We have detailed the description of the project on the EthGlobal page, feel free to go and see! https://ethglobal.com/showcase/oculto-bqr10
swapToBOB : https://polygonscan.com/address/0x175B3F0345cF709eF4b60d5cf94cD6a9944d8290
Tweet link : https://twitter.com/Gwenole_M/status/1657639404654002176?s=20
https://blockscout.scroll.io/address/0x20Ca37A553C4ec6DF041BAA3Ad92A0d04786B72A (Other contract)
This directory contains a fork of Lenster where we added the zkBob payment functionality. You will find our customs and new components here: LensterOculting/apps/web/src/components/Messages/.
We added AskAddress and SendBob component.