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Lanvil Dsa lanvil1
Enthusiastic to explore new!!!!
Aman Uchitkar amanuchitkar
🚀 Aspiring passionate about Web Development. Currently learning Backend with Python and Django. Proficient in GCF. Let's connect.
Hello. I'm Lavisha, a 20 years old tech enthusiast and a student. I am happy you are here :)
Pravin Kumar pravin-pk
Computer Science Engineer | Cloud Dev | Computer geek | Inquiring mind

GDSC-SJEC Mangalore

Sanmitha Shetty SanmithaShetty
I like to code and create projects in my free time. Always trying out new things and interested in growing and building something to be proud of.


Ashwin Tauro ashwinshawntauro
Full Stack Dev 🖥️ | Tech Stack: Javascript, Typescript, C#, Python, React, Next, MySQL, MongoDB


Uthpal UthpalSuvarna
CSE undergraduate student.


Anish Shobith P S anishshobithps
22 | Google DSC Lead '23 | Full Stack Developer | SJEC '24 | Consistency is key

@Zenduty India, Mangalore

Deric Jojo JackitudilinksG
Afraid of commitments
Tina Benita Rego tinabenita
An aspiring developer!


Loyd Lobo loydlobo7


Abdulrahman Kablan joker-ly
Student in IT Collage Misurata University Member in General Union Of Libyan Student

Misurata University Libya

Preetham PreethamShastry
Coding enthusiastic, WebDeveloper.

Student Moodbidri,Karnataka

Avinash Muralidharan avi7501
Software Engineer

St. Joseph Engineering College ,Mangalore Mangalore

Pratham V Bhat prathamvbhat

@sceptix-club Cyberspace

Mohammed Rabil rabilrbl
Software amazes me! 🧑‍💻

Sullia, India

Tejashwini K Jogi TEJU420
Computer Science Student|Web Developer


Hisham Moideen hishcodes
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Seasoned WordPress Freelancer


Adithya K Shetty Adithya-K-Shetty
Full Stack Developer | Angular | Dotnet Core | Microservice | GCP | Azure | Kubernetes

Uppala_Kasargod_ Kerala_ India