🔭 I’m currently working as a MLE at SproutsAI
🌱 I have previously worked at DailyHunt, Feynman, Omdena, etc. as a Machine Learning Engineer and gained some experience there.
🌟 Stats about me: I have delivered six talks as of now on LinkedIn, Natural Language Processing, Data Analysis, etc. @GirlScript Bilaspur, @MannkiBaat along with Cu coders, @IEEE student branch of Sathyabama University, and @Omdena (Many more to come)
⭐ Achievements: Won first prize in Data Hackathon organized by IGDTUW during Innerve'20
💬 Ask me about NLP, web scraping, Python, EDA, Tableau
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
😄 Pronouns: She / her
⚡ Fact about me: I like mornings, and I am a spiritual person.
❄️ Chapter Lead @GirlScript Agartala
❄️ Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador
❄️ Co-lead @DSC-NITA
❄️ Organizer of Kaggle Days Meetup Delhi NCR