The main website for
The github repo is a mirror of the official git repo at git @
Install the packagse for python, flask, feedparser, pygments, markdown, dateutil, icalendar, bleach
Pip command:
pip install flask feedparser pygments markdown dateutil icalendar bleach
pacman -S python-flask python-feedparser python-pygments python-markdown python-dateutil python-icalendar python-bleach
On the server gunicorn service file is used to run the flask website but you can run a local test with export; export FLASK_ENV=development; python -m flask run then go to localhost.localdomain:5000 to see the website.
To allow sessions on production a secret key enviromental variable should be set in the systemd service file running the site.
On the server this enviromental variable is set by doing the following:
systemctl edit gunicorn.service
Then you need to edit the file and add:
Obviously with a different key. This key is used for storing the contact form capcha to validate it. Note that sessions should NOT be used for any information you actually need to keep secure.
Pages are written in markdown and saved in /content/pages with the .md file extension.
- blog
- blog archives
- cache with frozen flask