Extensive Kotlin-based wrapper for Lettuce.
- Aware allows for both asynchronous and synchronous contexts.
- Aware contain wrappers for the RedisCodec<K, V>.
- These codec wrappers are only used for message values, therefore they only accept one type, V. (
) - We have multiple wrapper types available:
- AwareMessageCodec (A default implementation of JsonRedisCodec, for the AwareMessage)
- These codec wrappers are only used for message values, therefore they only accept one type, V. (
- Aware uses a platform-level credential & serialization provider.
- Aware currently ONLY supports Gson.
- Aware credential & serialization providers can be configured by using
- Aware is an annotation-based, but supports functional lambda-based subscriptions as well.
- Currently, there is one official open-sourced project that uses Aware: Aware Messaging
Aware has a conversation feature where A can contact B and await for a reply (which could possibly be empty).
Conversations require you to create your own implementation of ConversationMessage & ConversationMessageResponse.
- These models can contain anything which is serializable by the Gson instance provided in your AwareHub configuration.
- The response model must contain the
of the origin message to allow it to be processed back on the original application.
Conversation factories require a channel suffix, which will then used for both outgoing and incoming channels.
- Outgoing:
- Incoming:
How to create a new ConversationFactory:
val conversationFactory = ConversationFactoryBuilder
.of<ConversationMessageImpl, ConversationResponseImpl>()
// your channel suffix
// your timeout, this is not optional.
.timeout(2L, TimeUnit.SECONDS) {
println("no response, timed out")
// what will be handled on the response of a message
// the origin ConversationMessage is supplied as a lambda parameter
.response {
"hello world!", it.uniqueId
// what will be handled when our backend receives a response to a message
.receive { message, response ->
println("Original msg: ${message.message}")
println("Response: ${response.message}")
return@receive ConversationContinuation.END
An example annotation-based pub-sub subscription for an AwareMessage codec:
@ExpiresIn(30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
fun onTestExpiresIn30Seconds(
message: AwareMessage
val horse = message.retrieve<String>("horse")
println("Hey! This is the \"horse\". ($horse)")
And a lambda-based one:
ExpiresIn(30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
) {
val horse = retrieve<String>("horse")
println("Hey! This is the \"horse\". $horse")
An example AwareMessage use case:
"test", aware,
"horse" to "heyy-${Random.nextFloat()}"
// supplying our own thread context
An example AwareHub configuration:
// the default credentials would be localhost:6379, no password.
) {
An example AwareBuilder configuration:
val aware = AwareBuilder
// You can do this:
// Or you can do this:
.codec(JsonRedisCodec.of { it.packet })
- None yet! Message me on Discord (Growly#4953) if you have any suggestions!
lettuce-core is not shaded into the final shadowJar. kotlin-stdlib & kotlin-reflect are not either.
- Aware has been used in production environments (Minecraft backend) for more than 6 months now. We consider it stable.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. Please refer to the LICENSE file in the root directory for more information.