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Da Fan dxf424
Grad student at PSU in meteorology, working on model predictability of FV3
Kevin Santana kevinsantana11
Building software to help science 🧪 🧑‍💻

Monterey, CA

Justin Lynn Reid synflyn28

Earth Resources Technology Asheville, NC

Chia-Wei Hsu chiaweh2
Associate Scientist at @NOAA-PSL working on integrating observation, reanalysis data, and model simulation to create an inter-comparison portal.


Darren Andrew Ray Darren-Ray
Climatologist, meteorologist / PhD candidate (climate dynamics and paleoclimatology / Climate change analyst (DEW)

University of Adelaide Adelaide,Australia

Olivier Bonte olivierbonte
Doctoral researcher @h-cel

Ghent University Ghent, Belgium

Xavier Nogueira xaviernogueira
Geospatial data scientist / engineer.

@panoai Washington D.C

Eni eni-awowale
I am an earth scientist and software developer creating tools to help solve ecological and environmental issues.

@NASA Washington, D.C.


Nairobi, Kenya

Gabriel Stefanini Vicente g4brielvs
The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing


Juan Pablo Mallarino jpmallarino
Ph.D. in Physics / Theoretical Physics & Statistical Mechanics C/C++, Python & R

HUGE Bogota D.C. - Colombia

Matt Fisher mfisher87
Scientific Software Developer at UC Berkeley Schmidt Center for Data Science and Environment. Volunteer open source developer and maintainer. 🏳️‍🌈

@SchmidtDSE Colorado, USA

Toby Welborn tlwelbor

US Geologiccal Survey Bend, OR

Matthew Nanas matthewnanas
i build things and learn, *occasionally*


Josh Hopkins joshhopkins
Democratising sustainability intelligence. Founder @opencorridor | Researcher @CutinUniversity | alumni @ClimateSubak 🔬🚀🌱

Open Corridor Planet Earth

Calvin Nesbitt CalvinNesbitt
Research Engineer @ TransitionZero with a background in climate science

@transition-zero London

Lars Buntemeyer larsbuntemeyer

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon Hamburg

Jon Weisbaum jweisbaum
ex Google, ex Weather Company

Hallowell, ME

Wesley Banfield WesleyTheGeolien
Unconventional thinker | Software Engineer | Geologist



East China Normal University Shanghai

Yoni Nachmany yoninachmany
Head of Data Engineering @myzeus


Craig Ramseyer ramseyca

@virginiatech Blacksburg, VA

Matt Brown mattjbr123
Doing sciencey/codey things as a Research Software Engineer for UKCEH. LGBTQ+ He/Him




Stephen Thomson sit23

University of Exeter Exeter

Siiri Bigalke siiri-bigalke
Climate Science PhD student @ Portland State University

Portland State University Portland, OR

Markus Ritschel markusritschel

Post-doc at the University of Hamburg Hamburg

Daniel Camarena DanielCamarena
[computer ∪ stats] ∩ [math ∪ science]

Imarpe Callao, Perú

Jorge A. Arriagada Triana jarriagadat
Geotechnical Engineer 🧰 | everything underground

School of Civil Engineering, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile Viña del Mar, Chile

Fernando Aristizabal fernando-aristizabal
Scientist experimenting with remote sensing, machine learning, partial differential equations, flood inundation mapping, and geospatial sciences.

ERT Florida, USA

Alex Merose alxmrs
Excited about open source science.
Pete Gadomski gadomski
Geospatial open source @developmentseed

Development Seed Longmont, CO

Arpita Patel arpita0911patel
DevOps Manager and Enterprise Architect

@AlabamaWaterInstitute @CIROH-UA Tuscaloosa, AL

Timothy Hodson thodson-usgs

U.S. Geological Survey Urbana, Illinois

Matt Tankersley mdtanker
Geology / Geophysics Ph.D studying Antarctica with potential fields data.

Antarctic Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington Wellington, New Zealand

Brendan McAndrew bmcandr
Geospatial Software Engineer @impactobservatory / Previously @NASA-LIS

@impactobservatory Washington, D.C.

Negin Sobhani negin513
Scientific Software Developer👩🏻‍💻 and Geospatial Data Scientist 🌎. HPC, Cloud, Geospatial ML Workflows. Background in weather and air quality modeling

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Boulder, CO

Joe O'Brien jrobrien91
Atmos Science Software Developer Argonne National Lab

Argonne National Laboratory Lemont, IL