From 40132eb4d06ae2999357d5055a2b05d02c9b2581 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ben Allen Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2024 05:03:05 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Normative: add Intl.DurationFormat --- spec/durationformat.html | 1093 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ spec/index.html | 1 + 2 files changed, 1094 insertions(+) create mode 100644 spec/durationformat.html diff --git a/spec/durationformat.html b/spec/durationformat.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87903882 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/durationformat.html @@ -0,0 +1,1093 @@ + + +
+title: Intl.DurationFormat
+stage: 3
+contributors: Ujjwal Sharma, Younies Mahmoud
+ +

DurationFormat Objects

+ + +

Abstract Operations for DurationFormat Objects

+ + +

Duration Records


A Duration Record is a Record value used to represent a Duration.


Duration Records have the fields listed in

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
[[Years]] + The number of years in the duration. +
[[Months]] + The number of months in the duration. +
[[Weeks]] + The number of weeks in the duration. +
[[Days]] + The number of days in the duration. +
[[Hours]] + The number of hours in the duration. +
[[Minutes]] + The number of minutes in the duration. +
[[Seconds]] + The number of seconds in the duration. +
[[Milliseconds]] + The number of milliseconds in the duration. +
[[Microseconds]] + The number of microseconds in the duration. +
[[Nanoseconds]] + The number of nanoseconds in the duration. +
+ + +

+ ToIntegerIfIntegral ( + _argument_: an ECMAScript language value, + ): either a normal completion containing an integer, or an abrupt completion +

It converts _argument_ to an integer representing its Number value, or throws a *RangeError* when that value is not integral.
+ + 1. Let _number_ be ? ToNumber(_argument_). + 1. If _number_ is not an integral Number, throw a *RangeError* exception. + 1. Return ℝ(_number_). + +
+ + +

+ ToDurationRecord ( + _input_: an ECMAScript language value + ): either a normal completion containing a Duration Record, or an abrupt completion +

It converts a given object that represents a Duration into a Duration Record.
+ + + 1. If _input_ is not an Object, then + 1. If _input_ is a String, throw a *RangeError* exception. + 1. Throw a *TypeError* exception. + 1. Let _result_ be a new Duration Record with each field set to 0. + 1. Let _days_ be ? Get(_input_, *"days"*). + 1. If _days_ is not *undefined*, set _result_.[[Days]] to ? ToIntegerIfIntegral(_days_). + 1. Let _hours_ be ? Get(_input_, *"hours"*). + 1. If _hours_ is not *undefined*, set _result_.[[Hours]] to ? ToIntegerIfIntegral(_hours_). + 1. Let _microseconds_ be ? Get(_input_, *"microseconds"*). + 1. If _microseconds_ is not *undefined*, set _result_.[[Microseconds]] to ? ToIntegerIfIntegral(_microseconds_). + 1. Let _milliseconds_ be ? Get(_input_, *"milliseconds"*). + 1. If _milliseconds_ is not *undefined*, set _result_.[[Milliseconds]] to ? ToIntegerIfIntegral(_milliseconds_). + 1. Let _minutes_ be ? Get(_input_, *"minutes"*). + 1. If _minutes_ is not *undefined*, set _result_.[[Minutes]] to ? ToIntegerIfIntegral(_minutes_). + 1. Let _months_ be ? Get(_input_, *"months"*). + 1. If _months_ is not *undefined*, set _result_.[[Months]] to ? ToIntegerIfIntegral(_months_). + 1. Let _nanoseconds_ be ? Get(_input_, *"nanoseconds"*). + 1. If _nanoseconds_ is not *undefined*, set _result_.[[Nanoseconds]] to ? ToIntegerIfIntegral(_nanoseconds_). + 1. Let _seconds_ be ? Get(_input_, *"seconds"*). + 1. If _seconds_ is not *undefined*, set _result_.[[Seconds]] to ? ToIntegerIfIntegral(_seconds_). + 1. Let _weeks_ be ? Get(_input_, *"weeks"*). + 1. If _weeks_ is not *undefined*, set _result_.[[Weeks]] to ? ToIntegerIfIntegral(_weeks_). + 1. Let _years_ be ? Get(_input_, *"years"*). + 1. If _years_ is not *undefined*, set _result_.[[Years]] to ? ToIntegerIfIntegral(_years_). + 1. If _years_, _months_, _weeks_, _days_, _hours_, _minutes_, _seconds_, _milliseconds_, _microseconds_, and _nanoseconds_ are all *undefined*, throw a *TypeError* exception. + 1. If IsValidDuration( _result_.[[Years]], _result_.[[Months]], _result_.[[Weeks]], _result_.[[Days]], _result_.[[Hours]], _result_.[[Minutes]], _result_.[[Seconds]], _result_.[[Milliseconds]], _result_.[[Microseconds]], _result_.[[Nanoseconds]]) is *false*, then + 1. Throw a *RangeError* exception. + 1. Return _result_. + +
+ + +

+ DurationSign ( + _duration_: a Duration Record, + ): -1, 0, or 1 +

It returns 1 if the most significant non-zero element in its arguments is positive, and -1 if the most significant non-zero element is negative. If all of its arguments are zero, it returns 0.
+ + 1. For each value _v_ of « _duration_.[[Years]], _duration_.[[Months]], _duration_.[[Weeks]], _duration_.[[Days]], _duration_.[[Hours]], _duration_.[[Minutes]], _duration_.[[Seconds]], _duration_.[[Milliseconds]], _duration_.[[Microseconds]], _duration_.[[Nanoseconds]] », do + 1. If _v_ < 0, return -1. + 1. If _v_ > 0, return 1. + 1. Return 0. + +
+ + +

+ IsValidDuration ( + _years_: an integer, + _months_: an integer, + _weeks_: an integer, + _days_: an integer, + _hours_: an integer, + _minutes_: an integer, + _seconds_: an integer, + _milliseconds_: an integer, + _microseconds_: an integer, + _nanoseconds_: an integer, + ): a Boolean +

It returns *true* if its arguments form valid input from which to construct a Duration Record, and *false* otherwise.
+ + 1. Let _sign_ be 0. + 1. For each value _v_ of « _years_, _months_, _weeks_, _days_, _hours_, _minutes_, _seconds_, _milliseconds_, _microseconds_, _nanoseconds_ », do + 1. If 𝔽(_v_) is not finite, return *false*. + 1. If _v_ < 0, then + 1. If _sign_ > 0, return *false*. + 1. Set _sign_ to -1. + 1. Else if _v_ > 0, then + 1. If _sign_ < 0, return *false*. + 1. Set _sign_ to 1. + 1. If abs(_years_) ≥ 232, return *false*. + 1. If abs(_months_) ≥ 232, return *false*. + 1. If abs(_weeks_) ≥ 232, return *false*. + 1. Let _normalizedSeconds_ be _days_ × 86,400 + _hours_ × 3600 + _minutes_ × 60 + _seconds_ + ℝ(𝔽(_milliseconds_)) × 10-3 + ℝ(𝔽(_microseconds_)) × 10-6 + ℝ(𝔽(_nanoseconds_)) × 10-9. + 1. NOTE: The above step cannot be implemented directly using floating-point arithmetic. Multiplying by 10-3, 10-6, and 10-9 respectively may be imprecise when _milliseconds_, _microseconds_, or _nanoseconds_ is an unsafe integer. This multiplication can be implemented in C++ with an implementation of `std::remquo()` with sufficient bits in the quotient. String manipulation will also give an exact result, since the multiplication is by a power of 10. + 1. If abs(_normalizedSeconds_) ≥ 253, return *false*. + 1. Return *true*. + + The abstract operations ToIntegerIfIntegral, DurationSign, and IsValidDuration take the same parameters as the abstract operations of the same name in the Temporal proposal's specification, aside from the use of a Duration Record instead of a Temporal.Duration instance. They will be removed in favor of the equivalent Temporal abstract operations if the Temporal proposal becomes part of ECMAScript before this proposal does. +
+ + +

+ GetDurationUnitOptions ( + _unit_: a String, + _options_: an Object, + _baseStyle_: a String, + _stylesList_: a List of Strings, + _digitalBase_: a String, + _prevStyle_: a String, + _twoDigitHours_: a Boolean, + ): either a normal completion containing a Record with [[Style]] and [[Display]] fields, or an abrupt completion +

It extracts the relevant options for any given _unit_ from an Object and returns them as a Record.
+ + + 1. Let _style_ be ? GetOption(_options_, _unit_, ~string~, _stylesList_, *undefined*). + 1. Let _displayDefault_ be *"always"*. + 1. If _style_ is *undefined*, then + 1. If _baseStyle_ is *"digital"*, then + 1. If _unit_ is not one of *"hours"*, *"minutes"*, or *"seconds"*, then + 1. Set _displayDefault_ to *"auto"*. + 1. Set _style_ to _digitalBase_. + 1. Else, + 1. If _prevStyle_ is *"fractional"*, *"numeric"* or *"2-digit"*, then + 1. If _unit_ is not one of *"minutes"* or *"seconds"*, then + 1. Set _displayDefault_ to *"auto"*. + 1. Set _style_ to *"numeric"*. + 1. Else, + 1. Set _displayDefault_ to *"auto"*. + 1. Set _style_ to _baseStyle_. + 1. If _style_ is *"numeric"*, then + 1. If _unit_ is one of *"milliseconds"*, *"microseconds"*, or *"nanoseconds"*, then + 1. Set _style_ to *"fractional"*. + 1. Set _displayDefault_ to *"auto"*. + 1. Let _displayField_ be the string-concatenation of _unit_ and *"Display"*. + 1. Let _display_ be ? GetOption(_options_, _displayField_, ~string~, « *"auto"*, *"always"* », _displayDefault_). + 1. If _display_ is *"always"* and _style_ is *"fractional"*, then + 1. Throw a *RangeError* exception. + 1. If _prevStyle_ is *"fractional"*, then + 1. If _style_ is not *"fractional"*, then + 1. Throw a *RangeError* exception. + 1. If _prevStyle_ is *"numeric"* or *"2-digit"*, then + 1. If _style_ is not *"fractional"*, *"numeric"* or *"2-digit"*, then + 1. Throw a *RangeError* exception. + 1. If _unit_ is *"minutes"* or *"seconds"*, then + 1. Set _style_ to *"2-digit"*. + 1. If _unit_ is *"hours"* and _twoDigitHours_ is *true*, then + 1. Set _style_ to *"2-digit"*. + 1. Return the Record { + [[Style]]: _style_, + [[Display]]: _display_ + }. + +
+ + +

+ ComputeFractionalDigits ( + _durationFormat_: a DurationFormat Object, + _duration_: a Duration Record, + ): a mathematical value +

It computes the sum of all values in _durationFormat_ units with *"fractional"* style, expressed as a fraction of the smallest unit of _durationFormat_ that does not use *"fractional"* style.
+ + + 1. Let _result_ be 0. + 1. Let _exponent_ be 3. + 1. For each row of , except the header row, in table order, do + 1. Let _style_ be the value of _durationFormat_'s internal slot whose name is the Style Slot value of the current row. + 1. If _style_ is *"fractional"*, then + 1. Assert: The Unit value of the current row is *"milliseconds"*, *"microseconds"*, or *"nanoseconds"*. + 1. Let _value_ be the value of _duration_'s field whose name is the Value Field value of the current row. + 1. Set _value_ to _value_ / 10_exponent_. + 1. Set _result_ to _result_ + _value_. + 1. Set _exponent_ to _exponent_ + 3. + 1. Return _result_. + +
+ + +

+ NextUnitFractional ( + _durationFormat_: a DurationFormat Object, + _unit_: a String, + ): a Boolean +

It returns *true* if the next smallest unit uses the *"fractional"* style.
+ + + 1. Assert: _unit_ is *"seconds"*, *"milliseconds"*, or *"microseconds"*. + 1. If _unit_ is *"seconds"* and _durationFormat_.[[MillisecondsStyle]] is *"fractional"*, return *true*. + 1. Else if _unit_ is *"milliseconds"* and _durationFormat_.[[MicrosecondsStyle]] is *"fractional"*, return *true*. + 1. Else if _unit_ is *"microseconds"* and _durationFormat_.[[NanosecondsStyle]] is *"fractional"*, return *true*. + 1. Return *false*. + +
+ + +

+ FormatNumericHours ( + _durationFormat_: a DurationFormat object, + _hoursValue_: an integer, + _signDisplayed_: a Boolean, + ) : a List of Records +

_hoursValue_ is an integer indicating a number of hours. It creates the parts for _hoursValue_ according to the effective locale and the formatting options of _durationFormat_.
+ + + 1. Let _result_ be a new empty List. + 1. Let _hoursStyle_ be _durationFormat_.[[HoursStyle]]. + 1. Assert: _hoursStyle_ is *"numeric"* or _hoursStyle_ is *"2-digit"*. + 1. Let _nfOpts_ be OrdinaryObjectCreate(*null*). + 1. Let _numberingSystem_ be _durationFormat_.[[NumberingSystem]]. + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"numberingSystem"*, _numberingSystem_). + 1. If _hoursStyle_ is *"2-digit"*, then + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"minimumIntegerDigits"*, *2*𝔽). + 1. If _signDisplayed_ is *false*, then + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"signDisplay"*, *"never"*). + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"useGrouping"*, *false*). + 1. Let _nf_ be ! Construct(%Intl.NumberFormat%, « _durationFormat_.[[Locale]], _nfOpts_ »). + 1. Let _hoursParts_ be PartitionNumberPattern(_nf_, _hoursValue_). + 1. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]] } _part_ of _hoursParts_, do + 1. Append the Record { [[Type]]: _part_.[[Type]], [[Value]]: _part_.[[Value]], [[Unit]]: *"hour"* } to _result_. + 1. Return _result_. + +
+ + +

+ FormatNumericMinutes ( + _durationFormat_: a DurationFormat Object, + _minutesValue_: an integer, + _hoursDisplayed_: a Boolean, + _signDisplayed_: a Boolean, + ) : a List of Records +

_minutesValue_ is an integer indicating a number of minutes. It creates the parts for _minutesValue_ according to the effective locale and the formatting options of _durationFormat_.
+ + + 1. Let _result_ be a new empty List. + 1. If _hoursDisplayed_ is *true*, then + 1. Let _separator_ be _durationFormat_.[[HourMinuteSeparator]]. + 1. Append the Record { [[Type]]: *"literal"*, [[Value]]: _separator_, [[Unit]]: ~empty~ } to _result_. + 1. Let _minutesStyle_ be _durationFormat_.[[MinutesStyle]]. + 1. Assert: _minutesStyle_ is *"numeric"* or _minutesStyle_ is *"2-digit"*. + 1. Let _nfOpts_ be OrdinaryObjectCreate(*null*). + 1. Let _numberingSystem_ be _durationFormat_.[[NumberingSystem]]. + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"numberingSystem"*, _numberingSystem_). + 1. If _minutesStyle_ is *"2-digit"*, then + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"minimumIntegerDigits"*, *2*𝔽). + 1. If _signDisplayed_ is *false*, then + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"signDisplay"*, *"never"*). + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"useGrouping"*, *false*). + 1. Let _nf_ be ! Construct(%Intl.NumberFormat%, « _durationFormat_.[[Locale]], _nfOpts_ »). + 1. Let _minutesParts_ be PartitionNumberPattern(_nf_, _minutesValue_). + 1. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]] } _part_ of _minutesParts_, do + 1. Append the Record { [[Type]]: _part_.[[Type]], [[Value]]: _part_.[[Value]], [[Unit]]: *"minute"* } to _result_. + 1. Return _result_. + +
+ + +

+ FormatNumericSeconds ( + _durationFormat_: a DurationFormat Object, + _secondsValue_: a mathematical value, + _minutesDisplayed_ : a Boolean, + _signDisplayed_: a Boolean, + ) : a List of Records +

_secondsValue_ is a mathematical value indicating a number of seconds. It creates the parts for _secondsValue_ according to the effective locale and the formatting options of _durationFormat_.
+ + + 1. Let _result_ be a new empty List. + 1. If _minutesDisplayed_ is *true*, then + 1. Let _separator_ be _durationFormat_.[[MinuteSecondSeparator]]. + 1. Append the Record { [[Type]]: *"literal"*, [[Value]]: _separator_, [[Unit]]: ~empty~ } to _result_. + 1. Let _secondsStyle_ be _durationFormat_.[[SecondsStyle]]. + 1. Assert: _secondsStyle_ is *"numeric"* or _secondsStyle_ is *"2-digit"*. + 1. Let _nfOpts_ be OrdinaryObjectCreate(*null*). + 1. Let _numberingSystem_ be _durationFormat_.[[NumberingSystem]]. + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"numberingSystem"*, _numberingSystem_). + 1. If _secondsStyle_ is *"2-digit"*, then + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"minimumIntegerDigits"*, *2*𝔽). + 1. If _signDisplayed_ is *false*, then + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"signDisplay"*, *"never"*). + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"useGrouping"*, *false*). + 1. If _durationFormat_.[[FractionalDigits]] is *undefined*, then + 1. Let _maximumFractionDigits_ be *9*𝔽. + 1. Let _minimumFractionDigits_ be *+0*𝔽. + 1. Else, + 1. Let _maximumFractionDigits_ be _durationFormat_.[[FractionalDigits]]. + 1. Let _minimumFractionDigits_ be _durationFormat_.[[FractionalDigits]]. + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"maximumFractionDigits"*, _maximumFractionDigits_). + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"minimumFractionDigits"*, _minimumFractionDigits_). + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"roundingMode"*, *"trunc"*). + 1. Let _nf_ be ! Construct(%Intl.NumberFormat%, « _durationFormat_.[[Locale]], _nfOpts_ »). + 1. Let _secondsParts_ be PartitionNumberPattern(_nf_, _secondsValue_). + 1. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]] } _part_ of _secondsParts_, do + 1. Append the Record { [[Type]]: _part_.[[Type]], [[Value]]: _part_.[[Value]], [[Unit]]: *"second"* } to _result_. + 1. Return _result_. + +
+ + +

+ FormatNumericUnits ( + _durationFormat_: a DurationFormat Object, + _duration_: a Duration Record, + _firstNumericUnit_: a String, + _signDisplayed_: a Boolean, + ): a List of Records +

It creates the parts representing the elements of _duration_ that use *"numeric"* or *"2-digit"* style according to the effective locale and the formatting options of _durationFormat_.
+ + + 1. Assert: _firstNumericUnit_ is *"hours"*, *"minutes"*, or *"seconds"*. + 1. Let _numericPartsList_ be a new empty List. + 1. Let _hoursValue_ be _duration_.[[Hours]]. + 1. Let _hoursDisplay_ be _durationFormat_.[[HoursDisplay]]. + 1. Let _minutesValue_ be _duration_.[[Minutes]]. + 1. Let _minutesDisplay_ be _durationFormat_.[[MinutesDisplay]]. + 1. Let _secondsValue_ be _duration_.[[Seconds]]. + 1. If _duration_.[[Milliseconds]] is not 0 or _duration_.[[Microseconds]] is not 0 or _duration_.[[Nanoseconds]] is not 0, then + 1. Set _secondsValue_ to _secondsValue_ + ComputeFractionalDigits(_durationFormat_, _duration_). + 1. Let _secondsDisplay_ be _durationFormat_.[[SecondsDisplay]]. + 1. Let _hoursFormatted_ be *false*. + 1. If _firstNumericUnit_ is *"hours"*, then + 1. If _hoursValue_ is not 0 or _hoursDisplay_ is *"always"*, then + 1. Set _hoursFormatted_ to *true*. + 1. If _secondsValue_ is not 0 or _secondsDisplay_ is *"always"*, then + 1. Let _secondsFormatted_ be *true*. + 1. Else, + 1. Let _secondsFormatted_ be *false*. + 1. Let _minutesFormatted_ be *false*. + 1. If _firstNumericUnit_ is *"hours"* or _firstNumericUnit_ is *"minutes"*, then + 1. If _hoursFormatted_ is *true* and _secondsFormatted_ is *true*, then + 1. Set _minutesFormatted_ to *true*. + 1. Else if _minutesValue_ is not 0 or _minutesDisplay_ is *"always"*, then + 1. Set _minutesFormatted_ to *true*. + 1. If _hoursFormatted_ is *true*, then + 1. If _signDisplayed_ is *true*, then + 1. If _hoursValue_ is 0 and DurationSign(_duration_) is -1, then + 1. Set _hoursValue_ to ~negative-zero~. + 1. Let _hoursParts_ be FormatNumericHours(_durationFormat_, _hoursValue_, _signDisplayed_). + 1. Set _numericPartsList_ to the list-concatenation of _numericPartsList_ and _hoursParts_. + 1. Set _signDisplayed_ to *false*. + 1. If _minutesFormatted_ is *true*, then + 1. If _signDisplayed_ is *true*, then + 1. If _minutesValue_ is 0 and DurationSign(_duration_) is -1, then + 1. Set _minutesValue_ to ~negative-zero~. + 1. Let _minutesParts_ be FormatNumericMinutes(_durationFormat_, _minutesValue_, _hoursFormatted_, _signDisplayed_). + 1. Set _numericPartsList_ to the list-concatenation of _numericPartsList_ and _minutesParts_. + 1. Set _signDisplayed_ to *false*. + 1. If _secondsFormatted_ is *true*, then + 1. Let _secondsParts_ be FormatNumericSeconds(_durationFormat_, _secondsValue_, _minutesFormatted_, _signDisplayed_). + 1. Set _numericPartsList_ to the list-concatenation of _numericPartsList_ and _secondsParts_. + 1. Return _numericPartsList_. + +
+ + +

ListFormatParts ( + _durationFormat_: a DurationFormat Object + _partitionedPartsList_: a List of Lists of Records, + ): a List +

It creates a List corresponding to the parts within the Lists in _partitionedPartsList_ according to the effective locale and the formatting options of _durationFormat_.
+ + 1. Let _lfOpts_ be OrdinaryObjectCreate(*null*). + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_lfOpts_, *"type"*, *"unit"*). + 1. Let _listStyle_ be _durationFormat_.[[Style]]. + 1. If _listStyle_ is *"digital"*, then + 1. Set _listStyle_ to *"short"*. + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_lfOpts_, *"style"*, _listStyle_). + 1. Let _lf_ be ! Construct(%Intl.ListFormat%, « _durationFormat_.[[Locale]], _lfOpts_ »). + 1. Let _strings_ be a new empty List. + 1. For each element _parts_ of _partitionedPartsList_, do + 1. Let _string_ be the empty String. + 1. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]], [[Unit]] } _part_ in _parts_, do + 1. Set _string_ to the string-concatenation of _string_ and _part_.[[Value]]. + 1. Append _string_ to _strings_. + 1. Let _formattedPartsList_ be CreatePartsFromList(_lf_, _strings_). + 1. Let _partitionedPartsIndex_ be 0. + 1. Let _partitionedLength_ be the number of elements in _partitionedPartsList_. + 1. Let _flattenedPartsList_ be a new empty List. + 1. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]] } _listPart_ in _formattedPartsList_, do + 1. If _listPart_.[[Type]] is *"element"*, then + 1. Assert: _partitionedPartsIndex_ < _partitionedLength_. + 1. Let _parts_ be _partitionedPartsList_[_partitionedPartsIndex_]. + 1. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]], [[Unit]] } _part_ in _parts_, do + 1. Append _part_ to _flattenedPartsList_. + 1. Set _partitionedPartsIndex_ to _partitionedPartsIndex_ + 1. + 1. Else, + 1. Assert: _listPart_.[[Type]] is *"literal"*. + 1. Append the Record { [[Type]]: *"literal"*, [[Value]]: _listPart_.[[Value]], [[Unit]]: ~empty~ } to _flattenedPartsList_. + 1. Return _flattenedPartsList_. + +
+ + +

+ PartitionDurationFormatPattern ( + _durationFormat_: a DurationFormat, + _duration_: a Duration Record, + ): a List +

It creates the corresponding parts for _duration_ according to the effective locale and the formatting options of _durationFormat_.
+ + + 1. Let _result_ be a new empty List. + 1. Let _signDisplayed_ be *true*. + 1. Let _numericUnitFound_ be *false*. + 1. While _numericUnitFound_ is *false*, repeat for each row in in table order, except the header row: + 1. Let _value_ be the value of _duration_'s field whose name is the Value Field value of the current row. + 1. Let _style_ be the value of _durationFormat_'s internal slot whose name is the Style Slot value of the current row. + 1. Let _display_ be the value of _durationFormat_'s internal slot whose name is the Display Slot value of the current row. + 1. Let _unit_ be the Unit value of the current row. + 1. If _style_ is *"numeric"* or *"2-digit"*, then + 1. Append FormatNumericUnits(_durationFormat_, _duration_, _unit_, _signDisplayed_) to _result_. + 1. Let _numericPartsList_ be FormatNumericUnits(_durationFormat_, _duration_, _unit_, _signDisplayed_). + 1. If _numericPartsList_ is not empty, append _numericPartsList_ to _result_. + 1. Set _numericUnitFound_ to *true*. + 1. Else, + 1. Let _nfOpts_ be OrdinaryObjectCreate(*null*). + 1. If _unit_ is *"seconds"*, *"milliseconds"*, or *"microseconds"*, then + 1. If NextUnitFractional(_durationFormat_, _unit_) is *true*, then + 1. Set _value_ to _value_ + ComputeFractionalDigits(_durationFormat_, _duration_). + 1. If _durationFormat_.[[FractionalDigits]] is *undefined*, then + 1. Let _maximumFractionDigits_ be *9*𝔽. + 1. Let _minimumFractionDigits_ be *+0*𝔽. + 1. Else, + 1. Let _maximumFractionDigits_ be _durationFormat_.[[FractionalDigits]]. + 1. Let _minimumFractionDigits_ be _durationFormat_.[[FractionalDigits]]. + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"maximumFractionDigits"*, _maximumFractionDigits_). + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"minimumFractionDigits"*, _minimumFractionDigits_). + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"roundingMode"*, *"trunc"*). + 1. Set _numericUnitFound_ to *true*. + 1. If _value_ is not 0 or _display_ is *"always"*, then + 1. Let _numberingSystem_ be _durationFormat_.[[NumberingSystem]]. + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"numberingSystem"*, _numberingSystem_). + 1. If _signDisplayed_ is *true*, then + 1. Set _signDisplayed_ to *false*. + 1. If _value_ is 0 and DurationSign(_duration_) is -1, then + 1. Set _value_ to ~negative-zero~. + 1. Else, + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"signDisplay"*, *"never"*). + 1. Let _numberFormatUnit_ be the NumberFormat Unit value of the current row. + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"style"*, *"unit"*). + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"unit"*, _numberFormatUnit_). + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_nfOpts_, *"unitDisplay"*, _style_). + 1. Let _nf_ be ! Construct(%Intl.NumberFormat%, « _durationFormat_.[[Locale]], _nfOpts_ »). + 1. Let _parts_ be PartitionNumberPattern(_nf_, _value_). + 1. Let _list_ be a new empty List. + 1. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]] } _part_ of _parts_, do + 1. Append the Record { [[Type]]: _part_.[[Type]], [[Value]]: _part_.[[Value]], [[Unit]]: _numberFormatUnit_ } to _list_. + 1. Append _list_ to _result_. + 1. Return ListFormatParts(_durationFormat_, _result_). + + + + DurationFormat instance internal slots and properties relevant to PartitionDurationFormatPattern + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Value FieldStyle SlotDisplay SlotUnitNumberFormat Unit
+ + +

The Intl.DurationFormat Constructor

+ +

The DurationFormat constructor is the %Intl.DurationFormat% intrinsic object and a standard built-in property of the Intl object. Behaviour common to all service constructor properties of the Intl object is specified in .

+ + +

Intl.DurationFormat ( [ _locales_ [ , _options_ ] ] )

+ +

When the `Intl.DurationFormat` function is called with optional arguments _locales_ and _options_, the following steps are taken:

+ + + 1. If NewTarget is *undefined*, throw a *TypeError* exception. + 1. Let _durationFormat_ be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, *"%Intl.DurationFormatPrototype%"*, « [[InitializedDurationFormat]], [[Locale]], [[DataLocale]], [[NumberingSystem]], [[Style]], [[YearsStyle]], [[YearsDisplay]], [[MonthsStyle]], [[MonthsDisplay]], [[WeeksStyle]], [[WeeksDisplay]], [[DaysStyle]], [[DaysDisplay]], [[HoursStyle]], [[HoursDisplay]], [[MinutesStyle]], [[MinutesDisplay]], [[SecondsStyle]], [[SecondsDisplay]], [[MillisecondsStyle]], [[MillisecondsDisplay]], [[MicrosecondsStyle]], [[MicrosecondsDisplay]], [[NanosecondsStyle]], [[NanosecondsDisplay]], [[HourMinuteSeparator]], [[MinuteSecondSeparator]], [[FractionalDigits]] »). + 1. Let _requestedLocales_ be ? CanonicalizeLocaleList(_locales_). + 1. Let _options_ be ? GetOptionsObject(_options_). + 1. Let _matcher_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"localeMatcher"*, ~string~, « *"lookup"*, *"best fit"* », *"best fit"*). + 1. Let _numberingSystem_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"numberingSystem"*, ~string~, ~empty~, *undefined*). + 1. If _numberingSystem_ is not *undefined*, then + 1. If _numberingSystem_ does not match the Unicode Locale Identifier `type` nonterminal, throw a *RangeError* exception. + 1. Let _opt_ be the Record { [[localeMatcher]]: _matcher_, [[nu]]: _numberingSystem_ }. + 1. Let _r_ be ResolveLocale(%Intl.DurationFormat%.[[AvailableLocales]], _requestedLocales_, _opt_, %Intl.DurationFormat%.[[RelevantExtensionKeys]], %Intl.DurationFormat%.[[LocaleData]]). + 1. Let _locale_ be r.[[locale]]. + 1. Set _durationFormat_.[[Locale]] to _locale_. + 1. Set _durationFormat_.[[DataLocale]] to _r_.[[dataLocale]]. + 1. Let _dataLocale_ be _durationFormat_.[[DataLocale]]. + 1. Let _dataLocaleData_ be _durationFormat_.[[LocaleData]].[[<_dataLocale_>]]. + 1. Let _digitalFormat_ be _dataLocaleData_.[[DigitalFormat]]. + 1. Let _twoDigitHours_ be _digitalFormat_.[[TwoDigitHours]]. + 1. Let _hourMinuteSeparator_ be _digitalFormat_.[[HourMinuteSeparator]]. + 1. Set _durationFormat_.[[HourMinuteSeparator]] to _hourMinuteSeparator_. + 1. Let _minuteSecondSeparator_ be _digitalFormat_.[[MinuteSecondSeparator]]. + 1. Set _durationFormat_.[[MinuteSecondSeparator]] to _minuteSecondSeparator_. + 1. Set _durationFormat_.[[NumberingSystem]] to _r_.[[nu]]. + 1. Let _style_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"style"*, ~string~, « *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*, *"digital"* », *"short"*). + 1. Set _durationFormat_.[[Style]] to _style_. + 1. Let _prevStyle_ be the empty String. + 1. For each row of , except the header row, in table order, do + 1. Let _styleSlot_ be the Style Slot value of the current row. + 1. Let _displaySlot_ be the Display Slot value of the current row. + 1. Let _unit_ be the Unit value of the current row. + 1. Let _valueList_ be the Values value of the current row. + 1. Let _digitalBase_ be the Digital Default value of the current row. + 1. Let _unitOptions_ be ? GetDurationUnitOptions(_unit_, _options_, _style_, _valueList_, _digitalBase_, _prevStyle_, _twoDigitHours_). + 1. Set the value of the _styleSlot_ slot of _durationFormat_ to _unitOptions_.[[Style]]. + 1. Set the value of the _displaySlot_ slot of _durationFormat_ to _unitOptions_.[[Display]]. + 1. If _unit_ is one of *"hours"*, *"minutes"*, *"seconds"*, *"milliseconds"*, or *"microseconds"*, then + 1. Set _prevStyle_ to _unitOptions_.[[Style]]. + 1. Set _durationFormat_.[[FractionalDigits]] to ? GetNumberOption(_options_, *"fractionalDigits"*, 0, 9, *undefined*). + 1. Return _durationFormat_. + + + Internal slots and property names of DurationFormat instances relevant to Intl.DurationFormat constructor + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Style SlotDisplay SlotUnitValuesDigital Default
[[YearsStyle]][[YearsDisplay]]*"years"*« *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"* »*"short"*
[[MonthsStyle]][[MonthsDisplay]]*"months"*« *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"* »*"short"*
[[WeeksStyle]][[WeeksDisplay]]*"weeks"*« *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"* »*"short"*
[[DaysStyle]][[DaysDisplay]]*"days"*« *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"* »*"short"*
[[HoursStyle]][[HoursDisplay]]*"hours"*« *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*,
*"numeric"*, *"2-digit"* »
[[MinutesStyle]][[MinutesDisplay]]*"minutes"*« *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*,
*"numeric"*, *"2-digit"* »
[[SecondsStyle]][[SecondsDisplay]]*"seconds"*« *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*,
*"numeric"*, *"2-digit"* »
[[MillisecondsStyle]][[MillisecondsDisplay]]*"milliseconds"*« *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*,
*"numeric"* »
[[MicrosecondsStyle]][[MicrosecondsDisplay]]*"microseconds"*« *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*,
*"numeric"* »
[[NanosecondsStyle]][[NanosecondsDisplay]]*"nanoseconds"*« *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*,
*"numeric"* »
+ + +

Properties of the Intl.DurationFormat Constructor

+ +

The Intl.DurationFormat constructor has the following properties:

+ + +


+ +

The value of `Intl.DurationFormat.prototype` is %Intl.DurationFormat.prototype%.

+ +

This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: *false*, [[Enumerable]]: *false*, [[Configurable]]: *false* }.

+ + +

Intl.DurationFormat.supportedLocalesOf ( _locales_ [ , _options_ ] )

+ +

When the `supportedLocalesOf` method is called with arguments _locales_ and _options_, the following steps are taken:

+ + + 1. Let _availableLocales_ be %Intl.DurationFormat%.[[AvailableLocales]]. + 1. Let _requestedLocales_ be ? CanonicalizeLocaleList(_locales_). + 1. Return ? FilterLocales(_availableLocales_, _requestedLocales_, _options_). + +
+ + +

Internal slots

+ +

The value of the [[AvailableLocales]] internal slot is implementation defined within the constraints described in .

+ +

The value of the [[RelevantExtensionKeys]] internal slot is « *"nu"* ».

+ +

The value of the [[LocaleData]] internal slot is implementation defined within the constraints described in and the following additional constraints for all locale values _locale_:

+ +
  • [[LocaleData]].[[<_locale_>]].[[nu]] must be a List as specified in .
  • +
  • [[LocaleData]].[[<_locale_>]].[[DigitalFormat]] must be a Record with keys corresponding to each numbering system available for the given locale, with Record values containing the following fields: +
    • [[HourMinuteSeparator]] is a String value that is the appropriate separator between hours and minutes for that combination of locale, numbering system, and unit when using *"numeric"* or *"2-digit"* styles
    • +
    • [[MinuteSecondSeparator]] is a String value that is the appropriate separator between minutes and seconds for that combination of locale, numbering system, and unit when using *"numeric"* or *"2-digit"* styles.
    • +
    • [[TwoDigitHours]] is a Boolean value indicating whether hours are always displayed using two digits when the *"numeric"* style is used.
    • +
  • +
+ + It is recommended that implementations use the locale data provided by the Common Locale Data Repository (available at +
+ + +

Properties of the Intl.DurationFormat Prototype Object

+ +

The Intl.DurationFormat prototype object is itself an ordinary object. %Intl.DurationFormat.prototype% is not an Intl.DurationFormat instance and does not have an [[InitializedDurationFormat]] internal slot or any of the other internal slots of Intl.DurationFormat instance objects.

+ + +


+ +

The initial value of `Intl.DurationFormat.prototype.constructor` is the intrinsic object %Intl.DurationFormat%.

+ + +

Intl.DurationFormat.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]

+ +

The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the string value *"Intl.DurationFormat"*.


This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: *false*, [[Enumerable]]: *false*, [[Configurable]]: *true* }.

+ + +

Intl.DurationFormat.prototype.format ( _duration_ )

+ +

When the `format` method is called with an argument _duration_, the following steps are taken:

+ + + 1. Let _df_ be the *this* value. + 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_df_, [[InitializedDurationFormat]]). + 1. Let _record_ be ? ToDurationRecord(_duration_). + 1. Let _parts_ be PartitionDurationFormatPattern(_df_, _record_). + 1. Let _result_ be the empty String. + 1. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]], [[Unit]] } _part_ in _parts_, do + 1. Set _result_ to the string-concatenation of _result_ and _part_.[[Value]]. + 1. Return _result_. + +
+ +

Intl.DurationFormat.prototype.formatToParts ( _duration_ )

+ +

When the `formatToParts` method is called with an argument _duration_, the following steps are taken:

+ + + 1. Let _df_ be the *this* value. + 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_df_, [[InitializedDurationFormat]]). + 1. Let _record_ be ? ToDurationRecord(_duration_). + 1. Let _parts_ be PartitionDurationFormatPattern(_df_, _record_). + 1. Let _result_ be ! ArrayCreate(0). + 1. Let _n_ be 0. + 1. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]], [[Unit]] } _part_ in _parts_, do + 1. Let _obj_ be OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%). + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_obj_, *"type"*, _part_.[[Type]]). + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_obj_, *"value"*, _part_.[[Value]]). + 1. If _part_.[[Unit]] is not ~empty~, perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_obj_, *"unit"*, _part_.[[Unit]]). + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_result_, ! ToString(_n_), _obj_). + 1. Set _n_ to _n_ + 1. + 1. Return _result_. + +
+ +

Intl.DurationFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions ( )

+ +

This function provides access to the locale and options computed during initialization of the object.

+ + + 1. Let _df_ be the *this* value. + 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_df_, [[InitializedDurationFormat]]). + 1. Let _options_ be OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%). + 1. For each row of , except the header row, in table order, do + 1. Let _p_ be the Property value of the current row. + 1. Let _v_ be the value of _df_'s internal slot whose name is the Internal Slot value of the current row. + 1. If _p_ is *"fractionalDigits"*, then + 1. If _v_ is not *undefined*, set _v_ to 𝔽(_v_). + 1. Else, + 1. Assert: _v_ is not *undefined*. + 1. If _v_ is *"fractional"*, then + 1. Assert: The Internal Slot value of the current row is [[MillisecondsStyle]], [[MicrosecondsStyle]], or [[NanosecondsStyle]] . + 1. Set _v_ to *"numeric"*. + 1. If _v_ is not *undefined*, then + 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_options_, _p_, _v_). + 1. Return _options_. + + + + Resolved Options of DurationFormat Instances + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Internal SlotProperty
+ + +

Properties of Intl.DurationFormat Instances

+ +

Intl.DurationFormat instances inherit properties from %Intl.DurationFormat.prototype%.


Intl.DurationFormat instances have an [[InitializedDurationFormat]] internal slot.


Intl.DurationFormat instances also have several internal slots that are computed by the constructor:

+ +
  • [[Locale]] is a String value with the language tag of the locale whose localization is used for formatting.
  • +
  • [[DataLocale]] is a String value with the language tag of the nearest locale for which the implementation has data to perform the formatting operation. It will be a parent locale of [[Locale]].
  • +
  • [[NumberingSystem]] is a String value with the *"type"* given in Unicode Technical Standard 35 for the numbering system used for formatting.
  • +
  • [[Style]] is one of the String values *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*, or *"digital"* identifying the duration formatting style used.
  • +
  • [[YearsStyle]] is one of the String values *"long"*, *"short"*, or *"narrow"* identifying the formatting style used for the years field.
  • +
  • [[YearsDisplay]] is one of the String values *"auto"* or *"always"* identifying when to display the years field.
  • +
  • [[MonthsStyle]] is one of the String values *"long"*, *"short"*, or *"narrow"* identifying the formatting style used for the months field.
  • +
  • [[MonthsDisplay]] is one of the String values *"auto"* or *"always"* identifying when to display the months field.
  • +
  • [[WeeksStyle]] is one of the String values *"long"*, *"short"*, or *"narrow"* identifying the formatting style used for the weeks field.
  • +
  • [[WeeksDisplay]] is one of the String values *"auto"* or *"always"* identifying when to display the weeks field.
  • +
  • [[DaysStyle]] is one of the String values *"long"*, *"short"*, or *"narrow"* identifying the formatting style used for the days field.
  • +
  • [[DaysDisplay]] is one of the String values *"auto"* or *"always"* identifying when to display the days field.
  • +
  • [[HoursStyle]] is one of the String values *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*, *"2-digit"*, or *"numeric"* identifying the formatting style used for the hours field.
  • +
  • [[HoursDisplay]] is one of the String values *"auto"* or *"always"* identifying when to display the hours field.
  • +
  • [[MinutesStyle]] is one of the String values *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*, *"2-digit"*, or *"numeric"* identifying the formatting style used for the minutes field.
  • +
  • [[MinutesDisplay]] is one of the String values *"auto"* or *"always"* identifying when to display the minutes field.
  • +
  • [[SecondsStyle]] is one of the String values *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*, *"2-digit"*, or *"numeric"* identifying the formatting style used for the seconds field.
  • +
  • [[SecondsDisplay]] is one of the String values *"auto"* or *"always"* identifying when to display the seconds field.
  • +
  • [[MillisecondsStyle]] is one of the String values *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*, or *"fractional"* identifying the formatting style used for the milliseconds field.
  • +
  • [[MillisecondsDisplay]] is one of the String values *"auto"* or *"always"* identifying when to display the milliseconds field.
  • +
  • [[MicrosecondsStyle]] is one of the String values *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*, or *"fractional"* identifying the formatting style used for the microseconds field.
  • +
  • [[MicrosecondsDisplay]] is one of the String values *"auto"* or *"always"* identifying when to display the microseconds field.
  • +
  • [[NanosecondsStyle]] is one of the String values *"long"*, *"short"*, *"narrow"*, or *"fractional"* identifying the formatting style used for the nanoseconds field.
  • +
  • [[NanosecondsDisplay]] is one of the String values *"auto"* or *"always"* identifying when to display the nanoseconds field.
  • +
  • [[HourMinuteSeparator]] is a String value identifying the separator to be used between hours and minutes when both fields are displayed and both fields are formatted using numeric styles.
  • +
  • [[MinuteSecondSeparator]] is a String value identifying the separator to be used between minutes and seconds when both fields are displayed and both fields are formatted using numeric styles.
  • +
  • [[FractionalDigits]] is a non-negative integer, identifying the number of fractional digits to be used with numeric styles, or is *undefined*.
  • +
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