.id]': 'panel._headerId',\n '[attr.tabindex]': 'panel.disabled ? -1 : 0',\n '[attr.aria-controls]': '_getPanelId()',\n '[attr.aria-expanded]': '_isExpanded()',\n '[attr.aria-disabled]': 'panel.disabled',\n '[class.mat-expanded]': '_isExpanded()',\n '(click)': '_toggle()',\n '(keydown)': '_keydown($event)',\n '[@expansionHeight]': \"{\\n value: _getExpandedState(),\\n params: {\\n collapsedHeight: collapsedHeight,\\n expandedHeight: expandedHeight\\n }\\n }\",\n },\n },] },\n ];\n /** @nocollapse */\n MatExpansionPanelHeader.ctorParameters = function () { return [\n { type: MatExpansionPanel, decorators: [{ type: Host },] },\n { type: ElementRef, },\n { type: FocusMonitor, },\n { type: ChangeDetectorRef, },\n ]; };\n MatExpansionPanelHeader.propDecorators = {\n \"expandedHeight\": [{ type: Input },],\n \"collapsedHeight\": [{ type: Input },],\n };\n return MatExpansionPanelHeader;\n}());\n/**\n * `<mat-panel-description>`\n *\n * This directive is to be used inside of the MatExpansionPanelHeader component.\n */\nvar MatExpansionPanelDescription = /** @class */ (function () {\n function MatExpansionPanelDescription() {\n }\n MatExpansionPanelDescription.decorators = [\n { type: Directive, args: [{\n selector: 'mat-panel-description',\n host: {\n class: 'mat-expansion-panel-header-description'\n }\n },] },\n ];\n return MatExpansionPanelDescription;\n}());\n/**\n * `<mat-panel-title>`\n *\n * This directive is to be used inside of the MatExpansionPanelHeader component.\n */\nvar MatExpansionPanelTitle = /** @class */ (function () {\n function MatExpansionPanelTitle() {\n }\n MatExpansionPanelTitle.decorators = [\n { type: Directive, args: [{\n selector: 'mat-panel-title',\n host: {\n class: 'mat-expansion-panel-header-title'\n }\n },] },\n ];\n return MatExpansionPanelTitle;\n}());\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\nvar MatExpansionModule = /** @class */ (function () {\n function MatExpansionModule() {\n }\n MatExpansionModule.decorators = [\n { type: NgModule, args: [{\n imports: [CommonModule, CdkAccordionModule, PortalModule],\n exports: [\n MatAccordion,\n MatExpansionPanel,\n MatExpansionPanelActionRow,\n MatExpansionPanelHeader,\n MatExpansionPanelTitle,\n MatExpansionPanelDescription,\n MatExpansionPanelContent,\n ],\n declarations: [\n MatAccordion,\n MatExpansionPanel,\n MatExpansionPanelActionRow,\n MatExpansionPanelHeader,\n MatExpansionPanelTitle,\n MatExpansionPanelDescription,\n MatExpansionPanelContent,\n ],\n },] },\n ];\n return MatExpansionModule;\n}());\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n\nexport { MatExpansionModule, MatAccordion, MatExpansionPanel, MatExpansionPanelActionRow, MatExpansionPanelHeader, MatExpansionPanelDescription, MatExpansionPanelTitle, MatExpansionPanelContent, EXPANSION_PANEL_ANIMATION_TIMING, matExpansionAnimations };\n//# sourceMappingURL=expansion.es5.js.map\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\nimport { Subject } from 'rxjs';\nimport { Injectable, defineInjectable } from '@angular/core';\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n\n/**\n * @abstract\n * @template T\n */\nvar /**\n * @abstract\n * @template T\n */\nDataSource = /** @class */ (function () {\n function DataSource() {\n }\n return DataSource;\n}());\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n/**\n * Class to be used to power selecting one or more options from a list.\n * @template T\n */\nvar /**\n * Class to be used to power selecting one or more options from a list.\n * @template T\n */\nSelectionModel = /** @class */ (function () {\n function SelectionModel(_multiple, initiallySelectedValues, _emitChanges) {\n if (_multiple === void 0) { _multiple = false; }\n if (_emitChanges === void 0) { _emitChanges = true; }\n var _this = this;\n this._multiple = _multiple;\n this._emitChanges = _emitChanges;\n /**\n * Currently-selected values.\n */\n this._selection = new Set();\n /**\n * Keeps track of the deselected options that haven't been emitted by the change event.\n */\n this._deselectedToEmit = [];\n /**\n * Keeps track of the selected options that haven't been emitted by the change event.\n */\n this._selectedToEmit = [];\n /**\n * Event emitted when the value has changed.\n */\n this.onChange = this._emitChanges ? new Subject() : null;\n if (initiallySelectedValues && initiallySelectedValues.length) {\n if (_multiple) {\n initiallySelectedValues.forEach(function (value) { return _this._markSelected(value); });\n }\n else {\n this._markSelected(initiallySelectedValues[0]);\n }\n // Clear the array in order to avoid firing the change event for preselected values.\n this._selectedToEmit.length = 0;\n }\n }\n Object.defineProperty(SelectionModel.prototype, \"selected\", {\n /** Selected values. */\n get: /**\n * Selected values.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n if (!this._selected) {\n this._selected = Array.from(this._selection.values());\n }\n return this._selected;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n /**\n * Selects a value or an array of values.\n */\n /**\n * Selects a value or an array of values.\n * @param {...?} values\n * @return {?}\n */\n SelectionModel.prototype.select = /**\n * Selects a value or an array of values.\n * @param {...?} values\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n var _this = this;\n var values = [];\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n values[_i] = arguments[_i];\n }\n this._verifyValueAssignment(values);\n values.forEach(function (value) { return _this._markSelected(value); });\n this._emitChangeEvent();\n };\n /**\n * Deselects a value or an array of values.\n */\n /**\n * Deselects a value or an array of values.\n * @param {...?} values\n * @return {?}\n */\n SelectionModel.prototype.deselect = /**\n * Deselects a value or an array of values.\n * @param {...?} values\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n var _this = this;\n var values = [];\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n values[_i] = arguments[_i];\n }\n this._verifyValueAssignment(values);\n values.forEach(function (value) { return _this._unmarkSelected(value); });\n this._emitChangeEvent();\n };\n /**\n * Toggles a value between selected and deselected.\n */\n /**\n * Toggles a value between selected and deselected.\n * @param {?} value\n * @return {?}\n */\n SelectionModel.prototype.toggle = /**\n * Toggles a value between selected and deselected.\n * @param {?} value\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (value) {\n this.isSelected(value) ? this.deselect(value) : this.select(value);\n };\n /**\n * Clears all of the selected values.\n */\n /**\n * Clears all of the selected values.\n * @return {?}\n */\n SelectionModel.prototype.clear = /**\n * Clears all of the selected values.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n this._unmarkAll();\n this._emitChangeEvent();\n };\n /**\n * Determines whether a value is selected.\n */\n /**\n * Determines whether a value is selected.\n * @param {?} value\n * @return {?}\n */\n SelectionModel.prototype.isSelected = /**\n * Determines whether a value is selected.\n * @param {?} value\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (value) {\n return this._selection.has(value);\n };\n /**\n * Determines whether the model does not have a value.\n */\n /**\n * Determines whether the model does not have a value.\n * @return {?}\n */\n SelectionModel.prototype.isEmpty = /**\n * Determines whether the model does not have a value.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n return this._selection.size === 0;\n };\n /**\n * Determines whether the model has a value.\n */\n /**\n * Determines whether the model has a value.\n * @return {?}\n */\n SelectionModel.prototype.hasValue = /**\n * Determines whether the model has a value.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n return !this.isEmpty();\n };\n /**\n * Sorts the selected values based on a predicate function.\n */\n /**\n * Sorts the selected values based on a predicate function.\n * @param {?=} predicate\n * @return {?}\n */\n SelectionModel.prototype.sort = /**\n * Sorts the selected values based on a predicate function.\n * @param {?=} predicate\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (predicate) {\n if (this._multiple && this._selected) {\n this._selected.sort(predicate);\n }\n };\n /**\n * Emits a change event and clears the records of selected and deselected values.\n * @return {?}\n */\n SelectionModel.prototype._emitChangeEvent = /**\n * Emits a change event and clears the records of selected and deselected values.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n // Clear the selected values so they can be re-cached.\n this._selected = null;\n if (this._selectedToEmit.length || this._deselectedToEmit.length) {\n if (this.onChange) {\n this.onChange.next({\n source: this,\n added: this._selectedToEmit,\n removed: this._deselectedToEmit\n });\n }\n this._deselectedToEmit = [];\n this._selectedToEmit = [];\n }\n };\n /**\n * Selects a value.\n * @param {?} value\n * @return {?}\n */\n SelectionModel.prototype._markSelected = /**\n * Selects a value.\n * @param {?} value\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (value) {\n if (!this.isSelected(value)) {\n if (!this._multiple) {\n this._unmarkAll();\n }\n this._selection.add(value);\n if (this._emitChanges) {\n this._selectedToEmit.push(value);\n }\n }\n };\n /**\n * Deselects a value.\n * @param {?} value\n * @return {?}\n */\n SelectionModel.prototype._unmarkSelected = /**\n * Deselects a value.\n * @param {?} value\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (value) {\n if (this.isSelected(value)) {\n this._selection.delete(value);\n if (this._emitChanges) {\n this._deselectedToEmit.push(value);\n }\n }\n };\n /**\n * Clears out the selected values.\n * @return {?}\n */\n SelectionModel.prototype._unmarkAll = /**\n * Clears out the selected values.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n var _this = this;\n if (!this.isEmpty()) {\n this._selection.forEach(function (value) { return _this._unmarkSelected(value); });\n }\n };\n /**\n * Verifies the value assignment and throws an error if the specified value array is\n * including multiple values while the selection model is not supporting multiple values.\n * @param {?} values\n * @return {?}\n */\n SelectionModel.prototype._verifyValueAssignment = /**\n * Verifies the value assignment and throws an error if the specified value array is\n * including multiple values while the selection model is not supporting multiple values.\n * @param {?} values\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (values) {\n if (values.length > 1 && !this._multiple) {\n throw getMultipleValuesInSingleSelectionError();\n }\n };\n return SelectionModel;\n}());\n/**\n * Returns an error that reports that multiple values are passed into a selection model\n * with a single value.\n * @return {?}\n */\nfunction getMultipleValuesInSingleSelectionError() {\n return Error('Cannot pass multiple values into SelectionModel with single-value mode.');\n}\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n/**\n * Class to coordinate unique selection based on name.\n * Intended to be consumed as an Angular service.\n * This service is needed because native radio change events are only fired on the item currently\n * being selected, and we still need to uncheck the previous selection.\n *\n * This service does not *store* any IDs and names because they may change at any time, so it is\n * less error-prone if they are simply passed through when the events occur.\n */\nvar UniqueSelectionDispatcher = /** @class */ (function () {\n function UniqueSelectionDispatcher() {\n this._listeners = [];\n }\n /**\n * Notify other items that selection for the given name has been set.\n * @param id ID of the item.\n * @param name Name of the item.\n */\n /**\n * Notify other items that selection for the given name has been set.\n * @param {?} id ID of the item.\n * @param {?} name Name of the item.\n * @return {?}\n */\n UniqueSelectionDispatcher.prototype.notify = /**\n * Notify other items that selection for the given name has been set.\n * @param {?} id ID of the item.\n * @param {?} name Name of the item.\n * @return {?}\n */\n function (id, name) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a = this._listeners; _i < _a.length; _i++) {\n var listener = _a[_i];\n listener(id, name);\n }\n };\n /**\n * Listen for future changes to item selection.\n * @return Function used to deregister listener\n */\n /**\n * Listen for future changes to item selection.\n * @param {?} listener\n * @return {?} Function used to deregister listener\n */\n UniqueSelectionDispatcher.prototype.listen = /**\n * Listen for future changes to item selection.\n * @param {?} listener\n * @return {?} Function used to deregister listener\n */\n function (listener) {\n var _this = this;\n this._listeners.push(listener);\n return function () {\n _this._listeners = _this._listeners.filter(function (registered) {\n return listener !== registered;\n });\n };\n };\n /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n UniqueSelectionDispatcher.prototype.ngOnDestroy = /**\n * @return {?}\n */\n function () {\n this._listeners = [];\n };\n UniqueSelectionDispatcher.decorators = [\n { type: Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' },] },\n ];\n /** @nocollapse */ UniqueSelectionDispatcher.ngInjectableDef = defineInjectable({ factory: function UniqueSelectionDispatcher_Factory() { return new UniqueSelectionDispatcher(); }, token: UniqueSelectionDispatcher, providedIn: \"root\" });\n return UniqueSelectionDispatcher;\n}());\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview added by tsickle\n * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc\n */\n\nexport { UniqueSelectionDispatcher, DataSource, SelectionModel, getMultipleValuesInSingleSelectionError };\n//# sourceMappingURL=collections.es5.js.map\n","/**\n * @fileoverview This file was generated by the Angular template compiler. Do not edit.\n *\n * @suppress {suspiciousCode,uselessCode,missingProperties,missingOverride,checkTypes}\n * tslint:disable\n */ \nimport * as i0 from \"@angular/core\";\nimport * as i1 from \"@angular/material/expansion\";\nimport * as i2 from \"@angular/common\";\nimport * as i3 from \"@angular/cdk/accordion\";\nimport * as i4 from \"@angular/cdk/portal\";\nimport * as i5 from \"@angular/cdk/collections\";\nimport * as i6 from \"@angular/cdk/a11y\";\nvar MatExpansionModuleNgFactory = i0.ɵcmf(i1.MatExpansionModule, [], function (_l) { return i0.ɵmod([i0.ɵmpd(512, i0.ComponentFactoryResolver, i0.ɵCodegenComponentFactoryResolver, [[8, []], [3, i0.ComponentFactoryResolver], i0.NgModuleRef]), i0.ɵmpd(4608, i2.NgLocalization, i2.NgLocaleLocalization, [i0.LOCALE_ID, [2, i2.ɵangular_packages_common_common_a]]), i0.ɵmpd(1073742336, i2.CommonModule, i2.CommonModule, []), i0.ɵmpd(1073742336, i3.CdkAccordionModule, i3.CdkAccordionModule, []), i0.ɵmpd(1073742336, i4.PortalModule, i4.PortalModule, []), i0.ɵmpd(1073742336, i1.MatExpansionModule, i1.MatExpansionModule, [])]); });\nexport { MatExpansionModuleNgFactory as MatExpansionModuleNgFactory };\nvar styles_MatExpansionPanel = [\".mat-expansion-panel{transition:box-shadow 280ms cubic-bezier(.4,0,.2,1);box-sizing:content-box;display:block;margin:0;transition:margin 225ms cubic-bezier(.4,0,.2,1)}.mat-expansion-panel:not([class*=mat-elevation-z]){box-shadow:0 3px 1px -2px rgba(0,0,0,.2),0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.14),0 1px 5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.12)}.mat-expansion-panel-content{overflow:hidden}.mat-expansion-panel-content.mat-expanded{overflow:visible}.mat-expansion-panel-body{padding:0 24px 16px}.mat-expansion-panel-spacing{margin:16px 0}.mat-accordion>.mat-expansion-panel-spacing:first-child,.mat-accordion>:first-child .mat-expansion-panel-spacing{margin-top:0}.mat-accordion>.mat-expansion-panel-spacing:last-child,.mat-accordion>:last-child .mat-expansion-panel-spacing{margin-bottom:0}.mat-action-row{border-top-style:solid;border-top-width:1px;display:flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:flex-end;padding:16px 8px 16px 24px}.mat-action-row button.mat-button{margin-left:8px}[dir=rtl] .mat-action-row button.mat-button{margin-left:0;margin-right:8px}\"];\nvar RenderType_MatExpansionPanel = i0.ɵcrt({ encapsulation: 2, styles: styles_MatExpansionPanel, data: { \"animation\": [{ type: 7, name: \"bodyExpansion\", definitions: [{ type: 0, name: \"collapsed\", styles: { type: 6, styles: { height: \"0px\", visibility: \"hidden\" }, offset: null }, options: undefined }, { type: 0, name: \"expanded\", styles: { type: 6, styles: { height: \"*\", visibility: \"visible\" }, offset: null }, options: undefined }, { type: 1, expr: \"expanded <=> collapsed\", animation: { type: 4, styles: null, timings: \"225ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,0.2,1)\" }, options: null }], options: {} }] } });\nexport { RenderType_MatExpansionPanel as RenderType_MatExpansionPanel };\nfunction View_MatExpansionPanel_1(_l) { return i0.ɵvid(0, [(_l()(), i0.ɵand(0, null, null, 0))], null, null); }\nexport function View_MatExpansionPanel_0(_l) { return i0.ɵvid(2, [i0.ɵncd(null, 0), (_l()(), i0.ɵeld(1, 0, [[\"body\", 1]], null, 5, \"div\", [[\"class\", \"mat-expansion-panel-content\"], [\"role\", \"region\"]], [[24, \"@bodyExpansion\", 0], [1, \"aria-labelledby\", 0], [8, \"id\", 0]], [[null, \"@bodyExpansion.done\"], [null, \"@bodyExpansion.start\"]], function (_v, en, $event) { var ad = true; var _co = _v.component; if ((\"@bodyExpansion.done\" === en)) {\n var pd_0 = (_co._bodyAnimation($event) !== false);\n ad = (pd_0 && ad);\n } if ((\"@bodyExpansion.start\" === en)) {\n var pd_1 = (_co._bodyAnimation($event) !== false);\n ad = (pd_1 && ad);\n } return ad; }, null, null)), (_l()(), i0.ɵeld(2, 0, null, null, 3, \"div\", [[\"class\", \"mat-expansion-panel-body\"]], null, null, null, null, null)), i0.ɵncd(null, 1), (_l()(), i0.ɵand(16777216, null, null, 1, null, View_MatExpansionPanel_1)), i0.ɵdid(5, 212992, null, 0, i4.CdkPortalOutlet, [i0.ComponentFactoryResolver, i0.ViewContainerRef], { portal: [0, \"portal\"] }, null), i0.ɵncd(null, 2)], function (_ck, _v) { var _co = _v.component; var currVal_3 = _co._portal; _ck(_v, 5, 0, currVal_3); }, function (_ck, _v) { var _co = _v.component; var currVal_0 = _co._getExpandedState(); var currVal_1 = _co._headerId; var currVal_2 = _co.id; _ck(_v, 1, 0, currVal_0, currVal_1, currVal_2); }); }\nexport function View_MatExpansionPanel_Host_0(_l) { return i0.ɵvid(0, [(_l()(), i0.ɵeld(0, 16777216, null, null, 2, \"mat-expansion-panel\", [[\"class\", \"mat-expansion-panel\"]], [[2, \"mat-expanded\", null], [2, \"mat-expansion-panel-spacing\", null]], null, null, View_MatExpansionPanel_0, RenderType_MatExpansionPanel)), i0.ɵdid(1, 1753088, null, 1, i1.MatExpansionPanel, [[2, i1.MatAccordion], i0.ChangeDetectorRef, i5.UniqueSelectionDispatcher, i0.ViewContainerRef], null, null), i0.ɵqud(335544320, 1, { _lazyContent: 0 })], null, function (_ck, _v) { var currVal_0 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 1).expanded; var currVal_1 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 1)._hasSpacing(); _ck(_v, 0, 0, currVal_0, currVal_1); }); }\nvar MatExpansionPanelNgFactory = i0.ɵccf(\"mat-expansion-panel\", i1.MatExpansionPanel, View_MatExpansionPanel_Host_0, { expanded: \"expanded\", disabled: \"disabled\", hideToggle: \"hideToggle\" }, { closed: \"closed\", opened: \"opened\", destroyed: \"destroyed\", expandedChange: \"expandedChange\" }, [\"mat-expansion-panel-header\", \"*\", \"mat-action-row\"]);\nexport { MatExpansionPanelNgFactory as MatExpansionPanelNgFactory };\nvar styles_MatExpansionPanelHeader = [\".mat-expansion-panel-header{display:flex;flex-direction:row;align-items:center;padding:0 24px}.mat-expansion-panel-header:focus,.mat-expansion-panel-header:hover{outline:0}.mat-expansion-panel-header.mat-expanded:focus,.mat-expansion-panel-header.mat-expanded:hover{background:inherit}.mat-expansion-panel-header:not([aria-disabled=true]){cursor:pointer}.mat-content{display:flex;flex:1;flex-direction:row;overflow:hidden}.mat-expansion-panel-header-description,.mat-expansion-panel-header-title{display:flex;flex-grow:1;margin-right:16px}[dir=rtl] .mat-expansion-panel-header-description,[dir=rtl] .mat-expansion-panel-header-title{margin-right:0;margin-left:16px}.mat-expansion-panel-header-description{flex-grow:2}.mat-expansion-indicator::after{border-style:solid;border-width:0 2px 2px 0;content:'';display:inline-block;padding:3px;transform:rotate(45deg);vertical-align:middle}\"];\nvar RenderType_MatExpansionPanelHeader = i0.ɵcrt({ encapsulation: 2, styles: styles_MatExpansionPanelHeader, data: { \"animation\": [{ type: 7, name: \"indicatorRotate\", definitions: [{ type: 0, name: \"collapsed\", styles: { type: 6, styles: { transform: \"rotate(0deg)\" }, offset: null }, options: undefined }, { type: 0, name: \"expanded\", styles: { type: 6, styles: { transform: \"rotate(180deg)\" }, offset: null }, options: undefined }, { type: 1, expr: \"expanded <=> collapsed\", animation: { type: 4, styles: null, timings: \"225ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,0.2,1)\" }, options: null }], options: {} }, { type: 7, name: \"expansionHeight\", definitions: [{ type: 0, name: \"collapsed\", styles: { type: 6, styles: { height: \"{{collapsedHeight}}\" }, offset: null }, options: { params: { collapsedHeight: \"48px\" } } }, { type: 0, name: \"expanded\", styles: { type: 6, styles: { height: \"{{expandedHeight}}\" }, offset: null }, options: { params: { expandedHeight: \"64px\" } } }, { type: 1, expr: \"expanded <=> collapsed\", animation: { type: 3, steps: [{ type: 11, selector: \"@indicatorRotate\", animation: { type: 9, options: null }, options: { optional: true } }, { type: 4, styles: null, timings: \"225ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,0.2,1)\" }], options: null }, options: null }], options: {} }] } });\nexport { RenderType_MatExpansionPanelHeader as RenderType_MatExpansionPanelHeader };\nfunction View_MatExpansionPanelHeader_1(_l) { return i0.ɵvid(0, [(_l()(), i0.ɵeld(0, 0, null, null, 0, \"span\", [[\"class\", \"mat-expansion-indicator\"]], [[24, \"@indicatorRotate\", 0]], null, null, null, null))], null, function (_ck, _v) { var _co = _v.component; var currVal_0 = _co._getExpandedState(); _ck(_v, 0, 0, currVal_0); }); }\nexport function View_MatExpansionPanelHeader_0(_l) { return i0.ɵvid(2, [(_l()(), i0.ɵeld(0, 0, null, null, 3, \"span\", [[\"class\", \"mat-content\"]], null, null, null, null, null)), i0.ɵncd(null, 0), i0.ɵncd(null, 1), i0.ɵncd(null, 2), (_l()(), i0.ɵand(16777216, null, null, 1, null, View_MatExpansionPanelHeader_1)), i0.ɵdid(5, 16384, null, 0, i2.NgIf, [i0.ViewContainerRef, i0.TemplateRef], { ngIf: [0, \"ngIf\"] }, null)], function (_ck, _v) { var _co = _v.component; var currVal_0 = _co._showToggle(); _ck(_v, 5, 0, currVal_0); }, null); }\nexport function View_MatExpansionPanelHeader_Host_0(_l) { return i0.ɵvid(0, [(_l()(), i0.ɵeld(0, 0, null, null, 3, \"mat-expansion-panel-header\", [[\"class\", \"mat-expansion-panel-header\"], [\"role\", \"button\"]], [[1, \"id\", 0], [1, \"tabindex\", 0], [1, \"aria-controls\", 0], [1, \"aria-expanded\", 0], [1, \"aria-disabled\", 0], [2, \"mat-expanded\", null], [40, \"@expansionHeight\", 0]], [[null, \"click\"], [null, \"keydown\"]], function (_v, en, $event) { var ad = true; if ((\"click\" === en)) {\n var pd_0 = (i0.ɵnov(_v, 1)._toggle() !== false);\n ad = (pd_0 && ad);\n } if ((\"keydown\" === en)) {\n var pd_1 = (i0.ɵnov(_v, 1)._keydown($event) !== false);\n ad = (pd_1 && ad);\n } return ad; }, View_MatExpansionPanelHeader_0, RenderType_MatExpansionPanelHeader)), i0.ɵdid(1, 180224, null, 0, i1.MatExpansionPanelHeader, [i1.MatExpansionPanel, i0.ElementRef, i6.FocusMonitor, i0.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null), i0.ɵpod(2, { collapsedHeight: 0, expandedHeight: 1 }), i0.ɵpod(3, { value: 0, params: 1 })], null, function (_ck, _v) { var currVal_0 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 1).panel._headerId; var currVal_1 = (i0.ɵnov(_v, 1).panel.disabled ? (0 - 1) : 0); var currVal_2 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 1)._getPanelId(); var currVal_3 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 1)._isExpanded(); var currVal_4 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 1).panel.disabled; var currVal_5 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 1)._isExpanded(); var currVal_6 = _ck(_v, 3, 0, i0.ɵnov(_v, 1)._getExpandedState(), _ck(_v, 2, 0, i0.ɵnov(_v, 1).collapsedHeight, i0.ɵnov(_v, 1).expandedHeight)); _ck(_v, 0, 0, currVal_0, currVal_1, currVal_2, currVal_3, currVal_4, currVal_5, currVal_6); }); }\nvar MatExpansionPanelHeaderNgFactory = i0.ɵccf(\"mat-expansion-panel-header\", i1.MatExpansionPanelHeader, View_MatExpansionPanelHeader_Host_0, { expandedHeight: \"expandedHeight\", collapsedHeight: \"collapsedHeight\" }, {}, [\"mat-panel-title\", \"mat-panel-description\", \"*\"]);\nexport { MatExpansionPanelHeaderNgFactory as MatExpansionPanelHeaderNgFactory };\n","<ng-content select=\"mat-expansion-panel-header\"></ng-content><div class=\"mat-expansion-panel-content\" role=\"region\" [@bodyExpansion]=\"_getExpandedState()\" (@bodyExpansion.done)=\"_bodyAnimation($event)\" (@bodyExpansion.start)=\"_bodyAnimation($event)\" [attr.aria-labelledby]=\"_headerId\" [id]=\"id\" #body><div class=\"mat-expansion-panel-body\"><ng-content></ng-content><ng-template [cdkPortalOutlet]=\"_portal\"></ng-template></div><ng-content select=\"mat-action-row\"></ng-content></div>","<span class=\"mat-content\"><ng-content select=\"mat-panel-title\"></ng-content><ng-content select=\"mat-panel-description\"></ng-content><ng-content></ng-content></span><span [@indicatorRotate]=\"_getExpandedState()\" *ngIf=\"_showToggle()\" class=\"mat-expansion-indicator\"></span>","/**\n * @fileoverview This file was generated by the Angular template compiler. Do not edit.\n *\n * @suppress {suspiciousCode,uselessCode,missingProperties,missingOverride,checkTypes}\n * tslint:disable\n */ \nimport * as i0 from \"@angular/core\";\nimport * as i1 from \"../../../../node_modules/@angular/material/expansion/typings/index.ngfactory\";\nimport * as i2 from \"@angular/material/expansion\";\nimport * as i3 from \"@angular/cdk/collections\";\nimport * as i4 from \"@angular/cdk/a11y\";\nimport * as i5 from \"./expandable-section.component\";\nvar styles_ExpandableSectionComponent = [];\nvar RenderType_ExpandableSectionComponent = i0.ɵcrt({ encapsulation: 2, styles: styles_ExpandableSectionComponent, data: {} });\nexport { RenderType_ExpandableSectionComponent as RenderType_ExpandableSectionComponent };\nexport function View_ExpandableSectionComponent_0(_l) { return i0.ɵvid(0, [(_l()(), i0.ɵeld(0, 16777216, null, null, 8, \"mat-expansion-panel\", [[\"class\", \"mat-expansion-panel\"], [\"style\", \"background: inherit\"]], [[2, \"mat-expanded\", null], [2, \"mat-expansion-panel-spacing\", null]], null, null, i1.View_MatExpansionPanel_0, i1.RenderType_MatExpansionPanel)), i0.ɵdid(1, 1753088, null, 1, i2.MatExpansionPanel, [[2, i2.MatAccordion], i0.ChangeDetectorRef, i3.UniqueSelectionDispatcher, i0.ViewContainerRef], null, null), i0.ɵqud(335544320, 1, { _lazyContent: 0 }), (_l()(), i0.ɵeld(3, 0, null, 0, 4, \"mat-expansion-panel-header\", [[\"class\", \"mat-expansion-panel-header\"], [\"role\", \"button\"]], [[1, \"id\", 0], [1, \"tabindex\", 0], [1, \"aria-controls\", 0], [1, \"aria-expanded\", 0], [1, \"aria-disabled\", 0], [2, \"mat-expanded\", null], [40, \"@expansionHeight\", 0]], [[null, \"click\"], [null, \"keydown\"]], function (_v, en, $event) { var ad = true; if ((\"click\" === en)) {\n var pd_0 = (i0.ɵnov(_v, 4)._toggle() !== false);\n ad = (pd_0 && ad);\n } if ((\"keydown\" === en)) {\n var pd_1 = (i0.ɵnov(_v, 4)._keydown($event) !== false);\n ad = (pd_1 && ad);\n } return ad; }, i1.View_MatExpansionPanelHeader_0, i1.RenderType_MatExpansionPanelHeader)), i0.ɵdid(4, 180224, null, 0, i2.MatExpansionPanelHeader, [i2.MatExpansionPanel, i0.ElementRef, i4.FocusMonitor, i0.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null), i0.ɵpod(5, { collapsedHeight: 0, expandedHeight: 1 }), i0.ɵpod(6, { value: 0, params: 1 }), (_l()(), i0.ɵted(7, 2, [\" \", \" \"])), i0.ɵncd(1, 0)], null, function (_ck, _v) { var _co = _v.component; var currVal_0 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 1).expanded; var currVal_1 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 1)._hasSpacing(); _ck(_v, 0, 0, currVal_0, currVal_1); var currVal_2 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 4).panel._headerId; var currVal_3 = (i0.ɵnov(_v, 4).panel.disabled ? (0 - 1) : 0); var currVal_4 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 4)._getPanelId(); var currVal_5 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 4)._isExpanded(); var currVal_6 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 4).panel.disabled; var currVal_7 = i0.ɵnov(_v, 4)._isExpanded(); var currVal_8 = _ck(_v, 6, 0, i0.ɵnov(_v, 4)._getExpandedState(), _ck(_v, 5, 0, i0.ɵnov(_v, 4).collapsedHeight, i0.ɵnov(_v, 4).expandedHeight)); _ck(_v, 3, 0, currVal_2, currVal_3, currVal_4, currVal_5, currVal_6, currVal_7, currVal_8); var currVal_9 = _co.title; _ck(_v, 7, 0, currVal_9); }); }\nexport function View_ExpandableSectionComponent_Host_0(_l) { return i0.ɵvid(0, [(_l()(), i0.ɵeld(0, 0, null, null, 1, \"aio-expandable-section\", [], null, null, null, View_ExpandableSectionComponent_0, RenderType_ExpandableSectionComponent)), i0.ɵdid(1, 49152, null, 0, i5.ExpandableSectionComponent, [], null, null)], null, null); }\nvar ExpandableSectionComponentNgFactory = i0.ɵccf(\"aio-expandable-section\", i5.ExpandableSectionComponent, View_ExpandableSectionComponent_Host_0, { title: \"title\" }, {}, [\"*\"]);\nexport { ExpandableSectionComponentNgFactory as ExpandableSectionComponentNgFactory };\n","<mat-expansion-panel style=\"background: inherit\">\n <mat-expansion-panel-header>\n {{title}}\n </mat-expansion-panel-header>\n\n <ng-content></ng-content>\n</mat-expansion-panel>\n","/**\n * @fileoverview This file was generated by the Angular template compiler. Do not edit.\n *\n * @suppress {suspiciousCode,uselessCode,missingProperties,missingOverride,checkTypes}\n * tslint:disable\n */ \nimport * as i0 from \"@angular/core\";\nimport * as i1 from \"./expandable-section.module\";\nimport * as i2 from \"./expandable-section.component.ngfactory\";\nimport * as i3 from \"@angular/common\";\nimport * as i4 from \"@angular/cdk/accordion\";\nimport * as i5 from \"@angular/cdk/portal\";\nimport * as i6 from \"@angular/material/expansion\";\nvar ExpandableSectionModuleNgFactory = i0.ɵcmf(i1.ExpandableSectionModule, [], function (_l) { return i0.ɵmod([i0.ɵmpd(512, i0.ComponentFactoryResolver, i0.ɵCodegenComponentFactoryResolver, [[8, [i2.ExpandableSectionComponentNgFactory]], [3, i0.ComponentFactoryResolver], i0.NgModuleRef]), i0.ɵmpd(4608, i3.NgLocalization, i3.NgLocaleLocalization, [i0.LOCALE_ID, [2, i3.ɵangular_packages_common_common_a]]), i0.ɵmpd(1073742336, i3.CommonModule, i3.CommonModule, []), i0.ɵmpd(1073742336, i4.CdkAccordionModule, i4.CdkAccordionModule, []), i0.ɵmpd(1073742336, i5.PortalModule, i5.PortalModule, []), i0.ɵmpd(1073742336, i6.MatExpansionModule, i6.MatExpansionModule, []), i0.ɵmpd(1073742336, i1.ExpandableSectionModule, i1.ExpandableSectionModule, [])]); });\nexport { ExpandableSectionModuleNgFactory as ExpandableSectionModuleNgFactory };\n"],"sourceRoot":""}