Deploying deep learning models in production can be challenging, and it is beyond training models with good performance. Several distinct components need to be designed and developed in order to deploy a production level deep learning system.
Approaching an ML system design problem follows a similar logical flow to the generic software system design. ( For more insight on general system design interview you can e.g. check out Grokking the System Design Interview and System design primer.). However, there are certain components in the design of an ML based system that needs to be addressed and need special attention, as you will see below in ML System Design Flow.
- In an ML system design interview you are exposed to open ended questions with no single correct answer.
- The goal of ML system design interview is evaluate your your ability to zoom out and design a production-level ML system that can be deployed as a service within a company's ML infrastructure.
In order to design a solid ML system for real world applications, it is important to follow a design flow. I recommend using the following 9-step ML System Design Flow to design SW system solutions for ML-relevant business problems both at work and during interviews:
The 9-step ML System Design Flow:
Step 1 | Problem Formulation |
Step 2 | Metrics (Offline and Online) |
Step 3 | Architectural Components (MVP Logic) |
Step 4 | Data Collection and Preparation |
Step 5 | Feature Engineering |
Step 6 | Model Development and Offline Evaluation |
Step 7 | Prediction Service |
Step 8 | Online Testing and Deployment |
Step 9 | Scaling, Monitoring, and Updates |
Note: Remember when using this design flow during an interview to be flexible. According to the needs of the interview or the interests of the interviewer, you may skip some of these components or spend more time for a deep dive in one or two components.
Clarifying questions
Use case(s) and business goal
- Scope (features needed), scale, and personalization
- Performance: prediction latency, scale of prediction
- Constraints
- Data: sources and availability
Translate an abstract problem into an ML problem
- ML objective,
- ML I/O,
- ML category (e.g. binary classification, multi-classification, unsupervised learning, etc)
Do we need ML to solve this problem?
- Trade off between impact and cost
- Costs: Data collection, data annotation, compute
- if Yes, we choose an ML system to design. If No, follow a general system design flow.
- Note: in an ML system design interview we can assume we need ML.
- Trade off between impact and cost
- Offline metrics (e.g. classification, relevance metrics)
- Classification metrics
- Precision, Recall, F1, ROC AUC, P/R AUC, mAP, log-loss, etc
- Imbalanced data
- Precision, Recall, F1, ROC AUC, P/R AUC, mAP, log-loss, etc
- Retrieval and ranking metrics
- Precision@k, Recall@k (do not consider ranking quality)
- mAP, MRR, nDCG
- Regression metrics: MSE, MAE,
- Problem specific metrics
- Language: BLEU, BLEURT, GLUE, ROUGE, etc
- ads: CPE, etc
- Latency
- Computational cost (in particular for on-device)
- Classification metrics
- Online metrics
- Task/session success/failure rate,
- Task/session total (e.g. watch) times,
- Engagement rate (like rate, comment rate)
- Conversion rate
- Revenue lift
- Reciprocal rank of first click, etc,
- Counter metrics: direct negative feedback (hide, report)
- Trade-offs b/w metrics
- High level architecture and main components
- Non-ML components:
- user, app server, DBs, KGs, etc and their interactions
- ML components:
- Modeling modules (e.g. candidate generator, ranker, ect)
- Train data generator
- Non-ML components:
- Modular architecture design
- Model 1 architecture (e.g. candidate generation)
- Model 2 architecture (e.g. ranker, filter)
- ...
- Data needs
- target variable
- big actors in signals (e.g. users, items, etc)
- type (e.g. image, text, video, etc) and volume
- Data Sources
- availability and cost
- implicit (logging), explicit (e.g. user survey)
- Data storage
- ML Data types
- structured
- numerical
- categorical (ordinal, nominal),
- unstructured(e.g. image, text, video, audio)
- structured
- Labelling (for supervised)
- Labeling methods
- Natural labels (extracted from data e.g. clicks, likes, purchase, etc)
- Missing negative labels (not clicking is not a negative label):
- Negative sampling
- Missing negative labels (not clicking is not a negative label):
- Explicit user feedback
- Human annotation (super costly, slow, privacy issues)
- Natural labels (extracted from data e.g. clicks, likes, purchase, etc)
- Handling lack of labels
- Programmatic labeling methods (noisy, pros: cost, privacy, adaptive)
- Semi-supervised methods (from an initial smaller set of labels e.g. perturbation based)
- Weak supervision (encode heuristics e.g. keywords, regex, db, output of other ML models)
- Transfer learning:
- pre-train on cheap large data (e.g. GPT-3),
- zero-shot or fine-tune for downstream task
- Active learning
- Labeling cost and trade-offs
- Labeling methods
- Data augmentation
- Data Generation Pipeline
- Data collection/ingestion (offline, online)
- Feature generation (next)
- Feature transform
- Label generation
- Joiner
- Choosing features
- Define big actors (e.g. user, item, document, query, ad, context),
- Define actor specific features (current, historic)
- Example user features: user profile, user history, user interests
- Example text features: n-grams (uni,bi), intent, topic, frequency, length, embeddings
- Define cross features (e.g. user-item, or query-document features)
- Example query-document features: tf-idf
- Example user-item features: user-video watch history, user search history, user-ad interactions(view, like)
- Privacy constraints
- Feature representation
- One hot encoding
- Embeddings
- e.g. for text, image, graphs, users (how), stores, etc
- how to generate/learn?
- pre-compute and store
- Encoding categorical features (one hot, ordinal, count, etc)
- Positional embeddings
- Scaling/Normalization (for numerical features)
- Preprocessing features
- Needed for unstructured data
- Text: Tokenize (Normalize, pre-tokenize, tokenizer model (ch/word/subword level), post-process (add special tokens))
- Images: Resize, normalize
- Video: Decode frames, sample, resize, scale and normalize
- Needed for unstructured data
- Missing Values
- Feature importance
- Featurizer (raw data -> features)
- Static (from feature store) vs dynamic (computed online) features
Model selection (MVP)
- Heuristics -> simple model -> more complex model -> ensemble of models
- Pros and cons, and decision
- Note: Always start as simple as possible (KISS) and iterate over
- Typical modeling choices:
- Logistic Regression
- Linear regression
- Decision tree variants
- GBDT (XGBoost) and RF
- Neural networks
- FeedForward
- Transformers
- Decision Factors
- Complexity of the task
- Data: Type of data (structured, unstructured), amount of data, complexity of data
- Training speed
- Inference requirements: compute, latency, memory
- Continual learning
- Interpretability
- Popular NN architectures
- Heuristics -> simple model -> more complex model -> ensemble of models
- Non-probabilistic sampling
- Probabilistic sampling methods
- random, stratified, reservoir, importance sampling
Data splits (train, dev, test)
- Portions
- Splitting time-correlated data (split by time)
- seasonality, trend
- Data leakage:
- scale after split,
- use only train split for stats, scaling, and missing vals
Class Imbalance
- Resampling
- weighted loss fcn
- combining classes
Model training
- Loss functions
- MSE, Binary/Categorical CE, MAE, Huber loss, Hinge loss, Contrastive loss, etc
- Optimizers
- SGD, AdaGrad, RMSProp, Adam, etc
- Model training
- Training from scratch or fine-tune
- Model validation
- Debugging
- Offline vs online training
- Loss functions
Model offline evaluation
Hyper parameter tuning
- Grid search
Iterate over MVP model
- Model Selection
- Data augmentation
- Model update frequency
Model calibration
- Data processing and verification
- Web app and serving system
- Prediction service
- Batch vs Online prediction
- Batch: periodic, pre-computed and stored, retrieved as needed - high throughput
- Online: predict as request arrives - low latency
- Hybrid: e.g. Netflix: batch for titles, online for rows
- Nearest Neighbor Service
- Approximate NN
- Tree based, LSH, Clustering based
- Approximate NN
- ML on the Edge (on-device AI)
- Network connection/latency, privacy, cheap
- Memory, compute power, energy constraints
- Model Compression
- Quantization
- Pruning
- Knowledge distillation
- Factorization
- A/B Experiments
- How to A/B test?
- what portion of users?
- control and test groups
- null hypothesis
- How to A/B test?
- Bandits
- Shadow deployment
- Canary release
- Scaling for increased demand (same as in distributed systems)
- Scaling general SW system (distributed servers, load balancer, sharding, replication, caching, etc)
- Train data / KB partitioning
- Scaling ML system
- Distributed ML
- Data parallelism (for training)
- Model parallelism (for training, inference)
- Asynchronous SGD
- Synchronous SGD
- Distributed training
- Data parallel DT, RPC based DT
- Scaling data collection
- Monitoring, failure tolerance, updating (below)
- Auto ML (soft: HP tuning, hard: arch search (NAS))
- Distributed ML
- Scaling general SW system (distributed servers, load balancer, sharding, replication, caching, etc)
- Monitoring:
- Logging
- Features, predictions, metrics, events
- Monitoring metrics
- SW system metrics
- ML metrics (accuracy related, predictions, features)
- Online and offline metric dashboards
- Monitoring data distribution shifts
- Types: Covariate, label and concept shifts
- Detection (stats, hypothesis testing)
- Correction
- Logging
- System failures
- SW system failure
- dependency, deployment, hardware, downtime
- ML system failure
- data distribution difference (test vs online)
- feedback loops
- edge cases (e.g. invalid/junk input)
- data distribution changes
- Alarms
- failures (data pipeline, training, deployment), low metrics, etc
- SW system failure
- Updates: Continual training
- Model updates
- train from scratch or a base model
- how often? daily, weekly, monthly, etc
- Auto update models
- Active learning
- Human in the loop ML
- Model updates
- Extensions:
- Iterations over the base design to add a new functional feature
- Bias in training data
- Bias introduced by human labeling
- Freshness, Diversity
- Privacy and security
- Video recommendation (Netflix, Youtube)
- Friend/follower recommendation (Facebook, Twitter)
- People you may know (LinkedIn)
- Replacement product recommendation (Instacart)
- Rental recommendation (Airbnb)
- Place recommendation
- Semantic Search system (retrieval, ranking)
- Document search, Image search, Video search
- Query: Text, Image, Video
I observed there are certain sets of topics that are frequently brought up or can be used as part of the logic of the system. Here are some of the important ones:
- Candidate generation
- Collaborative Filtering (CF)
- User based, item based
- Matrix factorization
- Two-tower approach
- Content based filtering
- Collaborative Filtering (CF)
- Ranking
- Learning to rank (LTR)
- point-wise (simplest), pairwise, list-wise
- Search systems
- Query search (keyword search, semantic search)
- Visual search
- Video search
- Two stage model
- document selection
- document ranking
- Ranking
- Newsfeed ranking system
- Ads ranking system
- Ranking as classification
- Multi-stage ranking + blender + filter
Feature engineering
- Preprocessing (tokenization)
Text Embeddings
- Word2Vec, GloVe, Elmo, BERT
NLP Tasks:
Text classification
- Sentiment analysis
- Topic modeling
Sequence tagging
- Named entity recognition
- Part of speech tagging
- Viterbi algorithm, beam search
Text generation
- Language modeling
- N-grams vs deep learning models (trade-offs)
- Decoding
- Language modeling
Sequence 2 Sequence models
- Machine Translation
- Seq2seq models, NMT, Transformers
- Machine Translation
Question Answering
[Adv] Dialog and chatbots
Speech Recognition Systems
- Feature extraction, MFCCs
- Acoustic modeling
- HMMs for AM
- CTC algorithm (advanced)
- Image classification
- Object detection
- Two stage models (R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN)
- One stage models (YOLO, SSD)
- Vision Transformer (ViT)
- NMS algorithm
- Object Tracking
- People you may know
Once you learn about the basics, I highly recommend checking out different companies blogs on ML systems. You can refer to some of those resources in the ML at Companies section.
- For more insight on different components above you can check out the following resources):