A standard library for calling the NASA Astronomy Picture Of The Day web service
The library has 2 methods GetTodaysPictureAsync and GetMarsPictureAsync. These methods allow you to get pictures from Nasa from one of the mars rovers or there astronomy picture of the day.
You will need an api key from the Nasa website to use the apis. You can get a key at https://api.nasa.gov/
Required parameters ApiKey which you get from the nasa web site
This method will return an PictureOfTheDayResponse. The Success property will tell you if the call was sucessful. Exception property will return any exceptions when you try and get the daily picture.
The PictureofTheDay property will include information about the picture like the title, and url of image.
This method requires ApiKey like the method above.
You will need to select which Rover you would like a picture from.
You will need to select the image date you would like see pictures for.
The return list the above method. The pictures returned fill be from the following list of available cameras on the rovers.
Abbreviation Camera
FHAZ Front Hazard Avoidance Camera
RHAZ Rear Hazard Avoidance Camera
MAST Mast Camera
CHEMCAM Chemistry and Camera Complex
MAHLI Mars Hand Lens Imager
MARDI Mars Descent Imager
NAVCAM Navigation Camera
PANCAM Panoramic Camera
MINITES Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer (Mini-TES)
An Avalonia UI example is included in the source code