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Irsath Ahamed Irsathz
Hacker | Developer | Security Researcher

Tamil Nadu

Eduardo Bellido Bellido edubxb
Troll trainer (aka father) 😎. #FOSS #FLOSS ❤️. @EDyO podcast 🎙️. Systems Engineer @seedtag 👨🏼‍💻.

@seedtag Barcelona, Spain

Vivek Adi vivekadi
He who has attained Mastery over himself is a greater conqueror than one who has vanquished a million enemies.

NUS | Strukton-BHEL Singapore

Adam Adasjo


Mathias Magnusson foodelevator
Professional vulnerability planter


Eli Nesterov elinesterov
Making zero trust security a reality
Hatter Jiang jht5945
Senior Technical Specialist from Alibaba Cloud, I love programming ...

Alibaba Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Hal Blackburn h4l

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Mikael 'abbe' Albertsson abbeman
Long time software developer and tinkerer turned embedded developer through school and hobby projects and long experience working on embedded Linux development

Linköping, Sweden

Mare Polaris ph00lt0

Operaciones Cibernéticas α Ursae Minoris

Niccolò Maltoni NiccoMlt
Software engineer at Diennea / MagNews. Mainly JVM programmer (Java, Kotlin, Scala), also trying to be good in JS and .NET worlds.

@diennea Forlì, Italy

GITSRC gitsrc
AI | CloudNative | Blockchain | Security practitioner, Web3.0 researcher and builder, co-founder of @IceFireLabs

@IceFireDB @FlowShield @HiveMesh @IceGiant-Project @IceFireLabs Decentralized

Paolo De Rosa paolo-de-rosa
Technologist passionate about innovation & economics. CTO @eu-digital-identity-wallet and formerly CTO @teamdigitale

European Commission Brussels



APR zionskompis
NOOB of Deception
winterknife winterknife
low-level developer with a focus on 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚕 𝚡𝟾𝟼 ISA devices running 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚜



Ming Chi University of Technology TW

Seonghyun Park shpark
Tired of mediocrity
Joakim Hulthe hulthe
Floss enthusiast 🪥
Vaishali Thakkar v-thakkar
Linux kernel/Virtualization(Xen) engineer. Interested in everything related to (Operating U Embedded U Distributed) ∩ Systems


Savely Krasovsky savely-krasovsky
Senior Software Engineer

Ozon Tech Serbia, Belgrade

Ruan xslackx

Freelancer Brasil

Burninator Burninator
Burninating the countryside, burninating the peasants! Burninating all the peoples who lived in THATCHED ROOFED COTTAGES!
TinLethax TiNredmc
Free time Embedded System Engineer and Robotics enthusiasm. Lvl 0 Reverse engineering, Currently studying at KMITL, Thailand @ Robot Club KMILT Trang, Thailand

Joakim Durehed durehed

Ingelstad Skattegård, Sverige

Samuel Villegas devsamuelv
College student looking to build something cool.

@ThePinkAlliance Florida, USA

Daniel Jobson dehanj

Gothenburg, Sweden

István Csomortáni Csomi
Engineer and maker, interested in SoC/FPGA system design.

Arm Budapest