This open-source library contains classes that are useful for a wide range of applications using the Google Maps Android API.
The library is under heavy development, but ready for use. Check the issue tracker to see what's happening.
When you use Gradle add the following dependency with the latest version
to your build.gradle
file to use the library:
dependencies {
compile ''
Read more on the website.
Check out the repository into two different directories. One needs to be on master, one needs to be on gh-pages.
$ javadoc -nodeprecated -stylesheetfile ../amu-web/css/javadoc-base.css -nonavbar -bottom '<script src="//"></script><script>new{profile: "UA-12846745-19",heatMapper: true});</script>' -top '<a class="back" href="javascript:history.back()">Back</a> <a class="back" href="/android-maps-utils/" target="_top">Back to site</a>' -notimestamp -d ../amu-web/javadoc/ $(find library/src/ -name '*.java')
$ sudo gem install jekyll
$ jekyll serve --baseurl
Navigate to http://$HOST:4000/android-maps-utils/