I'm a Software Engineer based in Austin, Texas.
I love open source, and developer tooling.
A GitHub Action to generate a simple JSON file containing your GitHub profiles stats.
A tool to generate OpenAPI schemas from JSON API responses.
A visual editor for APIs using OpenAPI, built with Sveltekit.
Open Source Plex API SDKs and Documentation, run for and by the community.
- GitHub Project
- OpenAPI Specification
- API Documentation Repo Site
- Python SDK Repo PyPi
- Go SDK Repo GoDoc
- Ruby SDK Repo
- Swift SDK Repo
- PHP SDK Repo
- Java SDK Repo
- C# SDK Repo
- The next generation of GitHub profile stats
- Building a world-class suite of SDKs is easy with Speakeasy
- Writing better Cobra CLI help messages with glamour
- Scraping Archives of Nethys for fun and profit
- Using Vercel Analytics with SvelteKit
- unjs/crossws - feat: allow throwing error with
prop inupgrade
- speakeasy-api/speakeasy - fix: register the transforms for use in workflows
- speakeasy-api/speakeasy - fix: bump sdk-gen-config
- speakeasy-api/sdk-gen-config - fix: corrected the tranform validation logic
- speakeasy-api/speakeasy - fix: bump sdk-gen-config for updated workflow transform validation
- LukeHagar/github-stats-remotion - a tool for generating github stats gifs for your profiles readme
- LukeHagar/pocketbase - A bit of community automation to keep a DockerHub image of pocketbase always up to date
- LukeHagar/stats - Github Profile Stats
- sailpoint-oss/developer.sailpoint.com - The codebase that makes up developer.sailpoint.com, including developer documentation. This codebase is open source and welcomes contributions.
- unjs/crossws - π Cross-platform WebSocket Servers for Node.js, Deno, Bun and Cloudflare Workers.
- sailpoint-oss/api-specs - This repo houses the API specifications for all SailPoint services.
- LukeHagar/plex-mintlify-docs - Open Source Plex Media Server API and SDK Documentation hosted on Mintlify
- speakeasy-api/speakeasy - Build APIs your users love β€οΈ with Speakeasy. β¨ Polished and type-safe SDKs. π Terraform providers and Contract Tests for your API. OpenAPI native.
- LukeHagar/plexjs - A Typescript SDK for interacting with Plex Media Server
- LukeHagar/plex-api-spec - An open source Plex Media Server API Specification
- speakeasy-api/sdk-gen-config -
- LukeHagar/http-ws-reference -
- speakeasy-sdks/firehydrant-go-sdk -
- LukeHagar/sveltekit-extension-template - SvelteKit Chrome extension template built with Skeleton
- LukeHagar/baton -
- LukeHagar/theschemagen - Generate OpenAPI Schemas from JSON bodies, Now in GO!
- LukeHagar/openapi-definition-generator - Convert your JSON formatted responses from API calls into OpenAPI Definitions at the click of a button
- LukeHagar/plexcsharp - An open source Plex Media Server C# SDK
- LukeHagar/LukeHagar.com - Open Source code for my personal site
- speakeasy-api/sdk-generation-action - Github action for Speakeasy Client SDK Generation, Release and Publishing
Want your own profile stats? Check out this example repo