The purpose of this task is to read secrets from HashiCorp Vault server in order to use it during the pipeline or the release process.
The icons for that task was taken from
The task supported with generic Key-Value in versions 1 & 2 without changing the path (although kv2's API is not compatible with v1).
What Changed on the path:
V1: kv_name/level-1/../level-n
V2: kv_name/data/level-1/../level-n
Currently, the vault-reader adds data level automatically. first, it tries to add data to support v2, if it doesn't work it tries it as is (without adding the data to the path). This option was added to the task because v2 is Incompatibility with v1 and there is no reason for the pipeline's processes to break.
This feature will removed on the next major version to be align with the API.
Version 4.* - Coming Soon
- Remove the support of v1 & v2 that added to the task - it should be align with HashiCorp vault API.
- Allow to run the task on the Pre-job process (Open issue)
How to create a service connection:
- Open Azure DevOps and select the relevant project.
- go to project settings.
- Select service connections under Pipelines section.
- Create a new service by clicking on the "New service connection" button.
- Select "Vault Reader" type and press Next.
Fill all details:
- Server URL - the URL of the HashiCorp server. i.e.
- Auth Methods - select the method from the list. i.e. LDAP, Token etc.
- Username - enter username.
- Password/Token - enter password or token for that user.
- Disable strict SSL - select this option if you get the error: unable to verify the first certificate.
Enter service name and description, click Save.
Open build/release and add the task from the list.
- Vault Service - select the Vault Connection Service from the list.
- Source Type:
- Inline - define instructions (Variables & Actions) in multiline box.
- File Path - read the instructions from file (there is also multiline box to define variables).
The signs => or <= are part of the task instructions.
General Instructions:
- Comment - add a comment to your instruction by using # at the beginning of the line. the task will ignore that line.
- Message - print a message during the Build/Release process by using @ at the beginning of the line.
You can define a variable and use it later with the Action commands.
Format: Variable-Name <= Value
Variable-Name can contain Letters (upper/lower), numbers and underline ('_'). Must start with a letter.
projectPath <= /project/serviceA
In this example we will create a variable named projectPath that sets the value /project/serviceA
Result variable - for some Action type you can use the Azure-DevOps-Variable as a special variable for the next lines, See comment on the table below.
Define Actions:
General Format: ActionType => Path => Field => Azure-DevOps-Variable
Task Variables can affect the Path and Field of the action
Azure-DevOps-Variable can contain Letters (upper/lower), numbers, period and underline. Must start with a letter.
Action | Description | Azure DevOps Variable 1 |
var | reads value from Path & Field | assigns value to Azure DevOps variable 2 |
pre | reads object from Path Field will contain a list of keys (separated by a comma) or * for all keys (not recommended) |
assigns multiple values to multiple variables in a single command 2 3 |
raw | reads value from Path & Field and store the value into a file (as is) | assigns file location into a variable 4 5 |
base64 | reads value from Path & Field, decodes the value from BASE64 and stores the result into a file | assigns file location into a variable 4 5 |
json | reads json object from Path and stores it into a file as json Field will contain location of the file schema. If the data and the scheme aren't equal it would fail use * to skip the compare process (not recommended) |
assigns file location into a variable 5 6 |
yaml | reads json object from Path and stores it into a file as yaml Field will contain location of the json file schema. If the data and the scheme aren't equal it would fail use * to skip the compare process (not recommended) |
assigns file location into a variable 5 6 |
rep | reads file from Field and replaces the string __[key]__ with a value that reads from Path and stores it into a file | assigns file location into a variable 5 6 |
exp | export JSON object into file. The line define in the Field as base64, %%KEY%% and %%VALUE%% defined place holder for key & value from the JSON object. | assigns file location into a variable 5 |
Read values from project-A using var action
# This line is a comment.
# Read environment value from vault into env variable
var => DemoProjects/project-A => environment => env
# Read username & password from vault into usr & pass variables
var => DemoProjects/project-A => username => usr
var => DemoProjects/project-A => password => pss
Read username & password in one line using pre action and store them in login_username & login_password.
# Read username & password with pre action
pre => DemoProjects/project-A => username,password => login
Read value and save it into a file. The variable will be set with the file location.
@ This line will be printed on the build/release console
@ Read rawData and save it into a file. File path will be stored at variable $(file1)
raw => DemoProjects/project-B/service-A => rawData => file1
# Read mySecret from vault, decode it (base64) and save it into a file.
# The location will be stored at the variable secret.
base64 => DemoProjects/project-B/service-A => mySecret => secret
This section refers to the previous image.
# Define a variable that named servicePath
servicePath <= DemoProjects/project-B/service-A
# Read value using a variable
raw => {servicePath} => rawData => file1
base64 => {servicePath} => mySecret => secret
You can also use a variable as a part of Path/Field.
For example: {servicePath}/test (equal to DemoProjects/project-B/service-A/test)
We can create a json file that contains a template (value will be empty). This way we can compare the scheme between the objects from the vault server and the json file. The json file can be stored on the source control and will be pulled during the build.
File: service-b-template.json
The json file will be stored under config folder in the git repository.
"service": {
"name": "",
"url": ""
"sql": {
"ConnectionString": "__sql__"
# Define a path
servicePath <= DemoProjects/project-B
# Read value using json action
json => {servicePath}/service-B => config/service-b-template.json => configFile
This section is based on the data that presented in the JSON explanation.
# Define a path
servicePath <= DemoProjects/project-B
# Read value using json action
yaml => {servicePath}/service-B => config/service-b-template.json => configFile
When we have a file that we want to inject secrets during the build/release process to it. For example, a secret.yaml file on the working directory that defines Secret for k8s cluster:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: secret-basic-auth
username: __username__
password: __password__
On the task instructions:
# Inject secrets into a yaml file
rep => DemoProjects/project-A => secret.yaml => secretFile
The variable $(secretFile) will contain the location of the updated file.
To update kubernetes cluster you can run the following command:
kubectl apply -f $(secretFile)
Export the keys and values from the JSON object (1 level) into a file, every key & value will be placed in deferent line by the format in the Field. The format is set as base64, the %%KEY%% and %%VALUE%% will replace with the key & value of each item.
For example, we would like to convert JSON object to tfvars file (This type of file is used by terraform).
Line format: %%KEY%% = "%%VALUE%%"
Line format (Base64): JSVLRVklJSA9ICIlJVZBTFVFJSUi
The line we should add to the task:
exp => DemoProjects/project-A => JSVLRVklJSA9ICIlJVZBTFVFJSUi => tfvar_file
The file that will create after the task is complete, the path to the file will set to tfvar_file.
environment = "dev"
password = "p@assw0rd"
username = "someone"
# Define a path
servicePath <= DemoProjects/project-B
# Read value using json action
json/yaml => {servicePath}/service-B => config/service-b-template.json => configFile
rep => database/sql => {{configFile}} => configFile2
Azure DevOps Variable - the result of the action will be stored at the variable and can be used in the next tasks as $(variableName)
↩ -
The type of the variable is "secret" and therefore it can't be printed in the build & release console.
↩ ↩2 -
Variable name: Azure-DevOps-Variable_Field
↩ -
The file that contains the secrets will be deleted at the end of the build/release process (the file is stored under _temp folder).
↩ ↩2 ↩3 ↩4 ↩5 ↩6 -
The Azure-DevOps-Variable can used as a special variable surrounded with {{ }}, with this option output from one action can be the input for the others. ↩ ↩2 ↩3