Repository to try execute the task assigned by Cubbit interviewer.
Before running the terraform plan and apply commands, you have to set the following env vars to pass account credentials of an iam user preconfigured on aws account target: export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_aws_access_key export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_aws_secret_access_key
Next you can run following commands:
- cd aws-vms
- terraform plan -out=./tf_state.tfplan
- terraform apply "./tf_state.tfplan"
With terraform, will be created a single ec2 instance and install these tools with user-data:
- k3s cluster in single node mode
- kubectl
- helm
To build docker image of the go application:
- docker build go-app -t {account-id}
- login to the ecr repository that is created with terraform (see command from aws ecr dashboard)
- docker push {account-id}
In the same directory, there is a folder named "go-app-chart" where there are stored the helm chart files. With this templates, will be create k8s manifests of service, deployment and secret resources. To generate these manifests run: helm template go-app ./go-app/go-app-chart/
An example of the manifests that will be generated is in app.yaml file in go-app-chart directory.