There are two files that are too big to be uploaded to GitHub. They are:
- "mixlabel_z_12_12_19_model.h5" which is the pre-trained machine learning segmentation model
- "Stevens_PBC_INS1e_25mMglu+Ex-4_5min_1083_16-17_pre_rec.nii.gz" which is a large 3D image file
Please download these files from the folder here: and place them in "Team-Scrubs\PythonFiles\ML code\scripts\models" and "Team-Scrubs\PythonFiles\ML code\data\Image_3D", respectively.
This project currently has two demos that are completely separate.
- Paint Brush Canvas image saving + server/client python communication
- machine learning segmentation prediction
For Demo 1:
Install Unity version 2020.1.5f1 and open the project folder "Team-Scrubs/Unity Project".
Load the scene "Assets/Scenes/Paint Canvas Scene". Run the scene and see if you can paint and save the image. Image will be saved in the project folder, assets/createdImages.
Now, with the unity scene still running, open up your command line. Navigate to "Team-Scrubs/PythonFiles" and enter 'python' you should see an exchange of "Hello" and "World" between the Unity Debug console and command line.
For Demo 2:
Open up your command line. Navigate to "Team-Scrubs/PythonFiles/ML code/scripts".
Install the dependencies "pip install -r requirements_test.txt"
Run "python 0".
This will read in 512 image files from "Team-Scrubs\PythonFiles\ML code\data\Image_3D\Stevens_PBC_INS1e_25mMglu+Ex-4_5min_1083_16-17_pre_rec\z" and save 512 predictions to "Team-Scrubs\PythonFiles\ML code\scripts\predictions".
To view these images, download the NIH-funded viewer ITK-SNAP from