This repository will be containing exercises and my journey with learning Bash and linux terminal
- Create a project directory called Exercise. Which commands did you use?
mkdir exercise
- In the directory, create all the sub-directories you would need for a Bioinformatics Project
mkdir -p data scripts results
cd data
mkdir -p Raw Processed
- With the provided dataset files, put them in the appropriate directories you created under your Bioinformatics Project
cp exercise .
cp *.fa ./Raw
- Extract the sequence headers and save into a file
in the appropriate directory
cat *.fa >> joined.fa
grep "^>" joined.fa > sequence_names.txt
mv sequence_name.txt ../Processed
- Save the commands you used in question 4 in a script file
- Count the number of mRNA.
grep -i "mRNA" joined.fa
- What other sequences apart from mRNA?
grep "^>" joined.fa | grep -v "mRNA"
- For each category, how many are there?
grep -c "cDNA" joined.fa
grep -c "complete sequence" joined.fa
grep -c "transgenic" joined.fa
grep -c "^>" joined.fa | grep -v "mRNA" | grep -v "cDNA" |grep -v "transgenic" |grep -v "complete sequence"
- Save the above output to files.
grep "cDNA" joined.fa > cDNA.txt
grep "mRNA" joined.fa > mRNA.txt
grep "transgenic" joined.fa > transgenic.txt
grep "complete sequence" joined.fa > complete_sequence.txt
- How many organisms (create a file with the organisms without duplicates)
grep "PREDICTED" joined.fa | cut -d' ' -f3,4 | uniq -d > organism.txt
- How many are predicted?
grep -c "PREDICTED" joined.fa
- How many nucleotides are in the file? How many of each of the bases are there?
grep -v '^>' sequences.fasta | tr -d '\n' | grep -o '[ACGTU]' | sort | uniq -c