This is a simple command-line To-Do List application implemented in Python. The application allows users to manage tasks efficiently by providing functionalities such as adding, deleting, and marking tasks as done.
- Show all tasks: Displays the current list of tasks.
- Add a task: Allows users to add a new task to the list.
- Delete a task: Enables users to remove a specific task from the list.
- Mark a task as done: Users can mark a task as completed.
- Exit the app: Provides an option to close the application.
- Python 3.x
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd to-do-list
- Run the application:
- Follow the on-screen instructions to manage your tasks.
When you start the application, you'll see a menu similar to this:
========== To-Do List ==========
1. Show all tasks
2. Add a task
3. Delete a task
4. Mark a task as done
5. Exit the app
You can then select an option by entering the corresponding number.
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions or improvements, feel free to create a pull request or open an issue.