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Releases: wix/react-native-ui-lib


16 Aug 05:01
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🎁 Features

β€’ Picker migrates Dialog to use the new dialog (Incubator.Dialog). (#2657)

πŸ”§ Fixes

β€’ Fix components typings (#2678) β€’ ColorPicker - allow theme (#2704)
β€’ Picker ts error fix. (#2677)
β€’ Fix Picker label not updating when items prop changes (#2682)
β€’ Fix cut chips (#2683)
β€’ ScrollBar - fix scrolling inside Dialog on Android (#2695)
β€’ Text - revert Android alignment (#2701)
β€’ Slider - fix value out of range warning in range slider (#2709)
β€’ Badge - add key to BadgeProps type (#2689)
β€’ WheelPicker with a long list of data jumps back to initalValue fix. (#2705)
β€’ Picker - fix ellipsis on long text in filterType set to filter. (#2712)

βš™οΈ Maintenance & Infra

β€’ Calendar - Refactor Day component to not use animated styles (#2698)
β€’ View - add reanimated props for layout animation (#2694)
β€’ Demo - adding RTL screen - Hebrew language (#2668)


20 Jul 08:18
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πŸš€ What’s New?

🎁 Features

β€’ Incubator.TextField - expose retainValidationSpace (#2631)
β€’ ExpandableOverlay - add migrateDialog prop (#2635)
β€’ ColorSwatch - Add hexString to onPress result (#2651)
β€’ ColorPalette - Add hexString to onPress result (#2651)
β€’ ColorPicker - Add hexString to onValueChange result (#2651)
β€’ Picker example for the web demo. (#2622)
β€’ Text component highlightString prop now enables to handle a highlighted string onPress event, provide a specific style to each highlighted string and give it a testID for better testing (#2663)

πŸ•ΈοΈ Web support

β€’ SVG - add support for tintColor on svg tag data (#2667)

πŸ”§ Fixes

β€’ TabBar stays on the selected index when items change. (#2630)
β€’ Incubator.Slider - fix gap not equal on both max and min ends (#2634)
β€’ SegmentedControl - onChangeIndex should react to changes (#2637)
β€’ NumberInput - fix design (MaskedInput look) - BREAKING CHANGE: some props moved to textFieldProps; empty type has been removed (#2645)
β€’ NumberInput - fix editable (#2664)
β€’ Scheme - fix color changing (#2607)
β€’ Text - remove default textAlign style to fix iOS child Text not inheriting from its parent. (#2670)
β€’ ExpandableOverlay - fix dialog props (#2675)

βš™οΈ Maintenance & Infra

β€’ react-native-gesture-handler version upgrade in the webDemo. (#2647)
β€’ ColorPicker - small fixes (#2650)
β€’ webDemo project, react-native-reanimated version upgrade. (#2649)

πŸ’‘ Deprecations & Migrations
β€’ useCustomTheme - remove leftovers (#2666)


21 Jun 09:25
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🎁 Features
β€’ TabController - Support passing labelProps to TabController TabBarItem (#2615)
β€’ IncubatorDialog - add topAccessory (#2621)
β€’ Picker supports updating the items list. (#2599)
β€’ Add prop onValidateFailed to TextField (#2626)

πŸ•ΈοΈ Web support
β€’ Fix setNativeProps not supported on web (#2620)

πŸ”§ Fixes
β€’ DateTimePicker - fix TextField migration related TS errors (#2604)
β€’ Wizard.Step style fix. (#2609)
β€’ SvgImage (web) - fix issue with style being passed as object (#2612)
β€’ GridView and SortableGridView - support tablet and other fixes (#2611)
β€’ Switch - fix props types to include TouchableOpacity props (#2613)
β€’ Calendar - improve date utils (#2610)
β€’ Incubator.Slider - fix types (#2616)
β€’ WheelPicker - Android - fix missing values when initialValue is sent (#2618)
β€’ Icon, new width, and height props will be used only if the Icon is an SVG image. (#2583)
β€’ Incubator.TextField - fix iOS - the context menu not showing in a centered and empty input (#2617)
β€’ Fix Recorder typings (#2624)
β€’ TextField - add containerProps prop (#2608)
β€’ Switch - add id prop (#2608)

βš™οΈ Maintenance & Infra
β€’ Infra/test kit add props (#2619)
β€’ Infra/set infra for users recordings (#2437)

πŸ’‘ Deprecations & Migrations
β€’ DateTimePicker - start deprecation of moment props (generifying with dateTimeFormatter) (#2625)


24 May 04:37
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Support for React Native 0.71

β€’ Incubator.Dialog - fix RN Modal native calls on RN71 (#2573)
β€’ Incubator.Dialog - fix test after RN71 bug fix (#2575)

🎁 Features

β€’ Incubator.Slider - fix onValueChange throttle (#2598)
β€’ ColorPicker - add 'migrate' prop to use new Slider Implementation (#2598)
β€’ ActionSheet - support labelStyle in options (#2564)
β€’ SegmentedControl - add segmentStyle prop (#2563)
β€’ Add setBreakpoints and getPageMargins (#2576)
β€’ Slider, GradientSlider, ColorSliderGroup - adding 'migrate' prop to allow using Incubator Silder instead of the old implementation. NO breaking changes. (#2592)
β€’ Modal.TopBar - Support subtitle and subtitleStyle (#2594)
β€’ SortableList - add itemProps prop (#2561)

πŸ•ΈοΈ Web support

β€’ Export FlashList dependency for the web. (#2559)
β€’ Changed the FlashList require syntax. (#2569)

πŸ”§ Fixes

β€’ Hint - fix anchor position for x = 0 (#2556)
β€’ CharCounter fix to count emojis, counting 16-bit code symbols. (#2570)
β€’ WheelPicker missing data in Android bug fix, passing maxToRenderPerBatch to the FlatList when using Android. Solve RN FlatList issue. (#2558)
β€’ TextField, FloatingPlaceHolder animation fixed, no overlapping on the initial text. (#2591)
β€’ Picker - fix listProps type to be Partial (#2596)

βš™οΈ Maintenance & Infra

β€’ SortableList - add driver and test (#2568)
β€’ SortableList - newHeight in tests (#2571)
β€’ Fix TS issues (#2585)
β€’ HintsScreen - allow configuration (#2590)
β€’ DateTimePicker - add validate (#2601)
β€’ Calendar - adding functionality to phase 0 (#2503)
β€’ Align LogService with console (#2577)
β€’ ⚠️ Replacing 'react-native-text-size' with wix fork (#2542)
β€’ SortableGridList - add basic presenter tests (#2586)
β€’ Upgrade reanimated to 2.17 (#2587)
β€’ Move to reanimated 3 (#2593)
β€’ iOS - set demo's min deployment to iOS 13.0 and change bundle id to allow running on iOS device (#2597)


13 Apr 09:02
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🎁 Features

β€’ Adjust default overlayBackgroundColor to Colors.rgba(Colors.backgroundInverted, 0.3) (#2554)
β€’ Expose a TextFieldRef type that users can use for a ref they pass to TextField (#2528)
β€’ export TextFieldValidator type (#2532)
β€’ PickerItem in multi mode - send selected to onPress (#2537)
β€’ Omit alignment props (top, left, right, bottom) from being passed on to Text and TextInput components to avoid a crash on Android (RN71) (#2540)
β€’ Added testID to DateTimePicker components. (#2545)

πŸ”§ Fixes

β€’ TextField - Do not ignore defaultValue when validating onBlur (#2520)
β€’ Fix Picker component to support web - fixed issues: useDialog mode, Multi-select mode, and TopBar icons fixed. (#2450)
β€’ Fixed Paths on migrating guide: TextField and WheelPicker (#2524)
β€’ Fixed Hint position on RTL. (#2541)
β€’ Use unpack style util for SortableListItem component shadows issue. (#2546)
β€’ Fix Avatar label sizes (#2548)
β€’ Remove Card.Section extra (visible) border (#2549)
β€’ ⚠️ Fix crash on Android following RN71 (flex shadow node) (#2536)
β€’ Fixed margin for Chip component when both leftElement and rightElement are provided. (#2534)

πŸ’‘ Deprecations & Migrations

β€’ ⚠️ Move to react-native-mmkv (BREAKING CHANGE - remove some functionality from Config). (#2533)

βš™οΈ Maintenance & Infra
β€’ New colors screen. (#2510)
β€’ Bump activesupport from 6.1.7 to (#2539)
β€’ RN71 upgrade (#2504)


08 Mar 09:41
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🎁 Features
β€’ Support passing dark threshold to Colors.isDark util (#2505)

πŸ”§ Fixes
β€’ Fix new DialogHeader empty string title/subtitle (#2508)
β€’ Incubator.Slider - Fix active track when thumb overlapping. (#2502)
β€’ Fix SkeletonView duplicate testID's. (#2513)

βš™οΈ Maintenance & Infra
β€’ Update dependencies for expoExample demo for compatible with the latest expo (v48)
β€’ docs: update typo in Colors page (#2512)
β€’ RN71 Upgrade (#2504)


22 Feb 12:26
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πŸš€ What’s New?

β€’ New Incubator.Slider with Reanimated (#2448)

🎁 Features

β€’ Picker.Item - add onPress support (#2500)

πŸ’‘ Deprecations & Migrations

β€’ Add migration to TextField errorMessage and fix validationMessagePosition type (#2498)


16 Feb 13:37
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New Major Version! πŸŽ‰

For a full list of (breaking) changes and new features please follow our migration guide


15 Feb 09:32
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🎁 Features

β€’ Pass Picker's listProp to wheelPicker (#2461)
β€’ Incubator.TextField - add readonly state (#2455)

πŸ”§ Fixes

β€’ Colors - fix getTintColor - get key from a single digit (ex. green1, green5) (#2452)
β€’ Incubator.TextField - handle long validationMessage with char count (#2460)
β€’ refactor TouchableOpacity forwarding event on onPress and onLongPress (#2462)

πŸ’‘ Deprecations & Migrations

β€’ ColorPicker style prop deprecation. (#2444)

βš™οΈ Maintenance & Infra

β€’ Add FlashList to optional dependencies (#2454)
β€’ TextField package exports TextFieldMigrator instead of index (#2453)


08 Feb 09:03
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🎁 Features

β€’ Add a package for our Constants (#2442)
β€’ ColorSwatch new unavailable mode. (#2425)

πŸ”§ Fixes

β€’ Checkbox + RadioButton - fix long labels are stretching outside their container (#2446)
β€’ Fix TouchableOpacity press handlers typing (#2447)

βš™οΈ Maintenance & Infra

β€’ Support injecting a BI logger in our LogService (#2434)
β€’ react-native-linear-gradient version upgrade to 2.6.2. (#2445)
β€’ Incubator.Dialog - support headless tests (#2443)