Table of Contents
AI Gourmet Navigator is a web application designed to allow users to search for restaurants in Vancouver, based on their current mood.
It provides a user-friendly interface for browsing, searching, and adding favorites.
Yuko Murayama Frontend Developer |
Yuki Kasugai Frontend Developer |
- Frontend: Nextjs14, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui, Storybook, Chromatic
- Backend: PostgreSQL, Prisma, Pinecorn
- Deployment: Neon
- Third-party: Cohere, Google Places API
- Make restaurant summaries using the Cohere API.
- Convert user preferences into embed data using the Cohere API.
- Store the embed data in the Pinecone database.
- Use the embed data to find similar vectors in Pinecone.
- Fetch real restaurant data from the Google Map API.