diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 28b4b0c5..9355b5f8 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -1309,15 +1309,66 @@ Verifiable Random Selection Procedure
The incomplete terms are assigned in result order.
+Recalling AB or TAG members
+Individual Removal
+ Individual participants of the [=Advisory Board=] or the [=Technical Architecture Group=]
+ can be removed from those groups
+ if they are found by their peers
+ to be grossly neglecting their duties,
+ or to be acting in a way that seriously hampers the group's ability to function normally.
+ A chair of the [=AB=] or [=TAG=] must hold a hearing
+ on the potential [=removal=] of a participant
+ if requested by at least three of the participants in the group.
+ After giving the individual in question
+ an opportunity to defend themselves,
+ a vote on the proposed [=removal=] is held.
+ If at least three quarters of the participants in the group,
+ excluding the individual who is the subject of such vote,
+ then vote in favor of the proposal,
+ the individual's seat on [=AB=] or [=TAG=] is [=vacated=] immediately.
+Collective removal
+ The [=Advisory Committee=] may
+ hold a vote of no confidence
+ in the [=Advisory Board=] or the [=Technical Architecture Group=].
+ An [=Advisory Committee representative=] initiates a [=vote of no confidence=]
+ by sending a request to the Team, and should also share this request with the Advisory Committee.
+ The request must identify which of the [=AB=] or [=TAG=] is targeted,
+ and should also include the rationale.
+ Within one week, the [=Team=] must initiate an [=Advisory Committee Override=]
+ on the proposal.
+ The conclusion of the [=Advisory Committee Override=] is final,
+ and cannot be the subject of a [=Formal Objection=] nor of an [=AC Appeal=]:
+ if the [=Advisory Committee Override=] proposal passes,
+ all seats on [=AB=] or [=TAG=] are [=vacated=] immediately;
+ if it fails, it cannot be invoked on the same body
+ sooner than six months since their previous invocation.
Elected Groups Vacated Seats
- An [=Advisory Board=] or [=TAG=] participant's seat is vacated when:
+ An [=Advisory Board=] or [=TAG=] participant's seat is vacated when:
the participant resigns, or
+ the participant is [=removed=], or
+ a [=vote of no confidence=] in the body they are part of is successful, or
an Advisory Board or TAG participant changes affiliations
such that the Advisory Board and TAG participation constraints are no longer met,
@@ -1368,6 +1419,12 @@ Elected Groups Vacated Seats
and the maximum number corresponds to all unoccupied seats.
Except for the number of available seats and the length of the terms,
the usual rules for Advisory Board and Technical Architecture Group Elections apply.
+ If seats are vacated due to a successful [=vote of no confidence=],
+ the [=Team=] must organize an election,
+ under the same condition as for individually vacated seats,
+ unless the next regularly scheduled election is fewer than three months away.
@@ -2887,24 +2944,50 @@ Appeal by Advisory Committee Representatives
An [=Advisory Committee representative=] initiates an [=appeal=] by sending a request to the [=Team=],
and should also share this request with the [=Advisory Committee=].
- The request should say “I appeal this Decision”
+ The request should say “I appeal this Decision”
and identify the decision,
- and may also include their rationale for appealing the decision.
+ and may also include their rationale for the [=appeal=].
Note: See [[DECISION-APPEAL inline]] for a recommendation
on how to communicate an appeal request to the [=Team=] and the [=AC=].
- Within one week the [=Team=] must announce the appeal process
+ Within one week, the [=Team=] must initiate the [=appeal=]
+ in the form of an [=Advisory Committee Override=]
+ on the proposal to overturn the decision.
+ The conclusion of the [=Advisory Committee Override=] is final;
+ the same decision cannot be appealed more than once.
+ If the [=Advisory Committee Override=]
+ approves the proposal to overturn the decision,
+ those who had initiated the proposal may revise it
+ to address the causes of rejection
+ and follow the ordinary applicable process
+ to submit the revised proposal.
+Advisory Committee Override
+ An Advisory Committee Override is an exceptional two-step procedure
+ used to resolve certain matters where neither the usual [=consensus=]
+ process nor its [[#addressing-fo|escalation path]] is sufficient.
+ Note: Currently, this only applies to [=AC Appeals=]
+ and [=votes of no confidence=] in the [=AB=] or [=TAG=].
+ First, the [=Team=] must announce the proposal for an [=Advisory Committee Override=]
to the [=Advisory Committee=]
and provide a mechanism for [=Advisory Committee representatives=]
- to respond with a statement of positive support for this appeal.
+ to respond with a statement of positive support for holding a vote.
The archive of these statements must be [=member-only=].
If, within one week of the Team's announcement,
- 5% or more of the [=Advisory Committee=] support the appeal request,
- the Team must organize an appeal vote
+ 5% or more of the [=Advisory Committee=] support holding the vote,
+ the Team must organize a vote
asking the [=Advisory Committee=]
- “Do you approve of the Decision?”
- together with links to the decision and the appeal support.
+ whether they approve of the Advisory Committee Override proposal,
+ including details of the proposal
+ and links to support for holding the vote.
The ballot must allow for three possible responses:
@@ -2917,24 +3000,19 @@ Appeal by Advisory Committee Representatives
(including explicit “abstain” ballots)
by [=Advisory Committee Representatives=]:
* if fewer than 5% participate,
- the vote fails.
+ the proposal is rejected.
* if at least 5% but no more than 15% participate,
and the number of “Approve” ballots exceeds three times (3x) the number of “Reject” ballots,
- the vote passes.
+ the proposal is approved.
* if more than 15% but fewer than 20% participate,
and the number of “Approve” ballots exceeds twice (2x) the number of “Reject” ballots,
- the vote passes.
+ the proposal is approved.
* if 20% or more participate,
and the number of “Approve” ballots exceeds the number of “Reject” ballots,
- the vote passes.
+ the proposal is approved.
- If the vote passes,
- the decision is overturned.
- Following such rejection,
- those who had initiated the proposal may revise it
- to address the causes of rejection
- and follow the ordinary applicable process
- to submit the revised proposal.
+ Otherwise,
+ the proposal is rejected.
W3C Technical Reports