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New option to disable the pusher for plasma particles #2753

New option to disable the pusher for plasma particles

New option to disable the pusher for plasma particles #2753

Workflow file for this run

# Copyright 2021-2022
# This file is part of HiPACE++.
# Authors: Axel Huebl
# License: BSD-3-Clause-LBNL
name: 🐧 HIP
on: [push, pull_request]
name: HIP SP
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# -Werror
env: {CXXFLAGS: "-Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-error=pass-failed"}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: install dependencies
shell: bash
run: .github/workflows/setup/
- name: CCache Cache
uses: actions/cache@v4
# - once stored under a key, they become immutable (even if local cache path content changes)
# - for a refresh the key has to change, e.g., hash of a tracked file in the key
path: |
key: ccache-hip-clang-${{ hashFiles('.github/workflows/hip.yml') }}-${{ hashFiles('cmake/dependencies/AMReX.cmake') }}-${{ github.event.repository.pushed_at }}
restore-keys: |
ccache-hip-clang-${{ hashFiles('.github/workflows/hip.yml') }}-
- name: build HiPACE
shell: bash
run: |
source /etc/profile.d/
hipcc --version
which clang
which clang++
export CXX=$(which clang++)
export CC=$(which clang)
# "mpic++ --showme" forgets open-pal in Ubuntu 20.04 + OpenMPI 4.0.3
export LDFLAGS="-lopen-pal"
cmake -S . -B build_sp \
-DAMReX_AMD_ARCH=gfx900 \
cmake --build build_sp -j 2