Originally forked from agreatfool swagger-spec-to-pdf
npm install -g MaxW1337/swagger-spec-to-pdf
usage: swagger2pdf [-h] [-v] [-s SRC] [-j] [-y] [-o OUTPUT]
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-v, --version Show program's version number and exit.
-s SRC, --src SRC Swagger spec JSON file.
-j, --json Spec file in JSON format (default).
-y, --yaml Spec file in YAML format.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output path of the pdf file.
For JSON files:
swagger2pdf -j -s ./swagger-spec-sample.json -o ./dump/
For YAML files:
swagger2pdf -y -s ./swagger-spec-sample.yaml -o ./dump/
In either case, the execution will take several seconds to complete.
See: ./dump/swagger-spec-sample.pdf
Support swagger spec files in YAML format, see: PR#13.
In the case of a JSON input file:
- Read source swagger json spec
- Convert it into yaml format
- Dump yaml into the spec dir of swagger editor
- Use electron to render swagger editor page (nicely formatted api page)
- Dump the page into pdf
In the case of a YAML input file, steps 1-2 are bypassed.
This Application uses the swagger-editor-dist version of Swagger Editor
If you want to use some other version:
- clone the repo
- change version of swagger-editor-dist in package.json
- npm install
Done, just use it.