Have you ever try using crone in Node?
There is a known problem with this module - the jobs are not durable.
When you register a job and shut-down your system, the job will just be wiped from the RAM.
This is why I've created cron-durability
, a library that defends your jobs from a system shutdown.
run npm install cron-durability
on your public directory.
First, you'll need to create an instance from CronManager
when you load the system.
var CronManager = require('cron-durability').CronManager;
module.global.jobsManager = CronManager('myJobsDatabase');
Then, you can use the manager whenever you want.
Let's create a job for example:
var Job = require('cron-durability').Job;
var oneMonthFromNow = new Date();
oneMonthFromNow.setDate(oneMonthFromNow.getDate() + 30);
var job = new Job(oneMonthFromNow, () => {
console.log("Wow!!! It has been a month since you've created me!");
}, "Asia/Tel_Aviv");