This is the backend service for the Image Search and Management System. It provides RESTful APIs for managing images, user authentication, and more.
- bcrypt - For hashing user passwords.
- cloudinary - For managing and storing images.
- cors - For enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
- dotenv - For loading environment variables.
- express - For building the RESTful API.
- jsonwebtoken - For user authentication and token generation.
- mongoose - For interacting with the MongoDB database.
- multer - For handling file uploads.
- uuid - For generating UUIDs.
- validator - For validating email addresses.
- nodemon (devDependency) - For automatically restarting the server during development.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project folder:
cd Image-Search-and-Management-System-Backend-Service
Install dependencies:
npm install
Create a
file in the root folder and add your environment variables (e.g.,DATABASE_URI
, etc.). You can use the provided.env.example
file as a template. -
Start the server:
npm start
The server will be running on the specified port (or port 3000 by default).
Endpoint: /api/user/register
Method: POST
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "YourStrongPassword"
Success (Status: 201 Created):
{ "message": "User registered successfully", "status": true }
Validation Error (Status: 400 Bad Request):
{ "message": "Email already in use", "status": false }
Endpoint: /api/user/login
Method: POST
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "YourStrongPassword"
Success (Status: 200 OK):
{ "token": "your-json-web-token", "message": "User logged in successfully", "status": true }
Authentication Error (Status: 401 Unauthorized):
{ "message": "Invalid credentials.", "status": false }
Endpoint: /api/image/cloudinary-upload
Method: POST
Payload: Upload an image file using a form or multipart/form-data
(required): Bearer token received after login.
Success (Status: 200 OK):
{ "message": "Image uploaded successfully", "asset_id": "cloudinary asset id", "public_id": "cloudinary public id", "version": "version", "version_id": "version id", "signature": "cloudinary signature", "width": "width of image", "height": "height og image", "format": "image format", "resource_type": "image", "created_at": "upload date", "tags": [], "bytes": "image size in bytes", "type": "upload", "etag": "etag", "placeholder": false, "url": "uploaded image URL", "secure_url": "uploaded image secure url", "folder": "image folder on cloudinary", "original_filename": "file name", "api_key": "cloudinary api key" }
Error (Status: 400 Bad Request):
{ "message": "Invalid file format" }
Authentication Error (Status: 401 Unauthorized):
{ "message": "Invalid token" }
Endpoint: /api/image/save
Method: POST
"title": "image title",
"description": "image description",
"keywords": "image keywords in comma (,) separated string ",
"height": "height of image",
"width": "width of image",
"imageUrl": "uploaded image URL",
"size": "image size in KB",
(required): Bearer token received after login.
Success (Status: 200 OK):
{ "message": "Image saved successfully", "image": { "_id": "mongo object id", "title": "image title", "description": "image description", "keywords": "image keywords in comma (,) separated string ", "height": "height of image", "width": "width of image", "imageUrl": "uploaded image URL", "size": "image size in KB" } }
Error (Status: Internal Server Error):
{ "message": "(error message)" }
Authentication Error (Status: 401 Unauthorized):
{ "message": "Invalid token" }
Endpoint: /api/image/search
Method: POST
"searchText": "searched text (optional)",
"sort": "{sorting key with value} (default value is { uploadedAt: -1 })",
"limit": "limit of documents (number) (default value is 10)",
"offset": "documents offset (number) (default value is 0)"
(required): Bearer token received after login.
Success (Status: 200 OK):
{ "data": [ { "_id": "document mongoId", "title": "image title", "description": "image description", "imageUrl": "image url", "width": "width of image", "height": "height of image", "size": "image size in KB", "keywords": ["image keywords"], "tags": ["image tags"] }, { "_id": "document mongoId", "title": "image title", "description": "image description", "imageUrl": "image url", "width": "width of image", "height": "height of image", "size": "image size in KB", "keywords": ["image keywords"], "tags": ["image tags"] } ], "totalCount": "total documents" }
No Results (Status: 200 OK):
{ "data": [], "totalCount": 0 }
You can access the deployed application at the following URL:
Image Search and Management System - Backend Service
Feel free to explore and use the backend service for your Image Search and Management System project. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please refer to the project's documentation or reach out to me.
Happy image management!