Open Source Makrokeyboard based on Atmega32U4
The Code for the Makrokeyboard was written for the Arduino IDE, which supports the Atmega32U4 as Arduino Leonardo/Pro Micro. For uploading "Arduino Leonardo" or "Arduino (Pro) Micro" should be selected as Board. The COM Port selector will show the Atmega32U4 as well. Hint: If your Chip wasn't flashed with a bootloader you have to do that first. This requires soldering a ISP Connector and flashing via (for example) Arduino ISP. Tutorial from Leon Anavi
Following Parts are required:
- 1x USB-C-Connector
- 2x 5k1 Resistor 0805
- 1x FSMD050R
- 1x 0R Resistor
- 21x SK6812 rear mounted addressable LED
- 20x Diodes 0805
- 20x Keyboard Switches
- 1x 16MHz Quarz
- 1x Atmega32U4 TQFP44
- 6x 100nF 1206
- 2x 1uF 1206
- 2x 22pF 1206
- 21x 10k Resistor 0603
- 3x 22R 1206
Created by Linze99