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Textractor Translator

Translate visual novels in real time, while reading
Customize it however you wish

It works with Textractor letting you configure it for each separate game: transform the extracted text using JavaScript, translate it using a pre-defined translator or write your own, stylize the text window to blend in with the game.

It can replace a huge part of the built-in xdll extensions for Textractor.

It allows you to perform and configure the following things for each game:

  • Parsing and transforming the text extracted by Textractor, making it readable;
  • Translating the transformed text;
  • Transforming the translated text;
  • Stylizing the text using HTML & CSS;
  • The appearance of the text window.


I don't have anything to do with the original software (Textractor) developers.


2024-04-03_22-44-40-ezgif com-optimize

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Currently, only Windows it supported. You can use either ia32 or x64 versions depending on your OS. Both versions (at least the x64 one) can work with both Textractor x86 and Textractor x64.

  1. Download the binaries for your operating system in the Releases section (x86 x64).
  2. Unzip the archive to the directory where the app will be stored.
  3. Run the TextractorTranslator.exe file to run the application.
  4. You will see the main window of the app:
  5. Hover the top right corner of the window, then click the settings button.
  6. You will see the settings window:
  7. Ensure you have Textractor installed. If you don't, install it before you continue. Remember the directory where you'll have installed it.
  8. Having Textractor installed, click a folder button to select the Textractor.exe executable of Textractor.
  9. When you select either Textractor x86 or Textractor x64 location, the other one will be selected automatically. If not, please, select it manually if you need it.
  10. It's recommended to check the Autorun checkbox for the Textractor you're planning to run with. It depends on the bitness of the game process. Usually it's x86 for visual novels.
  11. After you have configured the path(s) to Textractor, you'll have to install the TextractorPipe extension. It can be done automatically by clicking the install button(s):
  12. After installing the extension, you can run Textractor by clicking one of the buttons:
  13. Now, text seen in Textractor should be displayed in Textractor Translator too:

The following part of this README is supposed to be rewritten. Some info below might be obsolete.

History of this app

Version 0.6.0

Aokana en -> ru


Version 0.5.0

eden* PLUS+MOSAIC en -> ru


Version 0.2.1

Summer Pockets en -> ru


Version 0.2.0

Summer Pockets en -> ru


Version 2023-01-03

Aokana en -> ru


Version 2022-12-17

Memoria en -> ru

Без названия (4)

Aokana en -> ru


Version 2022-12-05

White Album 2 en -> ru


It also requires TextractorPipe.xdll extension for Textractor: The app will not work without this extension installed. It can be automatically installed right in the app settings. You might need to restart Textractor for the extension to start working.

You need some JavaScript knowledge to configure and use this application.

The purpose of this software is to be able to fine-tune Textractor in terms of parsing, modifying and translating texts for each separate game.

Requires TextractorPipe.xdll extension for Textractor: The app will not work without this extension installed.

The extension can be installed right in the app:

Some configs that can be used

config.languages = {
    source: 'en',
    target: 'ru'

const googleTranslate = Translators.GoogleTranslate();
// const libreTranslate = Translators.LibreTranslate({
//     host: ''
// });

// implements caching translations of not really long sentences
// also optimizes translation if there are no English letters in text when translating from English - this kind of text returns as is
Translators.Custom = {};
 * @returns {Translator}
Translators.Custom.MainTranslator = () => ({
    translate: async (text, sourceLanguage, targetLanguage) => {
        const doTranslate = () => googleTranslate.translate(text, sourceLanguage, targetLanguage);

        if (sourceLanguage === 'en' && !/[a-z]+/i.test(text)) {
            return text;

        if (text.length <= 200) {
            const translatedCache = memory.translatedCache ??= {};
            const cachedTranslation = translatedCache[text];
            if (cachedTranslation === undefined) {
                const translation = await doTranslate();
                translatedCache[text] = translation;
                return translation;
            } else {
                return cachedTranslation;

        return doTranslate();

config.translator = Translators.Custom.MainTranslator();

config.transformOriginal = ({text, meta}) => {
    if (text.startsWith('Textractor:') || text.startsWith('vnreng:')) {
        return undefined;

    return text;

config.transformTranslated = (text) => {
    return {
        plain: text,
        displayed: common.htmlifyText(text),
        isHtml: true

const nameColor = '#ef9a9a';

/** @param {string} text */
common.htmlifyText = (text) => {
    return text
        .replace(/^([^:]+?): ["«](.+)["»][.!?]?$/, '<span style="color: ' + nameColor + ';">$1:</span> «$2»')

/** @param {string} text */
common.htmlifyTextJa = (text) => {
    return text
        .replace(/^([^:]+?): (.+)[.!?]?$/, '<span style="color: ' + nameColor + ';">$1:</span> 「$2」')
}; = (text, css) => {
    return `<span style="${css}">${text}</span>`;
Siglus Engine
config.transformOriginal = ({text, meta}) => {
    text = commonConfig.transformOriginal({text, meta});
    if (!text) {
        return text;

    const result = text
        .replaceAll(/([a-z]\d){2,}/g, '')
        .replaceAll(/_stage_action/g, '');
    if (!result?.trim()) {

    return result;

config.transformTranslated = (text) => text
    .replaceAll('…', '...');
Aokana EN
const {style, htmlifyText} = common;

config.transformOriginal = ({text, meta}) => {
    text = commonConfig.transformOriginal({text, meta});
    if (!text) {

    const englishText = /([ ].+?)/.exec(text)?.[1]?.trim();

    if (!englishText) {

    const plainText = englishText
        .replace(/^(.+?)(.+)$/, '$1: "$2"');

    if (!plainText) {

    return {
        plain: plainText,
        displayed: htmlifyText(plainText),
        isHtml: true
Aokana JA
const {style, htmlifyText, htmlifyTextJa} = common;

config.languages.source = 'ja'; = 'en';

config.transformOriginal = ({text, meta}) => {
    text = commonConfig.transformOriginal({text, meta});
    if (!text) {

    const japaneseText = /([ ]?.+?)/.exec(text)?.[1]?.trim();

    if (!japaneseText) {

    const plainText = japaneseText
        .replace(/^(.+?)(.+)$/, '$1: $2');

    if (!plainText) {

    return {
        plain: plainText,
        displayed: htmlifyTextJa(plainText),
        isHtml: true
White Album 2
// /** @param {string} text */
// const htmlifyText = (text) => {
//     return text
//         .replace(/^([^:]+?): ["«](.+)["»][.!?]?$/, '<span style="color: #ffcdd2;">$1:</span> «$2»')
// };

config.transformOriginal = ({text, meta}) => {
    text = commonConfig.transformOriginal({text, meta});
    if (!text) {

    if (/^mv\d+$/.test(text) || text === 'sepia.AMP') {

    const normalText = text
        .replaceAll('~', ',')
        .replaceAll('\\n', ' ')
        .replaceAll('�c', '...')
        .replaceAll('�`', '~')
        .replaceAll('�[', ' - ')
        .replaceAll('\\k', '❄️');
    const plainText = normalText
        .replace(/^([^:"]+?)"(.+)"$/, '$1: "$2"');

    // const displayedText = normalText
    //     .replace(/^(.+?)"(.*)"$/, '<b style="color: #ffcdd2;">$1:</b> "$2"');
    return {
        plain: plainText,
        displayed: common.htmlifyText(plainText),
        isHtml: true
eden* PLUS+MOSAIC (English edition)
config.transformOriginal = ({text, meta}) => {
    text = commonConfig.transformOriginal({text, meta});

    if (!text) {
    text = text
        .replaceAll(/\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}/g, '')
        .replaceAll(/\S+\.(png|ogg|ani)/g, '')
        .replaceAll(/\\n/g, ' ')
        .replaceAll(/\\\w/g, '')
        .replaceAll('�', '\'')
        .replaceAll('#4', '~')
        .replaceAll('#5', '♪')
        .replace(/^'(.+)'$/, '"$1"')
    if (!text) {

    return text;

config.transformTranslated = (text) => {
    text = text
        .replace(/^ (.+)$/, '«$1»')
        .replace(/^["'](.+)["']$/, '«$1»');

    return text;
Implementing a custom translator

net (the node.js module), httpRequest ("electron-request" library), queryString ("query-string" library), URL, URLSearchParams variables can help you create your custom translators.

 * @param config {{host?: string, format?: string, apiKey?: string}}
 * @returns {Translator}
Translators.LibreTranslateCustom = (config = {}) => ({
    translate: async (text, sourceLanguage, targetLanguage) => {
        const host = || '';
        const url = new URL('/translate', host).toString();

        const responseData = await httpRequest(url, {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            body: JSON.stringify({
                q: text,
                source: sourceLanguage,
                target: targetLanguage,
                format: config.format,
                api_key: config.apiKey
        }).then((response) => response.json());

        if (!responseData || responseData.translatedText == null) {
            console.error('LibreTranslator unable to translate: ', responseData);
            throw responseData;

        console.log('custom translator response:', responseData);
        return responseData.translatedText;

Ideas to be implemented in the future

  • ⚠️ Add a "retry" button if an error occurred while translating, also add auto retries (since v0.3.0 auto retries can be implemented by creating an own translator by extending the existing, in theory)
  • ⚠️ Fix dragging when history mode is enabled
  • Maybe return 200 OK immediately after a reqeust (/sentence) to the app Not relevant anymore since HTTP has been replaced with named pipes
  • If Textractor Translator is not running, TTBridge shows errors when sending /sentence requests to the app, so Textractor crashes Probably not relevant anymore
  • Sometimes Google Translator works incorrectly, returning incomplete sentences as a translation, fix it if possible (not possible)
  • Limit history size
  • ⏬ Maybe add "export history" feature
  • ⏬ Maybe save history to the storage and also add "clear history" button
  • ⏬ Add a switch to disable automatic translation of each phrase, phrases would be translated by clicking on the button
  • ⏬ Add more appearance settings: text shadows (✅), outline (✅), text only background (✅), vertical and horizontal text alignment
  • Add a dictionary of words, you can add words there while reading and learn them later
  • Add DeepL translator, improve custom translator creating feature
  • Maybe move languages and translator settings somewhere from profiles code
  • Profiles: add translator and languages options to config.transformOriginal
  • Profiles: add translators object with predefined translators (objects, not names) in it The DefinedTranslators object has been added
  • ⏬ Add Google Translate extension if it's possible
  • Add a global object so that it's possible to store some global (mutable) variables The memory variable has been added for this purpose
  • ⚠️ Fix this: Not relevant
  • Добавить возможность настраивать конфиг TTBridge (и вернуть туда JSON конфиг), включая возможность настройки порта для коммуникации TTBridge и Textractor Translator
  • Добавить возможность настраивать TextractorPipe, включая возможность фильтрации отправляемых данных (например только isCurrentSelect или все без исключения)
  • Добавить перевод с контекстом для более точного перевода

See also:

readme coming soon...