HTML Workflow viewer for workflow json files exported from Scipion. Developed as a web component - see demo in index.html.
To use the web component we need to:
- Link to webcomponents-loader.js to manage polyfills for browser support. More about polyfills here
<script src="js/webcomponents/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
- Link to the component itself:
<link rel="import" href="scipion-workflow.html">
- Place the viewer wherever it suits best, linking its json file:
<scipion-workflow src="workflow.json"></scipion-workflow>
- If you want to see the Scipion representation output images (which is highly recommended), you must paste at project level the "images_representation" folder previously obtained with the scipion-em-empiar plugin
To view the demo, get inside this repo's dir and serve index.html via http:
$ cd web-workflow-viewer
$ python -m http.server 8009
Open file on http://localhost:8009 on your browser, you should see something like this: