diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1c3d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/dependabot.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# To get started with Dependabot version updates, you'll need to specify which
+# package ecosystems to update and where the package manifests are located.
+# Please see the documentation for all configuration options:
+# https://docs.github.com/code-security/dependabot/dependabot-version-updates/configuration-options-for-the-dependabot.yml-file
+version: 2
+ - package-ecosystem: "npm" # See documentation for possible values
+ directory: "/" # Location of package manifests
+ schedule:
+ interval: "daily"
+ open-pull-requests-limit: 10
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build-and-publish-page.yml b/.github/workflows/build-and-publish-page.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0b4dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/build-and-publish-page.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+name: Node.js CI
+ release:
+ types: [published]
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Use Node.js LTS
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+ with:
+ node-version: 'lts/*'
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: cd SBOM-Catalog && npm install
+ - name: Run build
+ run: cd SBOM-Catalog && npm run build
+ - name: Upload pages artifact to action workflow
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: pages-build-artifact
+ path: SBOM-Catalog/dist
+ - name: Create zip for release file
+ run: zip -r sbom-catalog-${{github.ref_name}}.zip SBOM-Catalog/dist
+ - name: Upload pages release asset
+ uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v2
+ with:
+ files: sbom-catalog-${{github.ref_name}}.zip
+ - name: Deploy
+ uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4
+ with:
+ folder: SBOM-Catalog/dist
+ branch: gh-pages
+ create_spdx_sbom:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Use Node.js LTS
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+ with:
+ node-version: 'lts/*'
+ - name: Syft SPDX SBOM generation
+ uses: anchore/sbom-action@v0
+ with:
+ artifact-name: sbom-catalog-${{github.ref_name}}.spdx.json
+ format: spdx-json
+ create_cdx_sbom:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Use Node.js LTS
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+ with:
+ node-version: 'lts/*'
+ - name: Syft CycloneDx SBOM generation
+ uses: anchore/sbom-action@v0
+ with:
+ artifact-name: sbom-catalog-${{github.ref_name}}.cdx.json
+ format: cyclonedx-json
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build-pull-request.yml b/.github/workflows/build-pull-request.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9cce5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/build-pull-request.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+name: CI
+ pull_request:
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Use Node.js
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+ with:
+ node-version: 'lts/*'
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: cd SBOM-Catalog && npm install
+ - name: Run build
+ run: cd SBOM-Catalog && npm run build
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 51bfd34..cf49a39 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -86,6 +86,14 @@ The Federal Government exists at every point of the Software Delivery Lifecycle,
- [Minimum Standards for Federal Government End Users](https://www.nist.gov/itl/executive-order-improving-nations-cybersecurity/recommended-minimum-standard-vendor-or-developer)
+## SBOM Catalog
+To provide a better overview of the available tooling and their capabilities, this group maintains an SBOM Catalog which can be found under the following link:
+If you want to get involved, please see the document [here](/SBOM-Catalog/contribute.md)
## Prior Work
### NTIA
- [NTIA SBOM Resources](https://ntia.gov/SBOM)
diff --git a/SBOM-Catalog/.eslintrc.cjs b/SBOM-Catalog/.eslintrc.cjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c727cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SBOM-Catalog/.eslintrc.cjs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* eslint-env node */
+module.exports = {
+ root: true,
+ ignorePatterns: ["dist", "build", "node_modules", ".idea"],
+ 'extends': [
+ 'plugin:vue/vue3-recommended',
+ 'eslint:recommended',
+ '@vue/eslint-config-typescript',
+ '@vue/eslint-config-prettier/skip-formatting'
+ ],
+ parserOptions: {
+ ecmaVersion: 'latest'
+ },
+ rules: {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SBOM-Catalog/.gitignore b/SBOM-Catalog/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a547bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SBOM-Catalog/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Logs
+# Editor directories and files
diff --git a/SBOM-Catalog/contribute.md b/SBOM-Catalog/contribute.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dadfe3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SBOM-Catalog/contribute.md
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# SBOM Catalog
+This is a project to implement an SBOM Catalog inspired by the [Landscape of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation](https://landscape.cncf.io/).
+The page can be found [here](https://ossf.github.io/sbom-everywhere/)
+## How to add your tool
+If you know of a tool or project that should be listed here, please open an Issue or add a MergeRequest. There are three things to consider while adding a new tool:
+### 1. Add a new entry
+The public/data.yaml contains all the information a user can search on the page. Add a new entry to the list of tools. Please follow the following convention regarding the values. Please also refer to the tool's source, where the features are documented.
+##### Name
+The name of the tool. This should be distinct in the list and is used as an identifier.
+##### Publisher
+The publisher refers to the company or institution maintaining the tool. It should be spelled similarly each time so users can find all tools from the same publisher.
+##### Standards
+A list of Standards a tool can produce. Currently, the three standards which are recognized by the [NTIA](https://www.ntia.gov/sites/default/files/publications/sbom_formats_survey-version-2021_0.pdf) are supported:
+- CycloneDx
+##### Abilities
+Abilities describe the capabilities of the tool. In what part of the software development lifecycle can the tool be used? The following abilities are supported:
+- **Compare** - *Can compare two SBOMs*
+- **Consume** - *Can use a provided SBOM in some form*
+- **Convert** - *Can Convert between formats (SPDX, CycloneDX), versions or file-formats (json, xml)*
+- **Edit** - *Can somehow edit the contents of a SBOM*
+- **Generate** - *Can automatically generate a SBOM*
+- **Merge** - *Can merge several SBOMs*
+- **Validate** - *Can validate a SBOM against the file schema or requirements like defined by the NTIA*
+##### Type
+SBOMs may contain different forms of the minimum information sourced from different
+product artifacts. The following types are supported as published by the [NTIA](https://www.cisa.gov/resources-tools/resources/types-software-bill-materials-sbom). Because many tools specifically support the scanning of container images, the category **Container** is added additionally. Even if container scans can be considered *Analyzed*:
+- Design
+- Source
+- Build
+- Analyzed
+- Deployed
+- Runtime
+- Container
+### 2. Add a description
+You can add a detailed description to the /public/descriptions folder. The description should be written in markdown and named after the tool (the Same name as in the data.yaml). It should contain detailed information about the tools and features claimed in the data section. Feel free to add links to the GitHub repository or supplier.
+### 3. Add a logo
+You can add a logo to the /public/logos folder. The logo should be named after the tool (the Same name as in the data.yaml). It should be a PNG file with a transparent background and 200px x 200px.
+The logo will be displayed on the page in the Map View, the List View, and the details section. You can add Logos for all categories and also for the Publisher.
+If you add a Logo, we assume your project and/or company are OK with that. The logo should be used under the fair use policy. If you want to remove your logo, please open an issue, and we will remove it.
+## Shoutout
+A shoutout goes to D3JS for providing such a great library to visualize and interact with data. I stand on the shoulders of giants with this tooling. Also, thanks go to the people from vue.js, who just provide a great JavaScript framework.
+Special thanks to [Mike Bostock](https://observablehq.com/@d3/zoomable-circle-packing?intent=fork) for sharing their examples and snippets used under the [ISC License](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/isc/) to provide the different views in the landscape.
+ISC License
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SBOM-Catalog/index.html b/SBOM-Catalog/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55d61fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SBOM-Catalog/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ SBOM Landscape
diff --git a/SBOM-Catalog/package-lock.json b/SBOM-Catalog/package-lock.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73e41b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SBOM-Catalog/package-lock.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3925 @@
+ "name": "sbom-landscape",
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+- Name: Syft
+ Link: https://github.com/anchore/syft
+ Publisher: Anchore
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ - Convert
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ - Container
+ Language:
+ - Gem
+ - Pypi
+ - Composer
+ - Golang
+ - Npm
+ - Maven
+ - Rpm
+ - Deb
+ - Cran
+ - Alpm
+ - Generic
+ - Nuget
+ - Apk
+ - Hex
+ - Hackage
+ - Cargo
+- Name: Grype
+ Link: https://github.com/anchore/grype
+ Publisher: Anchore
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Consume
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ - Container
+ Language:
+ - Gem
+ - Pypi
+ - Composer
+ - Golang
+ - Npm
+ - Maven
+ - Rpm
+ - Deb
+ - Cran
+ - Alpm
+ - Generic
+ - Nuget
+ - Apk
+ - Hex
+ - Hackage
+ - Cargo
+- Name: Trivy
+ Link: https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy
+ Publisher: Aquasecurity
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ - Container
+ Language:
+ - Gem
+ - Pypi
+ - Composer
+ - Golang
+ - Npm
+ - Maven
+ - Rpm
+ - Deb
+ - Nuget
+ - Hex
+ - Hackage
+- Name: Tern
+ Link: https://github.com/tern-tools/tern
+ Publisher: Tern
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Container
+ Language:
+ - Gem
+ - Pypi
+ - Npm
+ - Rpm
+ - Deb
+ - Alpm
+ - Apk
+- Name: Microsoft-SBOM-Tool
+ Link: https://github.com/microsoft/sbom-tool
+ Publisher: Microsoft
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ - Container
+ Language:
+ - Rpm
+ - Swid
+ - Deb
+ - Gem
+ - Pypi
+ - Golang
+ - Npm
+ - Maven
+ - Nuget
+ - Cargo
+- Name: Github-Dependency-Graph
+ Link: https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/supply-chain-security/understanding-your-software-supply-chain/about-the-dependency-graph
+ Publisher: Github
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Github
+ - Gem
+ - Pypi
+ - Composer
+ - Golang
+ - Npm
+ - Maven
+ - Nuget
+ - Hex
+ - Pub
+ - Hackage
+ - Cargo
+- Name: Scancode
+ Link: https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit
+ Publisher: NexB
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Gem
+ - Pypi
+ - Composer
+ - Golang
+ - Npm
+ - Maven
+ - Deb
+ - Nuget
+ - Cargo
+ - Bazel
+ - Haxe
+ - Opam
+ - Jar
+ - Hale
+ - Bower
+ - Autotools
+ - Dart
+ - Osgi
+ - Alpine
+ - Conan
+- Name: CdxGen
+ Link: https://github.com/CycloneDx/cdxgen
+ Publisher: CycloneDx
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ - Container
+ Language:
+ - Clojars
+ - Github
+ - Gem
+ - Pypi
+ - Composer
+ - Golang
+ - Npm
+ - Maven
+ - Rpm
+ - Nuget
+ - Hex
+ - Pub
+ - Hackage
+ - Cargo
+- Name: Kubernetes-BOM
+ Link: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/bom
+ Publisher: Kubernetes-SIGs
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Container
+ Language:
+ - Pkg
+- Name: Bomber
+ Link: https://github.com/devops-kung-fu/bomber
+ Publisher: DevOps-Kung-Fu-Mafia
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Consume
+ Type:
+ Language:
+- Name: CycloneDx-Cocoapods
+ Link: https://github.com/CycloneDx/cyclonedx-cocoapods
+ Publisher: CycloneDx
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Languages:
+ - Objective-C
+ - Swift
+- Name: Voltone_SBOM
+ Link: https://github.com/voltone/sbom
+ Publisher: Voltone
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Languages:
+ - Elixir
+- Name: CycloneDx_GoMod
+ Link: https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-gomod
+ Publisher: CycloneDx
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Languages:
+ - Go
+- Name: CycloneDx_Node_Module
+ Link: https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-node-module
+ Publisher: CycloneDx
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Languages:
+ - Npm
+- Name: CycloneDx-dotnet
+ Link: https://github.com/CycloneDx/cyclonedx-dotnet
+ Publisher: CycloneDx
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Dotnet
+- Name: CycloneDx-NPM
+ Link: https://github.com/CycloneDx/cyclonedx-node-npm
+ Publisher: CycloneDx
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Npm
+- Name: CycloneDx-Maven
+ Link: https://github.com/CycloneDx/cyclonedx-maven-plugin
+ Publisher: CycloneDx
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
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+ - Generate
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+ - Source
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+ - Maven
+- Name: CycloneDx-Gradle
+ Link: https://github.com/CycloneDx/cyclonedx-gradle-plugin
+ Publisher: CycloneDx
+ License: OpenSource
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+ - CycloneDx
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+ - Generate
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+ - Source
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+ - Maven
+ - Jar
+- Name: CycloneDx-PHP-Composer
+ Link: https://github.com/CycloneDx/cyclonedx-php-composer
+ Publisher: CycloneDx
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Composer
+- Name: CycloneDx-Python
+ Link: https://github.com/CycloneDx/cyclonedx-python
+ Publisher: CycloneDx
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Pypi
+- Name: CycloneDx-Ruby-Gem
+ Link: https://github.com/CycloneDx/cyclonedx-ruby-gem
+ Publisher: CycloneDx
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Gem
+- Name: CycloneDx-Rust-Cargo
+ Link: https://github.com/CycloneDx/cyclonedx-rust-cargo
+ Publisher: CycloneDx
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Cargo
+- Name: CycloneDx-Webpack-Plugin
+ Link: https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-webpack-plugin
+ Publisher: CycloneDx
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Npm
+- Name: ORT
+ Link: https://github.com/oss-review-toolkit/ort
+ Publisher: OSS-Review-Toolkit
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ - Consume
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+- Name: Protobom
+ Link: https://github.com/bom-squad/protobom
+ Publisher: BOM-Squad
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Convert
+ Type:
+ Language:
+- Name: Sbom-workbench
+ Link: https://github.com/scanoss/sbom-workbench
+ Publisher: SCANOSS
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ - Consume
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+- Name: SPDX-Maven
+ Link: https://github.com/spdx/spdx-maven-plugin
+ Publisher: SPDX
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Maven
+- Name: SPDX-Gradle
+ Link: https://github.com/spdx/spdx-gradle-plugin
+ Publisher: SPDX
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Maven
+- Name: SPDX-Java-Tools
+ Link: https://github.com/spdx/tools-java
+ Publisher: SPDX
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Consume
+ - Convert
+ - Merge
+ Type:
+ Language:
+- Name: SPDX-Python-Tools
+ Link: https://github.com/spdx/tools-python
+ Publisher: SPDX
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Consume
+ - Convert
+ - Compare
+ Type:
+ Language:
+- Name: SPDX-Online-Tools
+ Link: https://github.com/spdx/spdx-online-tools
+ Publisher: SPDX
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Consume
+ - Convert
+ - Compare
+ - Validate
+ Type:
+ Language:
+- Name: SW360
+ Link: https://github.com/eclipse-sw360/sw360
+ Publisher: Eclipse-SW360
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Consume
+ - Merge
+ Type:
+ Language:
+- Name: Sbom4files
+ Link: https://github.com/anthonyharrison/sbom4files
+ Publisher: Anthony-Harrison
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Generic
+- Name: Sbom4python
+ Link: https://github.com/anthonyharrison/sbom4python
+ Publisher: Anthony-Harrison
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Pypi
+- Name: Sbom4rust
+ Link: https://github.com/anthonyharrison/sbom4rust
+ Publisher: Anthony-Harrison
+ License: OpenSource
+ Standards:
+ - CycloneDx
+ - SPDX
+ Abilities:
+ - Generate
+ Type:
+ - Source
+ Language:
+ - Cargo
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+### This is a test File
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+### This is a test File
+This is a test file for Aquasecurity
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+**[Bomber](https://github.com/devops-kung-fu/bomber)** is an application designed to scan SBOMs for security vulnerabilities. This tool is vital for analyzing closed-source products provided in JSON format, particularly when assessing the security risks associated with the components listed in the SBOMs. It can read JSON or XML-based CycloneDX format, or JSON SPDX or Syft formatted SBOMs, to quickly identify any vulnerabilities.
+For installation on Mac, `bomber` can be installed via Homebrew or by downloading the latest release and using the `bomber` binary. In usage, `bomber` can scan an entire folder of SBOMs or an individual SBOM, with the default output being to STDOUT. It supports output in HTML or JSON formats for enhanced reporting and detailed vulnerability information.
+The tool provides features like ignoring specific vulnerabilities using the `--ignore-file` flag and filtering output based on severity levels. Additionally, it has experimental features for highest severity return codes. One of its notable features is data enrichment, where `bomber` enriches vulnerability data from providers. It uses the Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) to predict the probability of a vulnerability being exploited, aiding in prioritizing high-risk vulnerabilities.
+Contributions to `bomber` are welcomed, as outlined in its contributing guidelines on GitHub. The tool itself uses Syft to generate an SBOM every time a developer commits code to its repository, ensuring its own development process is transparent and secure.
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+The **[CdxGen](https://github.com/CycloneDX/cdxgen)** tool, hosted on GitHub under the CycloneDX organization, is a notable utility in the SBOM landscape. It's designed to generate SBOMs in the CycloneDX format, which is a widely recognized standard for describing the components used in software applications.
+### Overview
+- **Purpose**: CdxGen is primarily used for creating SBOMs that detail the components, libraries, and modules utilized in a software project. This includes information about dependencies, licenses, and vulnerabilities.
+- **Compatibility**: It supports multiple programming languages and package managers, making it a versatile tool for a variety of software development environments.
+### Key Features
+- **Multi-Language Support**: CdxGen works with languages like JavaScript, Java, Python, and others, thereby accommodating a broad spectrum of software projects.
+- **Automated Analysis**: It can automatically analyze dependencies and their metadata, streamlining the process of SBOM generation.
+- **CycloneDX Compliance**: The tool generates SBOMs that comply with the CycloneDX standard, ensuring interoperability and adherence to industry practices.
+### Usage and Integration
+- **Command-Line Interface**: CdxGen is typically used via the command line, making it easy to integrate into existing development workflows and CI/CD pipelines.
+- **Integration with Build Tools**: It can be integrated with common build tools and CI/CD systems, facilitating automated SBOM generation during software builds.
+### Community and Support
+- **Open Source**: As an open-source tool, CdxGen benefits from community contributions and is continually evolving.
+- **Documentation and Community Support**: It has robust documentation and is supported by a community of developers and users who contribute to its ongoing improvement.
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+The CycloneDX CocoaPods tool is a Ruby Gem that generates a CycloneDX SBOM for Objective-C and Swift projects using CocoaPods. This tool helps create a lightweight and easily parseable BoM document outlining project dependencies. It supports the latest CycloneDX specification and offers compatibility with various BoM formats and specification versions through the CycloneDX CLI. Key features include options for verbose output, specifying project paths, output file paths, BoM version, and component metadata. It also handles CocoaPod subspecs effectively, ensuring each subspec required by the Podfile is included in the BOM. The tool is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.
+For more information, visit the [CycloneDX CocoaPods GitHub page](https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-cocoapods).
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+[CycloneDX Gradle Plugin](https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-gradle-plugin) on GitHub is a tool designed to create CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) from Gradle projects. This plugin is an integral part of managing software supply chain security and compliance.
+### Overview
+The CycloneDX Gradle Plugin is primarily developed in Java and Groovy. It's available under the Apache-2.0 license, ensuring open-source availability and collaboration. The plugin is part of the CycloneDX ecosystem, an OWASP project focused on standardizing the way software communicates about its dependencies.
+### Key Features
+- **SBOM Generation**: It automatically generates a detailed SBOM for projects managed with Gradle, a popular build automation tool.
+- **CycloneDX Compliance**: The generated SBOMs are compliant with the CycloneDX standard, ensuring compatibility with a range of security and compliance tools.
+- **Integration with OWASP**: As a part of the OWASP community, the plugin benefits from a strong focus on security and is aligned with best practices in software development and supply chain security.
+### Usage and Implementation
+For developers and teams using Gradle for project management, integrating the CycloneDX Gradle Plugin into their workflow enhances their ability to track and manage software dependencies transparently and securely. It plays a crucial role in software supply chain risk management, providing essential information that can be used for security auditing, compliance checks, and vulnerability management.
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+The **[CycloneDX Maven Plugin](https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-maven-plugin)** is an essential tool for creating SBOMs from Maven projects. This plugin is particularly significant in the context of application security and supply chain component analysis. It generates CycloneDX SBOMs, which are lightweight and designed for easy integration into various security and analysis workflows.
+### Key Features and Usage
+- **Generation of SBOM**: The plugin can create a Bill of Materials for each Maven module, including both direct and transitive dependencies. This feature is critical for comprehensive vulnerability analysis.
+- **Support for Multiple Goals**: The plugin supports various goals like `makeBom`, `makeAggregateBom`, and `makePackageBom`. These goals offer flexibility in generating BOMs for individual modules, aggregate BOMs for multi-module projects, and package-specific BOMs.
+- **Configurable Output**: It allows configuring output formats (XML/JSON), including whether to attach BOMs as additional artifacts during Maven `install` or `deploy`.
+- **CycloneDX Schema Support**: The plugin supports multiple versions of the CycloneDX schema, ensuring compatibility with different systems and standards.
+### Technical Aspects
+- **Maven Integration**: Being a Maven plugin, it seamlessly integrates into the Maven build lifecycle, specifically at the `package` phase. This integration ensures that SBOM generation is part of the standard build process, making it automatic and consistent.
+- **Configuration Options**: The plugin offers various configuration options like project type, schema version, output format, and scope inclusion. These configurations provide users with control over the SBOM generation process.
+- **Excluding Projects**: For multi-module Maven projects, there's the capability to exclude specific modules from the aggregate BOM, which is useful for tailoring the SBOM to specific needs.
+### Licensing and Contribution
+- **Open Source and Apache 2.0 License**: The CycloneDX Maven Plugin is an open-source project under the Apache 2.0 license, encouraging community contributions and modifications.
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+**[CycloneDX Node.js Module](https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-node-module)**
+The CycloneDX Node.js Module is a specialized tool designed to create SBOM for node-based projects. This tool is part of the broader CycloneDX ecosystem, a suite of software tools and libraries that support the production and consumption of SBOMs, conforming to the CycloneDX standard.
+Key Features:
+- **Node.js Support**: Specifically designed for node-based projects, it seamlessly integrates into the Node.js ecosystem.
+- **CycloneDX Compliance**: Ensures the SBOMs created are compliant with the CycloneDX specification, a widely recognized standard for SBOMs.
+- **Dependency Graph Analysis**: It includes capabilities to analyze and represent the dependency graph of the project, which is crucial for understanding the complex relationships between various software components.
+- **Open Source and Community-Driven**: Hosted on GitHub, it benefits from community contributions and open-source development practices.
+- **Apache 2.0 Licensed**: This permissive license ensures wide usability and modification rights for users and developers.
+Usage Scenarios:
+- **Security and Compliance**: For organizations looking to enhance their software supply chain security, this module can be integrated into the development pipeline to generate SBOMs, helping in vulnerability management and compliance reporting.
+- **Software Development**: Developers working on Node.js projects can utilize this tool for better insight into their project dependencies, aiding in maintenance and updates.
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+The CycloneDX Webpack Plugin is designed to create a CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) from webpack bundles at compile time. It supports various Node.js and webpack versions and offers customizable options for SBOM generation. This plugin is especially useful for integrating SBOM generation into development workflows that utilize webpack. For detailed information, including installation and usage instructions, please refer to the official GitHub repository [here](https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-webpack-plugin).
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+The CycloneDX SBOM generator for .NET projects, available on GitHub, is a tool for enhancing software security and supply chain risk management. It creates SBOMs from .NET projects, supporting the .NET ecosystem. This tool is part of the broader CycloneDX initiative, a standardized format for representing a bill of materials.
+**Technical Overview:**
+- **Language and Compatibility:** Primarily written in C#, the tool is compatible with various .NET versions, ensuring broad applicability in different .NET projects.
+- **Output Format:** The output SBOM is compliant with the CycloneDX standard, a widely recognized format in the software security industry. This format ensures interoperability and ease of integration with other tools and systems.
+- **Integration and Usage:** The tool is designed to be integrated easily into existing .NET project workflows, with minimal configuration required. It can be used both in automated pipelines and manual processes.
+**Key Features:**
+- **Automated SBOM Generation:** Automates the process of generating SBOMs, saving time and reducing the potential for human error.
+- **Vulnerability Identification:** Assists in identifying known vulnerabilities in project dependencies, enhancing the security posture of the software.
+- **Compliance and Risk Management:** Supports compliance with industry standards and helps in managing supply chain risks by providing a clear view of the software components and their sources.
+**Use Cases:**
+- **Software Developers:** For developers working on .NET projects, this tool automates the creation of SBOMs, ensuring that all components are accounted for and helping in the management of dependencies.
+- **Security Teams:** Enables security professionals to easily review and assess the components included in .NET projects, aiding in vulnerability management and risk assessment.
+- **Compliance Officers:** Assists in meeting regulatory and industry compliance requirements related to software transparency and supply chain security.
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+The GitHub repository you provided is for the CycloneDX GoMod tool, which is designed to generate CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) from Go modules. This tool supports creating detailed and accurate SBOMs for Go applications, modules, and binaries, taking into account various factors such as build constraints and licenses. It offers multiple subcommands tailored for different use cases, ensuring flexibility in generating SBOMs that meet specific requirements. For more detailed information, you can visit the [CycloneDX GoMod GitHub page](https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-gomod).
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+The GitHub repository "CycloneDX/cyclonedx-node-module" is designed to create CycloneDX SBOM from node-based projects. It operates under the Apache 2.0 license, indicating its open-source nature. The repository serves as a meta-package, grouping tools aimed at generating CycloneDX SBOMs for various node ecosystems like npm, with others like yarn and pnpm yet to be announced. It is important to use the specific tools suited to your ecosystem rather than relying on this meta-package itself. For more details, you can visit the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-node-module).
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+**[Anchore Grype](https://github.com/anchore/grype)** is a powerful vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems, offering a range of features and functionalities:
+1. **Vulnerability Scanning**: Grype can scan container images and filesystems to find known vulnerabilities. It supports major operating system packages like Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Red Hat, and Ubuntu, and also scans for vulnerabilities in language-specific packages such as Ruby, Java, JavaScript, Python, Dotnet, Golang, PHP, and Rust. Additionally, it supports Docker, OCI, and Singularity image formats.
+2. **Installation**: Grype can be installed via a simple command-line instruction, and is available through Homebrew and MacPorts for macOS users. It is compatible with macOS and Linux operating systems.
+3. **Usage**: To get started with Grype, users need to install the binary and ensure it is available in their path. Scanning for vulnerabilities is as straightforward as executing `grype `. It also supports scanning all layers of an image for comprehensive vulnerability detection.
+4. **Supported Sources**: Beyond Docker, Grype can scan container image archives, Singularity Image Format (SIF) containers, and directories. It provides flexibility in specifying sources with schemes for different daemons and formats.
+5. **Vulnerability Data Structure**: Grype provides detailed vulnerability information including ID, severity, CVSS score, fix information, related vulnerabilities, match details, and artifact information.
+6. **Output Formats**: The tool offers several output formats including a columnar summary (default), CycloneDX XML and JSON reports, and a customizable template format for user-specified output.
+7. **Gating on Severity**: Grype can be configured to exit with an error if vulnerabilities of a specified severity level or higher are found. This feature is particularly useful in script or CI pipeline integrations.
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+To use this tool best, you should make use of its features to access the data best.
+The filters can be turned on or off, or their order can be changed by dragging and dropping them.
+By clicking on an entry, the details of a category are displayed.
+The Page provides three different Views. A map view, a tree view, and a list view. The data can be normalized or aggregated. If normalized, each single category will be displayed but might contain duplicate entries. Each entry is distinct if aggregated, but the categories are displayed in groups.
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+**[BOM](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/bom)**, a project under Kubernetes SIGs, is a versatile utility designed to create, view, and transform Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs). It specifically addresses the need for generating SBOMs in the Kubernetes project, offering an efficient and powerful solution for software authors.
+Key features of `bom` include:
+- Generation of SPDX-compliant packages from various sources such as directories, container images, single files, etc.
+- Built-in license classifier recognizing over 400 licenses from the SPDX catalog.
+- Support for Golang dependency analysis.
+- Full `.gitignore` support during git repository scans.
+To install `bom`, the command `go install sigs.k8s.io/bom/cmd/bom@latest` is used.
+The `bom generate` subcommand is pivotal in creating SBOMs from files, images, and docker archives, with capabilities like pulling images from remote registries and analyzing them with a suite of analyzers. It also allows exporting SBOM data to an in-toto provenance attestation. The `bom document` subcommand, on the other hand, focuses on visualizing and querying SBOMs.
+`bom` can handle different sources to generate an SPDX Bill of Materials, including processing directories, container images, and individual files. This flexibility and its integration with SPDX standards make `bom` a comprehensive tool for SBOM generation in various software development contexts.
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+The Kubernetes SIGs are integral components of the Kubernetes community, operating under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. They play a crucial role in organizing the community's activities, encompassing a wide range of areas related to Kubernetes. Here's an overview of the SIGs:
+### Overview of Kubernetes SIGs
+1. **Purpose and Structure**: Kubernetes SIGs are specialized groups within the Kubernetes community, each focusing on a specific aspect of the Kubernetes ecosystem. The SIGs are formed to foster collaboration among contributors and streamline the development and maintenance processes within the Kubernetes project. They are pivotal in shaping the direction and growth of Kubernetes. Each SIG operates with a certain degree of autonomy, tailoring its workflow and processes to suit its specific focus area.
+2. **Community Groups**: The Kubernetes community organizes most of its activities through these SIGs, along with time-bounded Working Groups and Committees. This structure allows for efficient management of the diverse aspects of the Kubernetes project, from coding and design to documentation and community engagement.
+3. **Formation and Guidelines**: New SIGs can be formed when there is a recognized need within the Kubernetes community. Each SIG adheres to a set of guidelines that help maintain a consistent approach to working within the Kubernetes ecosystem. These guidelines ensure that despite the varied nature of the SIGs, there is a coherent and structured approach to how they operate and contribute to the broader goals of Kubernetes.
+4. **Engagement and Contribution**: SIGs are open for participation to anyone interested in contributing to Kubernetes. They offer an avenue for contributors with different expertise and interests to engage with specific aspects of Kubernetes. For example, SIG Security focuses on improving Kubernetes' security across all components, working on process documentation and other non-code deliverables. This openness encourages a diverse range of contributions and collaboration within the Kubernetes community.
+5. **Diversity of Specializations**: The SIGs cover a wide range of specializations within Kubernetes. From infrastructure and network security to API development and cloud provider integrations, these groups are responsible for specific domains within the Kubernetes ecosystem. This specialized focus allows for targeted development and problem-solving, making the SIGs essential for the ongoing development and refinement of Kubernetes.
+In summary, the Kubernetes SIGs are fundamental to the development and governance of Kubernetes, offering structured, specialized forums for collaboration and contribution within the Kubernetes community. They play a key role in ensuring that Kubernetes continues to evolve and meet the needs of its diverse user base.
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+The **[Microsoft SBOM Tool](https://github.com/microsoft/sbom-tool)** is an advanced, scalable solution designed to generate SBOMs compatible with SPDX 2.2 for various types of artifacts. This tool leverages Component Detection libraries for identifying components and the ClearlyDefined API to populate license information for these components.
+### Key Features and Capabilities:
+1. **Scalability and Enterprise-Readiness**: It's designed to handle the demands of enterprise environments, ensuring robustness and scalability in SBOM generation.
+2. **Support for Multiple Platforms**: The tool offers executables for Windows, Linux, and macOS, providing flexibility across different operating systems.
+3. **SBOM API NuGet Package**: Users can integrate the SBOM tool with their projects via the `Microsoft.Sbom.Api` NuGet package, with detailed API documentation available for reference.
+4. **SBOM Generation Process**: Users can generate SBOMs by specifying parameters like drop path, build components path, package name, version, supplier, and namespace URI base. The tool ensures all relevant files are hashed and included in the SBOM, and supports a unique namespace for each SBOM.
+5. **CI/CD Pipeline Integration**: The tool can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines using guides for GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps Pipelines, enhancing automation and continuous integration capabilities.
+7. **Contribution Opportunities**: Open to contributions and suggestions, the project requires adherence to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) and follows the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.
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+### This is a test File
+This is a test file for Microsoft
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+The link you provided leads to a GitHub repository for SBOM4Files, a tool that generates Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for files within a directory, supporting formats like SPDX and CycloneDX. It's designed for use in continuous integration systems to maintain accurate SBOM records through development and support audit needs. The tool, licensed under Apache 2.0, requires Python 3.7+ and offers features like directory scanning, project naming, format specification, and output customization. For more details, visit the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/anthonyharrison/sbom4files).
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+SBOM4Python is an open-source tool designed to generate a SBOM for installed Python modules. It supports various formats, including SPDX and CycloneDX, and identifies both explicit and hidden dependencies of Python modules. The tool can be integrated into continuous integration systems for maintaining accurate SBOM records and supporting audit processes. It offers features like excluding or including license detection, generating dependency graphs, and providing output in different formats (Tag, JSON, YAML). Licensed under Apache 2.0, SBOM4Python is useful for software development and security audit functions, with limitations in validating the completeness of SBOM data. The tool's repository is available on GitHub: [SBOM4Python](https://github.com/anthonyharrison/sbom4python).
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+The **[scancode-toolkit](https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit)** is an open-source tool designed for scanning code to identify licenses, copyrights, and package dependencies. It can be used in SBOM generation and compliance assessments. The toolkit can analyze source code, binary files, and archives, making it a versatile tool for SBOM activities.
+### Key Features
+- **License Detection**: Accurately identifies licenses in source code.
+- **Copyright Detection**: Scans for copyright information.
+- **Package Detection**: Recognizes package information from various package formats.
+- **File Type and Language Detection**: Identifies file types and programming languages.
+### Technical Details
+- **Language**: Primarily written in Python.
+- **Integration**: Can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines.
+- **Output Formats**: Provides outputs in SPDX, CycloneDx and other formats.
+### Installation and Requirements
+- **Installation**: Can be installed via `pip` or from source.
+- **Dependencies**: Requires Python and specific libraries listed in the documentation.
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+**[Anchore's Syft](https://github.com/anchore/syft)** is a versatile CLI tool and Go library designed for generating Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) from container images and filesystems. It is highly effective for vulnerability detection, especially when used in conjunction with a scanner like Grype. Key features and functionalities of Syft include:
+1. **SBOM Generation**: Syft can generate SBOMs for container images, filesystems, archives, and more, facilitating the discovery of packages and libraries.
+2. **Supported Sources**: It supports a range of sources including container image archives, Singularity Image Format (SIF) containers, and directories. Syft can work with images from Docker, Podman, and Containerd daemons, among others.
+3. **Cataloger Configuration**: Depending on the scan type (container image or directory), Syft uses different sets of catalogers. For container images, it assumes that package installation steps are complete, whereas for directories, it looks for declared dependencies that may not yet be installed.
+4. **Output Formats**: Syft offers multiple output formats, including Syft JSON, CycloneDX XML and JSON, SPDX Tag-Value and JSON, and GitHub JSON. This variety allows for flexibility in how the SBOM data is used and integrated with other tools and platforms.
+5. **Private Registry Authentication**: Syft can authenticate with private registries using local Docker credentials. It can be used in Kubernetes environments, pulling images from private registries based on configured credentials.
+6. **Format Conversion**: As an experimental feature, Syft can convert existing SBOMs into different formats without the need to regenerate them from scratch, supporting formats like Syft JSON, SPDX JSON, and CycloneDX JSON and XML.
+7. **Attestation**: Syft supports the creation of SBOM attestations, including keyless attestations using cosign's keyless signatures. It can upload attestations to an OCI registry and verify the attestation claims, adding an extra layer of security and trust.
+This tool is highly valuable in the SBOM and software supply chain security landscape, offering robust capabilities for generating, managing, and utilizing SBOMs effectively.
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+**[Tern](https://github.com/tern-tools/tern)** is a robust software composition analysis tool and Python library, designed for generating Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) for container images and Dockerfiles. Here's an overview of its capabilities and usage:
+### Features
+- **SBOM Generation**: Tern creates detailed SBOMs, offering a layer-by-layer view of container contents in formats like human-readable, CycloneDx, SPDX, and more.
+- **Language and Scripts**: It is primarily written in Python3, supplemented with shell scripts.
+### Operation
+1. **Initial Analysis**: Tern starts by analyzing the first layer of a container image, gathering details like distribution type, package format, and package managers.
+2. **Layer-by-Layer Analysis**: It then executes scripts in a chroot environment to collate information about installed packages in each layer. This process continues through all subsequent layers of the image.
+3. **Report Generation**: Upon completion, Tern generates a comprehensive report detailing the packages and their metadata. If a Dockerfile is provided, the report aligns Dockerfile lines with corresponding file system layers.
+### Usage
+- **For Container Insight**: It helps in better understanding the makeup of containers, assisting in infrastructure, integration, and deployment decisions.
+- **GitHub Action**: There's an available GitHub Action for scanning Docker container images to identify the Base OS and installed packages.
+### Getting Started on Linux
+- Requirements include a Linux OS with kernel version >= 4.0, Git, attr, Python 3.6 or newer, Pip, jq, and skopeo.
+### Capabilities
+- **CLI Options**: The CLI has evolved, with current options available on Tern's PyPI project page.
+- **Docker Support**: Tern supports Docker containers built using image manifest version 2, schema 2, and is compatible with Docker version 19.03.0 or later.
+### Generating Reports
+- **For Docker Images**: Use `tern report -i [image_name]` to inspect local Docker images and produce an SBOM.
+- **From Dockerfiles**: Tern can analyze Dockerfiles, building the image and then discarding it after analysis, with the command `tern report -d [Dockerfile_path]`.
+- **Locking Dockerfiles**: Tern can also create more reproducible, locked versions of Dockerfiles using `tern lock Dockerfile`.
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+**[Trivy](https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy)**, developed by Aqua Security, is a comprehensive and versatile security scanner designed to detect various security issues across multiple platforms and environments. Here's a detailed overview of Trivy:
+### Overview
+- **Function**: Finds vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, and SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds, and more.
+- **Target Platforms**: Container Image, Filesystem, Git Repository (remote), Virtual Machine Image, Kubernetes, AWS.
+- **Scanning Capabilities**: OS packages, software dependencies (SBOM), known vulnerabilities (CVEs), Infrastructure as Code (IaC) issues, misconfigurations, sensitive information, secrets, and software licenses.
+- **Language and OS Support**: Trivy supports most popular programming languages, operating systems, and platforms.
+### Installation and Integration
+- **Installation**: Available through common distribution channels such as Homebrew, Docker, and direct binary downloads.
+- **Integration**: Integrates with various platforms and applications, including GitHub Actions, Kubernetes operators, and VS Code plugins.
+### Usage and Builds
+- **General Usage**: Commands like `trivy [--scanners ] ` are used for scanning different targets.
+- **Canary Builds**: These are available for each push to the main branch. However, they may contain critical bugs and are not recommended for use in production.
+Trivy's capabilities related to Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) are notably versatile and efficient. Here's a more detailed look at these capabilities:
+### SBOM Generation with Trivy
+1. **Supported Formats**: Trivy can generate SBOMs in two formats:
+ - CycloneDX
+ - SPDX.
+2. **Command-Line Interface (CLI) Usage**: To generate an SBOM, you use the `--format` option with the relevant subcommand (like `image`, `fs`, and `vm`). For example:
+ - `trivy image --format spdx-json --output result.json alpine:3.15`
+ - `trivy fs --format cyclonedx --output result.json /app/myproject`.
+3. **Supported Packages**: Trivy supports a range of packages for SBOM generation, including OS packages and language-specific packages.
+4. **CycloneDX Specifics**: When using CycloneDX format, Trivy can represent either the SBOM or the Bill of Vulnerabilities (BOV). By default, using `--format cyclonedx` represents SBOM without including vulnerabilities in the output.
+5. **Vulnerability Reporting**: Trivy can also report vulnerabilities in the generated SBOM, as demonstrated by the inclusion of vulnerabilities like CVE-2021-42386 in its reports.
+These features make Trivy a robust tool for creating and managing SBOMs, providing critical security insights into software components.
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+The GitHub repository "voltone/sbom" provides a Mix task tool for generating a Software Bill-of-Materials (SBoM) in the CycloneDX format. This tool is designed for use within the Elixir programming environment, as indicated by the repository's language composition. The project is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license. For more detailed information, please visit the [repository](https://github.com/voltone/sbom).
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+- name: Standards
+ enabled: true
+ description: Filter to distinguish between SBOM standards like SPDX and CycloneDx
+- name: License
+ enabled: false
+ description: Filter to distinguish between different license types like OpenSource or Proprietary
+- name: Abilities
+ enabled: true
+ description: Filter to distinguish between different abilities like SBOM creation, conversion or consumption
+- name: Type
+ enabled: false
+ description: Filter to distinguish between different phases where SBOMs are created like sources, build or analysed
+- name: Publisher
+ enabled: false
+ description: Filter that shows the publisher of a SBOM related tool
+- name: Name
+ enabled: true
+ description: The Name of the SBOM related tool
+- name: Language
+ enabled: false
+ description: Filter to distinguish between different programming languages, build tools or operating systems
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index 0000000..9e2a9ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SBOM-Catalog/src/App.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@