Elpaca is an elisp package manager. It allows users to find, install, update, and remove third-party packages for Emacs. It is a replacement for the built-in Emacs package manager, package.el.
Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Nicholas Vollmer
You can redistribute this document and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Elpaca requires:
- Emacs >= 27.1
- git (minimum version TBD)
To install Elpaca, add the following elisp to your init.el. It must come before any calls to other Elpaca functions/macros. This will clone Elpaca into your user-emacs-directory
under the elpaca
subdirectory. It then builds and activates Elpaca.
(defvar elpaca-installer-version 0.6)
(defvar elpaca-directory (expand-file-name "elpaca/" user-emacs-directory))
(defvar elpaca-builds-directory (expand-file-name "builds/" elpaca-directory))
(defvar elpaca-repos-directory (expand-file-name "repos/" elpaca-directory))
(defvar elpaca-order '(elpaca :repo "https://github.com/progfolio/elpaca.git"
:ref nil
:files (:defaults "elpaca-test.el" (:exclude "extensions"))
:build (:not elpaca--activate-package)))
(let* ((repo (expand-file-name "elpaca/" elpaca-repos-directory))
(build (expand-file-name "elpaca/" elpaca-builds-directory))
(order (cdr elpaca-order))
(default-directory repo))
(add-to-list 'load-path (if (file-exists-p build) build repo))
(unless (file-exists-p repo)
(make-directory repo t)
(when (< emacs-major-version 28) (require 'subr-x))
(condition-case-unless-debug err
(if-let ((buffer (pop-to-buffer-same-window "*elpaca-bootstrap*"))
((zerop (call-process "git" nil buffer t "clone"
(plist-get order :repo) repo)))
((zerop (call-process "git" nil buffer t "checkout"
(or (plist-get order :ref) "--"))))
(emacs (concat invocation-directory invocation-name))
((zerop (call-process emacs nil buffer nil "-Q" "-L" "." "--batch"
"--eval" "(byte-recompile-directory \".\" 0 'force)")))
((require 'elpaca))
((elpaca-generate-autoloads "elpaca" repo)))
(progn (message "%s" (buffer-string)) (kill-buffer buffer))
(error "%s" (with-current-buffer buffer (buffer-string))))
((error) (warn "%s" err) (delete-directory repo 'recursive))))
(unless (require 'elpaca-autoloads nil t)
(require 'elpaca)
(elpaca-generate-autoloads "elpaca" repo)
(load "./elpaca-autoloads")))
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'elpaca-process-queues)
(elpaca `(,@elpaca-order))
- Windows users must be able to create symlinks1, or enable
;; Uncomment for systems which cannot create symlinks:
;; (elpaca-no-symlink-mode)
You’ll also want to disable package.el in your early-init file2:
(setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
And remove anything related to package.el in your init file. e.g. calls to (package-activate-all)
Operation | UI (keys apply in elpaca-ui-mode) | completing-read interface commands |
Finding Packages | g m (or M-x elpaca-manager ) |
elpaca-info |
Trying Packages (for current session) | i x |
elpaca-try |
Fetching Package Updates | f x |
elpaca-fetch or elpaca-fetch-all |
Merging Updates | m x |
elpaca-merge or elpaca-merge-all |
Updating Packages* | p x |
elpaca-update or elpaca-update-all |
Rebuilding Packages | r x |
elpaca-rebuild |
Deleting Packages | d x |
elpaca-delete |
View Package Logs | g l |
elpaca-log |
Visit Package Repository Directory | v |
elpaca-visit |
Visit Package Build Directory | C-u v |
C-u M-x elpaca-visit |
Browse Package Website | b |
elpaca-browse |
* Update is an alias for “pull”. It’s encouraged to fetch, review, and then merge package updates rather than pulling.
Packages installed via the above commands are not loaded on subsequent Emacs sessions (after restarting). To install and load packages persistently (across Emacs restarts), use the elpaca
macro in your init file after the installer. (installer)
For example:
;; Install a package via the elpaca macro
;; See the "recipes" section of the manual for more details.
;; (elpaca example-package)
;; Install use-package support
(elpaca elpaca-use-package
;; Enable use-package :ensure support for Elpaca.
;; Block until current queue processed.
;;When installing a package which modifies a form used at the top-level
;;(e.g. a package which adds a use-package key word),
;;use `elpaca-wait' to block until that package has been installed/configured.
;;For example:
;;(use-package general :ensure t :demand t)
;; Expands to: (elpaca evil (use-package evil :demand t))
(use-package evil :ensure t :demand t)
;;Turns off elpaca-use-package-mode current declaration
;;Note this will cause the declaration to be interpreted immediately (not deferred).
;;Useful for configuring built-in emacs features.
(use-package emacs :ensure nil :config (setq ring-bell-function #'ignore))
;; Don't install anything. Defer execution of BODY
(elpaca nil (message "deferred"))
Elpaca installs and activates packages asynchronously. Elpaca processes its package queues after Emacs reads the init file.3 Consider the following example:
(elpaca nil (message "First")) ; Queue First
(message "Second") ; Second messaged
(elpaca nil (message "Third")) ; Queue Third
(elpaca-process-queues) ; Process queue: First messaged, Third messaged.
“Second” will be message before “First” and “Third”. Defer forms which are dependent on deferred forms. Wrapping the “Second” message in an elpaca
declaration will fix the above example:
(elpaca nil (message "First")) ; Queue First
(elpaca nil (message "Second")) ; Queue Second
(elpaca nil (message "Third")) ; Queue Third
(elpaca-process-queues) ; Process queue: First, Second, Third messaged.
Add any configuration which relies on after-init-hook
, emacs-startup-hook
, etc to elpaca-after-init-hook
so it runs after Elpaca has activated all queued packages. This includes loading of saved customizations. e.g.
(setq custom-file (expand-file-name "customs.el" user-emacs-directory))
(add-hook 'elpaca-after-init-hook (lambda () (load custom-file 'noerror)))
A recipe provides Elpaca with the metadata necessary to build and install a package. It is a list of the form:
ID is a symbol uniquely identifying the package. PROPS is a plist with any of the following recipe keywords:
A symbol or string representing the hosting service of the repository. Strings are inserted in the URI verbatim.
(example :host github)
(example :fetcher gitlab)
(example :host "www.example.com")
A string of the form USER/REPO
when used with the :host
keyword; a local file path or remote URL when :host
is not used.
(example :host github :repo "user/example") ;;downloaded from github
(local :repo "~/repos/local/") ;;cloned from local filesystem
(remote :repo "https://foo.example/example.git") ;;remote clone
The repository branch to check out when installing the package.
(example :host github :repo "user/example" :branch "main")
The tag to check out when installing the package.
(example :host github :repo "user/example" :tag "v1.0")
The git ref4 to check out when installing the package.
(example :host github :repo "user/example" :ref "a76ca0a") ;; Check out a specific commit.
When non-nil, ignore the package during update commands.
(example :pin t)
The package repository’s history depth.
(example :depth 1) ;; Shallow clone with history truncated to 1 commit.
(example :depth nil) ;; Full repository clone.
The files linked from the package’s repository to its build directory.
Each element of the list is either:
- The symbol
, which expands toelpaca-default-files-directive
. - A string naming files or folders. Shell glob patterns match multiple files.
- A list starting with the
keyword. The remaining elements are not linked.
(example :files (:defaults "extensions/*")) ;; Link everything in the extensions folder.
(example :files (:defaults (:exclude "*.c"))) ;; Exclude all files with the "c" file extension.
The protocol to use when cloning repositories.
The value must be a symbol, either https
or ssh
(example :protocol https) ; Use the https protocol.
(example :protocol ssh) ; Use the ssh protocol.
Configures the repository remotes5.
The value must be a single remote spec or a list of remote specs. The first remote given will have its ref checked out when cloning the repository. A spec may be a string to rename the default remote. The following will rename the cloned remote (usually “origin” by git convention) to “upstream”:
(example :remotes "upstream")
In order to add a another remote, a spec may be a list of the form:
NAME is a string indicating the name of the remote. PROPS is an optional plist used to override inherited recipe keywords.
For example:
(example :host github :repo "upstream/example"
:remotes ("fork" :repo "fork/zenburn-emacs"))
Will add a remote named fork which points to a repository hosted on the same forge as the upstream remote. The following does the same above, additionally adding a third remote at a different forge.
(example :host github :repo "upstream/example"
:remotes (("fork" :repo "fork/zenburn-emacs") ; :host github inherited from above
("other" :host gitlab :repo "other/zenburn-emacs")))
The name of the main elisp file. When provided this can speed up the process of cloning and loading a package’s dependencies. When declared nil
, skip dependency check.
(example :main "example.el")
(example :main nil)
A list of build steps, nil or t. To remove steps from elpaca-default-build-steps
by starting the list with the :not
(example :build (:not elpaca--byte-compile))
When non-nil, inherit PROPS from elpaca-order-functions
and possibly elpaca-menu-functions
. For example, without inheritance:
(elpaca-recipe '(doct :inherit nil))
returns the recipe as declared:
(:source nil :inherit nil :package "doct")
With inheritance enabled:
(elpaca-recipe '(dracula-theme :inherit t)))
(:package "dracula-theme" :fetcher github :repo "dracula/emacs" :files
("*.el" "*.el.in" "dir" "*.info" "*.texi" "*.texinfo" "doc/dir"
"doc/*.info" "doc/*.texi" "doc/*.texinfo" "lisp/*.el"
(:exclude ".dir-locals.el" "test.el" "tests.el" "*-test.el"
"*-tests.el" "LICENSE" "README*" "*-pkg.el"))
:source "MELPA" :protocol https :inherit t :depth 1)
the Elpaca’s MELPA menu provides the rest of the recipe.
The value may also be a menu symbol or list of menu symbols. This is a per-recipe way of setting elpaca-menu-functions
(elpaca-recipe '(dracula-theme :inherit elpaca-menu-non-gnu-devel-elpa))
(:package "dracula-theme" :repo "https://github.com/dracula/emacs" :local-repo
"dracula-theme" :files
(:exclude ".git" "INSTALL.md" "screenshot.png" "start_emacs_test.sh"
:source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :protocol https :inherit
elpaca-menu-non-gnu-devel-elpa :depth 1)
Commands and/or elisp evaluated prior to :build
steps with the package repository as default-directory
. Each command is either an elisp form or a list of strings executed in a shell context of the form:
("executable" "argument"...)
For example:
(elpaca (example :pre-build (("configure") ("make" "install"))))
The same as :pre-build
, but run just before activating a package.
(elpaca (example :post-build (message "activate next")))
The name of the file the package’s autoload file. When nil
, autoload loading and generation are disabled for the package. When t
, the default autoload file is generated/loaded (PACKAGE-NAME-autoloads.el
). The value may also be a string which is expanded relative to the package’s build directory. e.g. "org-loaddefs.el"
A function which must accept an Elpaca struct as its sole argument. It must return a version string understood by version-to-list
. e.g.
(elpaca (auctex :version (lambda (_) (require 'tex-site) AUCTeX-version)))
The following list shows the precedence of inheritance from highest to lowest:
- elpaca-recipe-functions
- declared recipe
- elpaca-order-functions
- elpaca-menu-functions
The elpaca-info
command shows inherited recipe properties:
( :package "evil"
;; Inherited from elpaca-order-functions.
:depth 1
:inherit t
:protocol https
;; Inherited from elpaca-menu-item.
:files ( :defaults "doc/build/texinfo/evil.texi"
(:exclude "evil-test-helpers.el"))
:fetcher github
:repo "emacs-evil/evil")
The abnormal hook elpaca-recipe-functions
runs via run-hook-with-args-until-success
just before installing the package. Each function in the list should accept the current recipe as its sole argument and return either nil or a plist. The first function to return a plist has its return value merged with the current recipe.
This is useful if you want to guarantee the values of certain keywords despite allowing recipe inheritance.
(let ((elpaca-recipe-functions '((lambda (_) "Add extra cheese to everything."
(list :cheese 'extra)))))
(elpaca-recipe 'burger))
(:source nil :protocol https :inherit t :depth 1 :package "burger" :cheese extra)
A menu is a function which returns an alist of the form:
((ID . DATA)...)
ID is a symbol uniquely identifying a package. DATA is a plist of package metadata. DATA must contain the following keywords:
- :recipe: A package recipe. (recipe)
- :source: A string naming the menu.
It may also provide additional information about a package. For example, the Elpaca UI utilizes the following keywords when present:
- :url: The package’s website URL.
- :description: A description of the package.
- :date : The time of package’s last update.
The function must accept one of the following REQUEST symbols as an argument:
- index: Return the alist described above
- update: update the menu’s alist.
(defun elpaca-menu-minimal (request_)
"A minimal menu example.
Ignore REQUEST, as this is a static, curated list of packages."
'((example :source "EXAMPLE" :recipe (example :host github :repo "user/example"))
(two :source "EXAMPLE" :recipe (two :host gitlab :repo "user/two"))))
Menus allow one to offer Elpaca users curated lists of package recipes. For example, melpulls implements an Elpaca menu for pending MELPA packages.
The elpaca-menu-functions
variable contains menu functions for the following package sources by default:
Menus are checked in order until one returns the requested menu item or the menu list is exhausted.
At a minimum, an order is a symbol which represents the name of a menu item (menu):
(elpaca example)
An order may also be a partial or full recipe:
(elpaca (example :host gitlab))
(elpaca (example :host gitlab :repo "user/example" :inherit nil))
The abnormal hook elpaca-order-functions
runs via run-hook-with-args-until-success
before elpaca-menu-functions
. Each function in the list should accept the current order as its sole argument and return either nil or a plist. The first function to return a plist has its return value merged with the current order.
This is useful for declaring default order properties. For example, the following function disables recipe inheritance by default:
(let ((elpaca-order-functions '((lambda (_) "Disable inheritance." '(:inherit nil)))))
(elpaca-recipe 'burger))
(:source nil :inherit nil :package "burger")
Elpaca installs packages asynchronously. Orders (orders) are automatically queued in a list. When all of a queues orders have either finished or failed Elpaca considers it “processed”.
Queues ensure packages installation, activation, and configuration take place prior to packages in other queues. The elpaca-wait
function splits the current queue and immediately begins processing prior queues. This is useful when one wants to later on at the top-level of their init file. For example, a package which implements an Elpaca menu (menu):
(elpaca (melpulls :host github :repo "progfolio/melpulls")
(add-to-list 'elpaca-menu-functions #'melpulls)
(elpaca-update-menus #'melpulls)))
;; Block until melpulls is installed/activated.
;; Implicitly queued into a new queue.
(elpaca menu-item-available-in-melpulls)
- elpaca:
(order &rest body)
Installs ORDER (orders) and executes BODY after processing ORDER’s queue (queue).
This macro is for programmatic use in one’s init file. Any of the following will install the “example” package:
(elpaca example) ;; recipe looked up in `elpaca-menu-functions'.
(elpaca example (message "Messaged after the order's queue has processed."))
(elpaca (example :host github :repo "user/example"))
(elpaca `(example :host github :repo "user/example"
,@(when (eq system-type 'darwin) ;; backqouting supported
(list :pre-build ((message "Mac specific pre-build"))))))
If ORDER is nil, BODY is still executed after processing the current queue.
(elpaca first (message "First configured"))
;; If this weren't wrapped in an `elpaca' call, it would execute FIRST
;; Due to the "first" and "third" package installing asynchronously.
(elpaca nil (message "Second"))
(elpaca third (message "Third configured"))
Interactively evaluating an elpaca
declaration will re-process the order. This can be used to change a package’s recipe prior to rebuilding it. Note that rebuilding a package does not reload a package. It’s best to restart Emacs after a successful rebuild if you wish to have the changes loaded.
Adding the following elisp to your init file will enable Elpaca’s optional integration with the use-package configuration macro:
(elpaca elpaca-use-package
;; Enable Elpaca support for use-package's :ensure keyword.
;; Necessary to use the Elpaca's `:ensure` support after this point
(use-package example :ensure t)
Expands to:
(elpaca example (use-package example))
With elpaca-use-package-mode
enabled the :ensure
use-package keyword can also accept a recipe.
(use-package example :ensure (:host host :repo "user/repo"))
Expands to:
(elpaca (example :host host :repo "user/repo")
(use-package example))
When installing a package which modifies a form used at the top-level (e.g. a package which adds a use-package key word), use `elpaca-wait’ to block until that package has been installed and configured. For example:
(use-package general :demand t :ensure t)
;; use-package declarations beyond this point may use the `:general' use-package keyword.
In order to turn off elpaca-use-package-mode
for a given declaration, specify :ensure nil
;; `emacs' is a pseudo-feature which can be used to configure built-in functionality.
(use-package emacs :ensure nil :config (setq ring-bell-function #'ignore))
Note forms like this are not deferred by Elpaca’s queue system.
Elpaca has a UI mode available for managing packages. The main entry points to the UI are the elpaca-manager
, elpaca-log
, and elpaca-status
commands. Each of these commands utilize modes derived from elpaca-ui-mode
The following commands are available in the elpaca-ui-mode
Command | Binding | Description |
elpaca-ui-send-input | ! | Send input string to current process. |
elpaca-ui-show-hidden-rows | + | Append rows up to N times ‘elpaca-ui-row-limit’. |
elpaca-ui-info | RET | Show info for current package. |
elpaca-ui-browse-package | b | Browse current package’s URL via ‘browse-url’. |
elpaca-ui-mark-delete | d | Mark package at point for ‘elpaca-delete’. |
elpaca-ui-mark-fetch | f | Mark package at point for ‘elpaca-fetch’. |
elpaca-ui-search-marked | g a | Search for “#unique #marked” |
elpaca-ui-search-installed | g i | Search for “#unique #installed” |
elpaca-log | g l | Display ‘elpaca-log-buffer’ filtered by QUERY. |
elpaca-manager | g m | Display Elpaca’s package management UI. |
elpaca-ui-search-orphaned | g o | Search for “#unique #orphan” |
elpaca-ui-search-refresh | g r | Rerun the current search for BUFFER. |
elpaca-ui-search-tried | g t | Search for “#unique #installed !#declared” |
elpaca-ui-mark-try | i | Mark package at point for ‘elpaca-try’. |
elpaca-ui-mark-merge | m | Mark package at point for ‘elpaca-merge’. |
elpaca-ui-mark-pull | p | Mark package at point for ‘elpaca-pull’. |
elpaca-ui-mark-rebuild | r | Mark package at point for ‘elpaca-rebuild’. |
elpaca-ui-search | s | Filter current buffer by QUERY. If QUERY is nil, prompt for it. |
elpaca-ui-unmark | u | Unmark current package. |
elpaca-ui-visit | v | Visit current package’s repo or BUILD directory. |
elpaca-ui-execute-marks | x | Execute each mark in ‘elpaca-ui-marked-packages’. |
Function: elpaca-manager
&optional recache
: Display packages registered with Elpaca. Packages can searched for, installed, updated, rebuilt, and deleted from this interface. WhenRECACHE
is non-nil, via lisp or interactively via theuniversal-argument
, recompute Elpaca’s menu item cache before display. -
Function: elpaca-log
&optional query
: Display the log for queued packages filtered byQUERY
. For acceptable values forQUERY
see searching. -
Function: elpaca-status: Display the log for the most recent events for queued packages. This allows one to quickly determine the status and reason for the status of each queued package.
The elpaca-ui-search
command (s
) prompts the user for a search query in the minibuffer. Altering the query updates the UI table. Calling with a universal-argument
) populates the minibuffer with the current search query for editing. Setting the query to an empty string resets the query to elpaca-ui-default-query
. The buffer’s header line displays the current query.
Queries are regular expressions checked against each row of the UI table. For example, test
will match any row which contains the string “test”. Some characters change the matching behavior in queries.
The pipe character, |
, will delimit text searches to specific columns of the table. Considering the following table:
number | A | B | C |
1 | one | two | 3 |
2 | four | five | 6 |
3 | seven | eight | 9 |
The query o
will match rows 1 (on one
) and 2 (on four
). The query 3 |
will only search for 3
in the first column and match row three. While ||| 3
Will search for 3
in the fourth column of the table and match row 1.
The pound (a.k.a. hash) character, #
, followed by the name of a search tag filters table entries. For example #random
will display 10 random entries. If the search tag accepts arguments they may passed by wrapping the tag name in parenthesis. e.g. #(random 20)
will display 20 random entries.
User Option: elpaca-ui-search-tags: An alist of with elements of the form (NAME . FILTER).
is a unique symbol describing the filter function. The user types name after#
in the minibuffer to apply the filter.FILTER
is a function which must accept a list oftabulated-list-entries
as its first argument. It may accept additional, optional arguments. The function must return a list oftabulated-list-entries
.For example, the following search tag will embolden the first column of the
table when the search query contains#bold-names
(defun +elpaca-bold-names (entries)
(cl-loop for entry in entries
for copy = (copy-tree entry)
for cols = (cadr copy)
for name = (aref cols 0)
do (setf (aref cols 0) (propertize name 'face '(:weight bold)))
collect copy))
(cl-pushnew (cons 'bold-names #'+elpaca-bold-names) elpaca-ui-search-tags)
3 This is so Elpaca can build a proper dependency tree. It ensures packages the user explicitly requests are not preempted by dependencies of other packages.