Releases: openhealthcare/opal
0.7.0 Release
0.7.0 (Major Release)
Episode Categories
Refactors EpisodeCategory to be a discoverable feature.
Renames Episode.category
-> Episode.category_name
Episode JSON API
The Restful Episode JSON API previously available at /episode/:pk/
is now moved into
for consistency with the rest of our JSON APIs.
The OPAL Angular layer has been updated to reflect this, and
should handle the transition seamlessly, but code calling the API directly should update
to reflect the new URL.
Defaults for records on the client side
Establishes a new way to define defaults for records initialised in Javascript without
requiring that we hard-code API names to defaults in a global namespace.
Update to Javascript Signatures
and Flow.exit()
now no longer take options
positional arguments - instead
the controllers they initialise have Metadata
and Referencedata
as optional resolves
AddEpisodeCtrl now no longer requires options as a resolves() option, but requires Referencedata
MaxLength for form helpers
The input
form helper will now infer the max length of char fields from the max length of the
database field, and render relevant Angular directives.
EpisodeDetail removed
The EpisodeDetailCtrl
and EpisodeDetailMixin
controller and service have been removed - these
were not used anywhere other than in the Wardround plugin, and redundant after enhancements to
Patient Detail and Custom DetailViews in 0.6.
Additional utilities
Adds a datetimepicker templatetag that will render widgets for a Datetime field including time.
Adds a date_of_birth_field
templatetag that renders a date of birth field complete with intelligent
validation. (Note this change also includes removing the old _partial/ template)
Updates dependency graph:
- Django -> 1.8.13
0.6.0 Release
0.6.0 (Major Release)
Detail views
Moves from episode oriented detail to patient oriented detail.
(All episodes plus x-episode views are available from a patient detail screen)
As a performance optimisation for the frequent access of historic tags, untagging
an episode simply renders the tag inactive rather than deleting it and relying on
Django-Reversion for access to historical data.
Date Formatting
We now expect 'd/m/y' date formatting by default.
Patient lists
Lists are now declarative, and separate from teams. They are implemented as
subclasses of opal.core.patient_lists.PatientList.
Forms vs. Modals
Introduces a distinction between a form and a modal.
By default, we now use forms for subrecords, only overriding the modal if there
is something we want to do differently specifically in the modal.
Command line tools
Adds $opal checkout for switching between applications or application versions.
Models ContextProcessor
The 'opal.context_processors.models' Context Processor will allow you to access your
subrecords from templates without having to explicitly load them in a view. In turn,
this allows patterns like:
{% include models.Demographics.get_detail_template %}
Upgrade instructions:
Full upgrade instructions to work through any backwards incompatible changes are
provided in the OPAL docs.
0.5.6 Minor Release
This minor release fixes a bug with upgrading from 0.4.3 to >=0.5.5 in one go without stepping through the intermediary releases.
0.5.5 Performance Release
Changes the way old tags are handled.
Tags are no longer deleted episodes, rather they're marked as archived.
This makes advanced search/extract significantly faster, as well as knock on improvements for anything that used old tags (e.g. many wardrounds)
0.5.4 Minor Release
Makes Angular local storage available.
Fixes various bugs with startproject/scaffold.
0.5.3 Minor Release
- Speed up loading of the lookup lists
- Fix pagination issues in search
- Speed up loading of many to many fields
- Increase test coverage
- Add some extra help fields to {% forms %} helpers
- Fixes bug with $rootScope.open_modal() where keystrokes were being intercepted
0.5.2 Minor Release
Improved test coverage.
Improved list loading speed as we no longer wait for options before loading in the episode list
0.5.1 Minor Release
Minor bug fixes
0.5.0 Major Release
Complete re-design of Search interface to provide a single search box on every page and pagination for resulta.
Puts in place a pluggable interface that could be swapped out for e.g. ElasticSearch.
New Service for PatientSummary()
Moves Analytics integration into OPAL core with the ability to blacklist pages that should never be reported
List view
Removed old spreadsheet-style cell based navigation and moved to row-wise nav with clearer highlighting of the active row.
Updated scrolling and loading behaviour to snap to viewport and not display the page build.
Subrecord metadata
Added four new utility fields to Patient and Episode subrecords:
created_by, updated_by, created, updated
Select2 and list fields
Added support for select2 as an input widget and Subrecord fields that can be lists of things.
Numerous small bugfixes.
Refactoring of the models package into a models module.
Updated Underscore.js -> 1.8.3
Updated Angular.js -> 1.3.11
0.4.3 Minor Release
Refactors opal.models to be a file rather than a package.
Adds several improvements to forms helpers -> Help argument, other argument to select.
Updates dependency graph:
- Angular-strap -> 2.3.1