Suhwan Choi, Yongjun Cho, Minchan Kim, Jaeyoon Jung, Myunchul Joe, Yubeen Park, Minseo Kim, Sungwoong Kim, Sungjae Lee, Hwiseong Park, Jiwan Chung, Youngjae Yu
- [2024.12.05] We released CANVAS model CANVAS-S, CANVAS-L and COMMNAD dataset on Huggingface.
- [2024.10.02] CANVAS paper and project page released.
- [2024.10.22] 🎉🎉 CANVAS is accepted to NeurIPS 2024 Workshop Open-World Agents as an oral presentation! 🎉🎉
CANVAS model CANVAS-S, CANVAS-L You can see CANVAS-S Demo in huggingface.
If you find this work useful, please cite our paper:
title={CANVAS: Commonsense-Aware Navigation System for Intuitive Human-Robot Interaction},
author={Choi, Suhwan and Cho, Yongjun and Kim, Minchan and Jung, Jaeyoon and Joe, Myunchul and Park, Yubeen and Kim, Minseo and Kim, Sungwoong and Lee, Sungjae and Park, Hwiseong and others},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.01273},