Bug Fixes
- npm: fix path
- tmux: changed icon status bar to wezterm friendly icon on linux
- yay: fix makepkg -si command
- lefthook: added lefthook and triggers
- changelog now hidden in spoiler tag
- Unreleased section also go to two headings
- changelog template from 3 heading to 2 headings for tags
- update rsyncpi win
- alias: added alias for psql "pgh"
- alias: update alias for mirror
- alias: watchexec now default to SIGNINT signal
- alias: added dlo and dlm alias for ytmdl
- alias: mirror now take from indonesia and singapore
- env: added CARGO_TARGET_DIR
- find-the-command: used find the command loader
- gitconfig: up
- lazygit: update lazygit config to use delta as pager
- lazygit: fix escape not registered
- path: added NODE_PATH
- ridit: removed some subreddits
- rsync: added alias for rsyncpi wsl
- rsyncpi: change target ip
- rtorrent: update config
- rtorrent: added rtorrent config
- systemd: update wireplumber
- tmux: f and c-f now used for choose-tree
- tmux: removed prefix
- vi-mode: added vi mode
- yank: added copy on mouse select
- ytmdl: added ytmdl config
- ytmdl: update config
- zr: moved plugin manager to zr
- zsh: completion now case insensitive
- zsh: added autocomplete on type
- zsh: update plugins
- zsh: removed autocomplete
v1.1.2 - 2022-03-11
Bug Fixes
- alacritty: fix config file
- plugins.zsh: plugins now aimed to correct git repo
- tmux: removed deprecated configurations
- update readme.md
- up
- alacritty: added alacritty config
- alias: move mirror alias to arch.sh
- aliases: added PI alias
- arch: added alias to update packages globaly
- arch.sh: if not archlinux don't run
- fzf.zsh: only source if those file exists
- gitconfig: added gitconfig
- kitty: font changed to JetBrainsMono
- pulseaudio: added pulse audio scripts
- tmux: set clipboard settings
- tmux: added tmux config
- tmux: alacritty now by default starts a new tmux session
- tmux: added vi like config
- tmux: added mouse mode and disabled update plugins on start
- tmux: now config to local
- tmux: added tmux submodule
- tmux: now added continuum
- tmux: added tmux yank, resurrect, and continuum
- zsh: now share history is enabled
Various Actions
- update submodules
v1.1.1 - 2022-01-28
Bug Fixes
- desktop-files: icon now points to svg
- rofi: fix columns not found error
Code Refactoring
- personal-shell: changed
s to$HOME
for compability reasons
- ridit.toml: updated ridit config
- added more scripts
- alias: added RSYNCPI alias
- desktop-files: added neovide desktop file
- envs: added more stuffs
- imwheel: added microsoft edge
- lazygit: added env to disabled lefthook on generating changelog
- personal_shell: added prettierd default config location file
- ridit: add more subreddits
v1.1.0 - 2021-11-03
- lazygit: now quits confirm first
- fzf: added fzf keybindings and completion
- kitty: increase font size
- riddit: added ridit config
- ridit: update configuration
v1.0.9 - 2021-09-22
Bug Fixes
- read-clock: revert script
v1.0.8 - 2021-09-22
- config(chglog): added jira integration
v1.0.7 - 2021-09-22
v1.0.6 - 2021-09-22
- chglog: added jira integration
- systemd: read-clock now uses 24 hour format
v1.0.5 - 2021-09-20
- chglog-template: blocked scope now also propagates to tags, not just unreleased
- chglog-template: now scope is blocked instead of bold
v1.0.4 - 2021-09-20
- imwheel: removed newline at end of file
- lazygit: adding tags now also generate changelog
- lazygit: mergin now --no-ff
- imwheel: added service systemd file
- kitty: disabled audio bell and modified layout to fat and tall by default
- lazygit: removed gitflow from creating new branch
v1.0.3 - 2021-09-12
- readme: update readme
- systemd: added read-clock timer service
- systemd: added appimagelauncherd.service
v1.0.2 - 2021-09-12
- kitty: added kitty config
- ranger: added plugins for ranger
- rofi: update theme
- zshenv: added cargo env
v1.0.1 - 2021-08-20
- zsh: added zshenv
- systemd: added read-clock script
Bug Fixes
- lazygit: removed lazygit state from git watched files
- lazygit: lazygit configuration
- lazygit: added git chglog and git tag integration
- lazygit: update lazygit configuration