An easy and useful alert dialog. The library has a lot of simple and custom features, such as actions, callback, logs, loadings and can even prevent user from dismissing the dialog or clicking away.
Loadings (dialog or spinner) can implements a dismiss callback listener, that will execute only after the dialog dismiss.
Alerts can use normal, clean and system style and show cancel button when needed. All texts, titles, button titles and actions can be customized. Layout can also be overridden to use your own requirements.
More samples can be found into /sample folder.
// Show simple alert:
new SimpleAlert(context)
.setMessage("Hi, i'm a simple and pretty alert!")
// show dialog loading
new Loading.Dialog(context)
.updateProgress(0, 100)
// show spinner loading with dismiss listener
new Loading.Spinner(context)
.updateProgress(0, 100)
.setDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() {
public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) {
// your code
// show logs and confirm listener
new SimpleAlert(context)
.setType(SimpleAlert.ERROR) // change alert color type
.setMessage("Hi, i'm showing error into a pretty way!")
.setExtras(Log.getStackTraceString(e)) // or your log string
.showCancel() // display default cancel button
.setConfirmClickListener(new SimpleAlert.OnSimpleAlertClickListener() {
public void onClick(SimpleAlert simpleAlert) {
// your code
// show alert with another style
new SimpleAlert(context, SimpleAlert.STYLE_SYSTEM)
.setMessage("Hi, i'm showing a system alert!")
Min SDK Version >= 19
- Add Jitpack repository into you project (build.gradle):
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
- Add library implementation into build.gradle (Module:app)
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.thiago-you:simple-alert:Tag'
- Sync build.gradle and build your project
See Jitpack docs for more info.
Follow these steps to import the library into your project:
- Download the library
- Go to you project under "File" -> "New" -> "Import Module"
- In build.gradle, import library as "implementation project(':simple-alert')"
- Sync build.gradle and build your project