Here you can see instructions for connecting NetArgumentParser to your project.
At fitst, you need to clone NetArgumentParser repository and add reference to the library:
dotnet add path_to_your_project.csproj reference path_to_lib/Core/NetArgumentParser
Next, you need to add the usings you need:
using NetArgumentParser;
using NetArgumentParser.Converters;
using NetArgumentParser.Generators;
using NetArgumentParser.Options;
using NetArgumentParser.Options.Context;
Finally, you can work with the parser.
Let's consider this step-by-step instructions for creating a sample project and connecting this library to it.
- Step 1: Go to the directory with your projects.
cd ~/Repos
- Step 2: Create folder for your project and go to it.
mkdir MyProject && cd MyProject
- Step 3: Create solution.
dotnet new sln
- Step 4: Create your project.
dotnet new console -o MyProject
- Step 5: Add your project to the solution.
dotnet sln add ./MyProject
- Step 6: Add folder for external projects and go to it.
mkdir Vendor && cd Vendor
- Step 7: Clone NetArgumentParser repository.
git clone
- Step 8: Go back to the root folder.
cd ..
- Step 9: Add NetArgumentParser to the solution.
dotnet sln add Vendor/NetArgumentParser/Core/NetArgumentParser
- Step 10: Go to your project folder.
cd MyProject
- Step 11: Add reference to the NetArgumentParser.
dotnet add reference ../Vendor/NetArgumentParser/Core/NetArgumentParser
- Step 12: Open Program.cs file and try using the NetArgumentParser.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NetArgumentParser;
using NetArgumentParser.Options;
int? angle = default;
var option = new ValueOption<int>("angle", "a",
description: "angle by which you want to rotate the image",
afterValueParsingAction: t => angle = t);
var parser = new ArgumentParser();
parser.ParseKnownArguments(args, out List<string> extraArguments);
Console.WriteLine($"Angle: {angle}");
Console.WriteLine($"Extra arguments: {string.Join(' ', extraArguments)}");
- Step 13: Build the project.
dotnet build -c Release
- Step 14: Run the created application.
dotnet run --angle 45 A