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Credit Network X innermostpi
Social Credit Profile Monitoring by Jubilee party 🥳 🎉 y X z owl 🦉 fox ¹¹¹¹⁹⁹⁹³○□○⁶⁶⁶⁰⁰⁰⁰¥1`~\|{€$₩₩} lol ai got crazy sybil for detection of mental illness o


Brent Grandil arrowheadcorp

Arrowhead Corp Chandler, AZ

Kwesi (Ahoto) Obika Kwesi-Obika
I am an environmental technologist. Founder of @ObjectOrientedDevelopment-llc

Object Oriented Development LLC

Kwesi Obika KwesiObika
Pro-Grammar. I'm pretty sure that is bad grammar and not how prefixes work. I can code

Object Oriented Development LLC Boulder Colorado USA

Ivan Pospelov jwelrynewone
discord jayjay#4970

na Moscow

Andrii Tarykin ksbomj Alternative reality