Ruby (it's recommended to use rbenv to install Ruby)
sudo apt-get install imagemagick libmagickcore-dev
- for Ubuntu 12.10
for general
bundle install
for only Linux (after gneral installation)
sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin
Initialize database and assets
rake db:migrate:reset assets:clean assets:precompile
[Optional] Populate database with mock data (for testing purpose)
rake populate:mock
[Optional] Create users with predefined passwords and groups
rake ghosts[num_groups,num_users(per group),debug(optional)]
* You might have to escape brackets like rake ghosts\[20,5,debug\]
on shells
* Database should not contain "Group#{N}" named groups nor "user_#{N}_#{M}" named users already
* Information will be output to ghosts.csv
[Optinal] Start automatic Rspec tesing with Guard and Spork
Run a rails sever on your machine in development mode
rails s
Initialize database and assets
rake db:migrate:reset assets:clean assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
Run a rails sever on your machine in production mode
rails s -e production
Generate class diagrams for controllers and models
sudo apt-get install graphviz # if you didn't install graph-viz rake diagram:all
You might have to use ruby with version >= 1.9.3 and <= 2.0.0.
rake test:benchmark
Clean up unused branches which don't exist the remote
git remote prune origin
Clean up precompiled javascript files
rake assets:clean