Link to the application:
Create, design and implement a web-based application capable of running SQL queries and displaying the results of said query. The application must include a space which accepts SQL queries in the form of user inputs, then runs the given query, and displays the result within the application..
The data used in the application is obtained from
- React(Optimize speed as react mimnimize the DOM change)
- TailwindCSS(For building good-looking layouts easily)
For all the page optimisation analysis, I have used Google's Lighthouse tool and Page Speed Insights to analysze the page load time, along with how well it performs as per web standards. I have also used GTMetrix to cross-check the same.
Minimal dependencies have been used for the creation of this project.
Optiimized the tailwind for production by reducing size of build.
Used Fragments instead of divs to reduce DOM nodes.
In order for the application to be optimized, I have made it a PWA (Progressive Web App) .
Restructured code to reuse components & used minimal imports where necessary.
Detailed walk-through of user interface why and how :-
Homepage Load Time (Mobile) : 0.5 seconds(Google Lighthouse used)
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Homepage Load Time : 0.6 seconds(GT metrix used)
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