The Bookstore Web Application is a Java Servlet-based web application that allows users to search for books from a MySQL database. The application follows the REST style, enabling users to sort books by category, keyword, or view all books in the catalog.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following requirements:
Java Development Kit (JDK): Make sure you have Java installed on your system.
Tom Cat Apache: Install Docker to containerize the application. You can download it from
MySQL Database: Set up a MySQL database with the book information. Make note of the connection details; you will need them for the application configuration.
Follow these steps to set up the Bookstore Web Application using Docker:
git clone
Update the web/WEB-INF/web.xml file with your MySQL database connection details:
Use TomCat to run the server locally.
Once the application is deployed, you can use the following features:
Search for books by category, keyword, or view all books.
Access book details, including title, author, and category.
The Bookstore Web Application offers the following key features:
RESTful endpoints for searching and sorting books.
Dynamic loading of book information from the MySQL database.
Simple and intuitive user interface for book searches.
Java Servlets MySQL Database Apache Tomcat