An android app built using Kotlin that consumes Rick And Morty API to display list of characters. It has been built following Architecture Principle, Repository Pattern, MVVM Architecture in the presentation layer as well as jetpack components.
The application doesn't require an API Key
- Kotlin - Kotlin is a programming language that can run on JVM. Google has announced Kotlin as one of its officially supported programming languages in Android Studio; and the Android community is migrating at a pace from Java to Kotlin.
Jetpack components:
- Jetpack Compose - Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development on Android. Quickly bring your app to life with less code, powerful tools, and intuitive Kotlin APIs.
- Android KTX - Android KTX is a set of Kotlin extensions that are included with Android Jetpack and other Android libraries. KTX extensions provide concise, idiomatic Kotlin to Jetpack, Android platform, and other APIs.
- Jetpack DataStore - Jetpack DataStore is a data storage solution that allows you to store key-value pairs or typed objects with protocol buffers. DataStore uses Kotlin coroutines and Flow to store data asynchronously, consistently, and transactionally.
- AndroidX - Major improvement to the original Android Support Library, which is no longer maintained.
- Lifecycle - Lifecycle-aware components perform actions in response to a change in the lifecycle status of another component, such as activities and fragments. These components help you produce better-organized, and often lighter-weight code, that is easier to maintain.
- Flow - A flow is an asynchronous version of a Sequence, a type of collection whose values are lazily produced.
- ViewModel -The ViewModel class is designed to store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way.
- Paging 3 library - The Paging library helps you load and display pages of data from a larger dataset from local storage or over network. This approach allows your app to use both network bandwidth and system resources more efficiently.
- Room database - The Room persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow fluent database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite. -
Retrofit - Retrofit is a REST client for Java/ Kotlin and Android by Square inc under Apache 2.0 license. Its a simple network library that is used for network transactions. By using this library we can seamlessly capture JSON response from web service/web API.
GSON - JSON Parser,used to parse requests on the data layer for Entities and understands Kotlin non-nullable and default parameters.
Dagger Hilt - A dependency injection library for Android that reduces the boilerplate of doing manual dependency injection in your project.
Ramcosta Navigation Library - A KSP library that processes annotations and generates code that uses Official Jetpack Compose Navigation under the hood. It hides the complex, non-type-safe and boilerplate code you would have to write otherwise.
Logging Interceptor - logs HTTP request and response data.
Coil- An image loading library for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
Character Screen | Character Details Screen |
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A well planned architecture is extremely important for an app to scale and all architectures have one common goal- to manage complexity of your app. This isn't something to be worried about in smaller apps however it may prove very useful when working on apps with longer development lifecycle and a bigger team.
Clean architecture was proposed by Robert C. Martin in 2012 in the Clean Code Blog and it follow the SOLID principle.
The circles represent different layers of your app. Note that:
The center circle is the most abstract, and the outer circle is the most concrete. This is called the Abstraction Principle. The Abstraction Principle specifies that inner circles should contain business logic, and outer circles should contain implementation details.
Another principle of Clean Architecture is the Dependency Inversion. This rule specifies that each circle can depend only on the nearest inward circle ie. low-level modules do not depend on high-level modules but the other way around.
- Loose coupling between the code - The code can easily be modified without affecting any or a large part of the app's codebase.
- Easier to test code.
- Separation of Concern - Different modules have specific responsibilities making it easier for modification and maintenance.