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Tony Dubreil tonydub
Software engineer | Craft enthusiast | PHP/Symfony, Go, Rust Pragmastism Driven Developer, xDD (TDD/BDD/DDD), Clean architecture.

Klaxoon France

Bright Matter brightermatter
a loop with single iteration
Tiziano Santoro tiziano88
λ f . ( λ x . f ( x x ) ) ( λ x . f ( x x ) )

@google, @project-oak London, United Kingdom

Hirad Rasoolinejad Hiiirad
DevSecOps Engineer | eBPF and XDP | Cyber Security Researcher | Telco Cloud | Rust | Open Source Contributor
Jonathan Jaquez jejaquez
I'm a Programmer, Researcher, and Cryptographer.
Amin Rois Sinung Nugroho amin-mq-cyber
Amin is doing PhD in Cyber Security at Macquarie. He has more than 15 years experience at the intersection of cyber security, big data, and digital publishing.

Poddium Sydney, Australia

Hatem M'naouer HatemMn
Limits are meant ... TO BE BROKEN !

ActiveViam France, Paris

Adam Khayam Adamk93
Post-Doc in inria Paris and ENS Paris at the ANTIQUE team

inria Paris

Robert Steiner Robert-Steiner
Rust/Python Developer + DevOps

Flower Labs Berlin

Robert Olejnik teon
I'm the founder and ceo of teonite® deeptech studio, defguard open-source security platform, and investor in various companies - but mainly an engineer 🛠️

@teonite Szczecin, Poland

Alex Stratoudakis Tidur
Backend dev Greece

Mouiz Ur Rehman 0Mouiz1


Shawn shawn111

@easystack Kaohsiung

woodlyer woodlyer
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Always thirsty for beer and knowledge

@Bitwarden Earth-616

Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
En formation de Développeur Web, je m'intéresse autant au front qu'au back, ainsi qu'aux autres métiers du digital, data, AI, UX,UI, référencement...


Maminirina Njarasoa Rakotozafy raknjarasoa
Telecom Engineer | Front End Developer I love modern javascript ecosystem Vanilla | Typescript | ReactJs | Angular

Red Line Paris


Lord0xShield Lord0xShield
Security researcher👨‍🔬 Busy finding vulnerabilities⚡️in Web2 & Web3 to make the digital world a more safe and secure space🛡️🇫🇷
Aimé Risson herissondev
Student, french 🥖

VIRAJ France

Antoine Mattei AMa2tei

SICA Nucléaire / Esimed Marseille

Tinaël Devresse HunteRoi
Young Belgian developer mainly interested in web, mobile and IOT technologies. I like to teach and learn so come share with me !

Capyx Belgium

Laetitia Langlois weblaetitia
Front-end engineer

Cosmian France