Commonly used aliases, functions, etc. ✌🏻
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The gcmd
command provides a help interface for these shortcuts. Most functions also have a -h
flag available to display help.
Command | Description |
gcmd -f |
Display help for common functions. |
gcmd -l |
Display help for helper functions. |
gcmd -a |
Display help for aliases. |
gcmd -h <alias_name> |
Display help for an alias. |
<function_name> -h |
Display help for a function. |
Alias | Function | Description |
- | git_find_parent_branch [-a] [branch_name] |
find parent of current or specified branch with regex filtering; -a to find without regex filtering |
- | git_find_branch <search_string> |
useful for finding by issue id |
- | git_commits_out_of_date [parent_branch] [branch_name] |
get number of commits current or specified branch is behind parent or specified parent |
- | git_branch_has_remote <branch_name> |
whether specified branch has remote (boolean) |
gswf |
git_switch_branch_by_search <search_string> |
switch via search string, e.g. gswf 1234 if branch name has issue number |
grf |
git_rebase_forward |
rebase current branch to be up to date with parent |
grom |
git_rebase_on_main |
rebase current branch to be up to date with main |
grob |
git_rebase_on_branch <search_string> |
rebase current branch on branch found via git_find_branch |
grbn |
git_rebase_n_commits <n> |
rebase -i HEAD~$1 n commits |
gsquash |
git_squash <n> |
squash n commits via rebase -i |
grn |
git_reset <n> |
reset --soft HEAD~$1 n commits and then reset to unstage |
gbrebase |
git_rebase_branch |
rebase -i all commits on the current branch |
gbsquash |
git_squash_branch |
squash all commits on current branch via rebase -i |
gbreset |
git_reset_branch |
soft reset all commits and unstage changes on current branch |
gbdel |
git_delete_branch_by_search |
delete branch by search string, e.g. gswf 1234 if branch name has issue number |
gremotereset |
git_remote_reset |
reset branch to remote |
gbcount |
git_branch_num_commits |
display number of commits on current branch |
gfp |
git_force_push |
push --force-with-lease with branch protection |
gmff |
git_merge_ff |
merge --ff-only with some error checking |
gmffthis |
git_merge_ff_this |
checkout parent and then merge --ff-only current branch |
gwip |
- | commit all currently tracked files with message "WIP" |
gunwip |
- | reset and unstage last commit if message is "WIP" |
gbdd |
git_drop_drop_commits |
drop all commits in current branch with messages beginning with drop: |
gmt <tag> |
git_move_tag |
move tag to current commit both locally and on origin, pushing the current branch first |
gtp <tag> |
git_push_tag |
push the current branch, then push the tag to origin |
git switch main
git pull
git switch ABC-123-jira-made-a-branch-name-just-for-me
git rebase main
# Count commits in branch, or copy a commit revision
git rebase -i HEAD~10
# Change `pick` to `drop` for any temporary commits, then
# swap `pick` with `squash` on every commit after the first
# Rewrite commit message
git push --force-with-lease
# Wait for CI
git switch main
git merge --ff-only ABC-123-jira-made-a-branch-name-just-for-me
git push
gswf 123
# Rewrite commit message
# Wait for CI