In a good architecture we usually write a NetworkManager to handle all the API calls and for that we need a Codable custom APIError which we can use in case of failure.
=> I created a structure conforming to Codable & Error protocols with the required properties/keys.
As I mentioned above I created a structure with two init methods as per the requirements. Please note: You can add/rename keys/properties as per your requirements. I am providing the helping Code below:
import Foundation
// MARK: APIError
struct APIError: Codable, Error {
var status, statusTitle: String?
var result: String?
var message, messageCode: String?
var errorCode: Int?
init(status: String?, statusTitle: String?, message: String?, messageCode: String?) {
self.status = status
self.statusTitle = statusTitle
self.message = message
self.messageCode = messageCode
self.errorCode = Int(messageCode ?? "")
init(status: String?, statusTitle: String?, message: String?, messageCode: String?, errorCode: Int?) {
self.init(status: status, statusTitle: statusTitle, message: message, messageCode: messageCode)
self.errorCode = errorCode
// MARK: Usage
// Create insstance using JSONDecoder()
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let apiError = try decoder.decode(APIError.self, from: // is json response data from server etc.
// Create insstance using init methods
let apiError = APIError.init(status: Constants.Error, statusTitle: Constants.Error, message: Constants.GeneralFailureMessage, messageCode: "\(response.statusCode)")