Arduino code for the cassette, remote control, and Simon input stations. Javascript code for the web-based prototype of the cassette's animations and states.
- Initializes 4 RGB LED strips with the
library - Receives data from the remote control over
wifi server - Object oriented approach for cassette, spools, and infinity loop pixels
- Randomly scheduled inputs for each cassette leg, filling up cassette in an average of 45min
- Hardcoded to send data to the MAC address of the cassette's ESP32
- Controls on/off, play/pause, unlock state, cassette fill %
- Only transmits data when a value has changed
Need to test.
- Uses ESP32's dual cores to schedule Simon game code on Core 0 and leg LED animations on Core 1
- Simon game code taken from
- Leg LED animation code same as cassette legs
This folder has the input station leg LED animation code working in isolation, just for reference.
p5.js prototype of the cassette animations and states.
The simulation represents each LED pixel as a small circle. The ratio of the cassette's dimensions should match the physical build, but the number of LED pixels is probably inaccurate.
Includes some web serial integration that is no longer maintained but could be reused to interface with the remote controller.