A pair of epipolar rectified images is given, and the objective is to predict semantic labels and stereo disparities (pixels).
For track 2, we trained ICNet for semantic segmentation and DenseMapNet for stereo. The following instructions step through training, testing, and metric evaluation for both. These were run in Windows, but the code can just as easily run in Linux with minor edits.
These instructions assume you have configured an Anaconda environment with dev-gpu.yml or dev-cpu.yml.
The model weights are now in a GitHub release zip file for download to avoid having large files in the code repo.
Convert TIFF files to NPZ files which are used to train the models. The image indices are shuffled and then training and validation data sets are produced. Change the input and output folders in the code before running.
python make_track2_npz.py
Note: The hardcoded input folder contains the RGB, DSP, AGL and CLS tif files found in Train-Track2-RGB-, Train-Track2-MSI-, and Train-Track2-Truth zip files.
Model weights are stored in the "checkpoints" folder, and a "tmp" folder is created to track mIoU scores for the validation set. When you're happy with a checkpoint, use that weight file for testing below. The 'name' arguments below refer to npz files, examples of which generated by make_track2_npz.py
python ./icnet/train.py ^
--train_name=../data/train/track2_npz/dfc2019.track2.train.left ^
--train_truth_name=../data/train/track2_npz/dfc2019.track2.train.left_label ^
--test_name=../data/train/track2_npz/dfc2019.track2.test.left ^
--test_truth_name=../data/train/track2_npz/dfc2019.track2.test.left_label ^
--batch_size=8 ^
--lr=1e-3 ^
--decay=1e-6 ^
--n_epochs=1000 ^
Note: if using linux, convert the '^' characters above to '' for multi line commands
Update the folder names as needed. Model weights are stored in the "checkpoints" folder, and a "tmp" folder is created to track endpoint error for the validation set. When you're happy with a checkpoint, use that weight file for testing below. An example model file is also provided which was trained for less than one day. pdir
and dataset
arguments refer the directory storing and prefix of npz files, examples of which generated by `make_track2_npz.py'.
python ./densemapnet/train.py ^
--pdir=../data/train/track2_npz/ ^
--dataset=dfc2019.track2 ^
--num_dataset=21 ^
-b=2 ^
-r=0.001 ^
Note: if using linux, convert the '^' characters above to '' for multi line commands
python test-icnet.py ../data/validate/Track2/ ../data/validate/Track2-Submission/ ./weights/190101-us3d.icnet.weights.18-3.h5
python test-densemapnet.py ../data/validate/Track2/ ../data/validate/Track2-Submission/ ./weights/181230-dfc2019.track2.densemapnet.weights.20-20.h5
SGBM currently produces better disparity estimates than DenseMapNet. While DenseMapNet currently produces far fewer gross outliers than SGBM, it does not capture fine details well.
python test-sgbm.py ../data/validate/Validate-Track2/ ../data/validate/Track2-sgbm-out/