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Tim Schauder Jdu278
Developer working @TICESoftware.

@TICESoftware Potsdam, Germany

Enes Sürmeli surmelienes1
M.Sc. in Computer Science at HPI. Computer Engineering Graduate (B․Sc․) from Boğaziçi University. Interested in the fields of Data Science and Machine Learning

AI Service Center, Hasso Plattner Institute Berlin Metropolitan Area, Germany

Khang Nguyen nudelneed

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Vietnam

Vinh Truong thvinhtruong

Frankfurt University of Applied Science Vietnam

Benjamin Gögge-Feiersinger bnggge

Benjamin Gögge-Feiersinger Berlin, Germany

Jean Junior Tane F Tane12
Learning, analyzing and innovating - A student on it's way to becoming a data professional.
Arpad Dusa dusarp
Applied/nano physicist. Currently exploring data science and machine learning.


Lukas Drews LukasDrews97
I study machine learning.

Hasso Plattner Institute Berlin

QuyetNguyen nguyendoanquyet
University lecturer at Nha Trang University (NTU) (Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam). Interested in High voltage Engineering, Polymer Science, Knowledge Graph

Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) Hanoi - Vietnam

Mercy OMEAkin
learning... organizing...
Stephanie Day stephanieday
Computer Science M.Sc. student at TU Berlin
Uditha WICK. udithaWICK
👋 Data Scientist and AI Enthusiast passionate about transforming data into actionable insights and building scalable AI-driven solutions. Let's innovate and op


Javad Javid912
Data Engineer - Exploring the world of Data #ML #AI #DE

Berlin, Germany

Jennifer Winkler jen4win
Data Enthusiast with a strong biomedical background. Currently upskilling myself in Data Science, Python and ML to improve health perspectives with data.


Limin liminm

Berlin, Germany

Joaquin Gomez Prats slovanos
Data Scientist | Electronics Engineer. Machine Learning, AI. I do mostly Linux and Python.


Antonio Rueda-Toicen andandandand
Machine Learning Engineer

AI Service Center, Hasso Plattner Institute Berlin, Germany