#IOOS metadata requirements for RAs
The ioos/catalog repository is a documentation and issue tracking repository for the IOOS Catalog project https://data.ioos.us/ and related projects, including:
IOOS Harvest Registry: https://registry.ioos.us/ IOOS System Monitor: https://monitor.ioos.us/ View the GitHub Pages documentation: https://ioos.github.io/catalog/
Please use the GitHub issue tracking system for this repo to file Catalog-related issues.
Or, file issues in the IOOS Catalog sub-projects on GitHub:
IOOS Catalog (CKAN): https://github.com/ioos/catalog-ckan IOOS Harvest Registry: https://github.com/ioos/catalog-harvest-registry IOOS System Monitor: https://github.com/ioos/service-monitor For info on how to run the Jekyll engine (used internally by GitHub Pages for the https://ioos.github.io/catalog/ site rendering), see these docs